Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

    • Outdated
  • Jehree
  • Apr 9th 2023

A total overhaul to Traps' Path To Tarkov config with completely redesigned map routing, map images (more coming soon), and new features!

Because the Forced Edition is my preferred version of this overhaul, I'm going to be focusing on maintaining that. I didn't realize how much time development takes before uploading these, and I want to focus on the projects I'm most interested in.

You can get the 3.5.5 plugin from my comment on Trap's mod page and still use this version if you want, but for now it's updates are suspended.

I overhauled Traps' map for his Path to Tarkov mod to be more to my liking. Gone are the magical overpowered devices called "car" and "boat" in favor of more balanced pathing, more convenient trader access, and more!

there is an existing issue where certain types of daily quests can cause profile corruptions if PTT is installed. For that reason I HIGHLY suggest using something like Lua's Auto Profile Backup mod so you don't lose your profile.

NOTE: This mod requires that you install Path to Tarkov v 4.2.2 for SPT-AKI 3.5.0 First. See installation tab for instructions.

Summary of Features:

  1. Hotfixed PTT files and updated plugin for 3.5.3 (if you only want the hotfixes and not my modifications, check the comments on the PTT page for my download link).
  2. Incorporated Car and Boat extracts to be part of the routing, rather than be unanimous extracts that could lead you to almost all the maps.
  3. The maximum number of maps you will have access to at a time is 2. This is to encourage traveling instead of only using Car, Boat, and three-way extracts to get around.
  4. One way extracts are now forced. No more back tracking after taking a one way extract.
  5. Each trader is now associated to an entire map, rather than being at a specific extract along the pathing.
  6. In game tool tips to help guide you to where you want to go without constantly having to review a map.

In Game Extraction Tooltips:

I included a small mod I created to update the extract names to indicate where they lead in the map pathing Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (3)

Note: I renamed a couple of the extracts slightly for thematic purposes, or just to shorten them a bit.


Fontaine - for updating his plugin that enables Scav extracts (seriously thank you bro).

Trap - for making THE COOLEST MOD EVER Path To Tarkov. Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (5)


Traders can be accessed by taking an extract that leads into or out of that Trader's associated map.

Factory: Prapor

Customs: Therapist

Woods: Jaeger

Streets: Mechanic

Interchange: Ragman

Shoreline: Skier

Lighthouse: Peace Keeper

All Maps: Fence


Stashes function similarly to default PTT, but I streamlined them where I could.

  • If there are multiple extracts between the same two maps, they will lead to the same stash (i.e. see how Woods and Streets are connected via two different extracts? They lead to the same stash).
    • Exception: all One Way extracts lead their own stash, and they are quite small. This is so that you're encouraged not to use One Ways to store things.

Map Pathing:

These map paths are designed to be balanced around traveling through maps to get to your traders and stashes. I recommend leaving Trader Access Restriction and Multistash enabled to achieve the full experience. You will only ever have access to TWO maps at a time, and all one ways force you to infil on the map they lead to. Car and Boat extracts are normal extracts with normal paths, and don't connect you to multiple maps as they did before. This is to reduce the amount of cheesing possible in the traveling and to really drive home the feel of having to travel through multiple maps to get where you want to go.

Green lines: Two Way Path

  • Extracting from either end of this path allows access to both maps' infil locations the path is connected to.

Red lines: One Way Path

  • Extracting into a One Way Path ONLY allows infil at the map's infil location the red arrow is pointing to.

Orange lines: Alternative to Two Way Path

  • -Extracting into an Alternative to Two Way Path gives access to the Two Way Path the orange arrow is pointing to.
    • Infilling to the location of the Alternative to Two Way Path can ONLY occur if you just extracted from that same location. Taking a Two Way Path extract won't ever lead to an Alternative to Two Way Path's location, but will lead to where the green path is pointing to instead.
    • Example: If you extract from Power Station on Interchange, and then re-enter Interchange, you will spawn at Power Station. However, if you extract from Underpass on Streets and then enter Interchange, you will always spawn at Emercom.

Map image (a more compact and easy to read map will be coming soon):


  1. Install Path to Tarkov v 4.2.2 by extracting the contents of his version 4.2.2 file into the root directory of your SPT-AKI install.
  2. Once that is done, extract the contents of my overhaul also into the root directory of your SPT-AKI install and click Replace All when prompted.
  3. Note that the map image is also included. You can put that wherever you want and use it as you like!

If you have issues with your install make sure both my Locale Changer mod and Trap-PathToTarkov is in your user/mods folder, and the PTTExtracts.dll plugin is in your BepInEx/plugins folder.

If you have any issues with any of the exfils, infils, or extraction tool tips please comment or DM me so that I can fix it!

If you an error pop-up occurs when attempting to load into a raid, that may mean that I screwed up an infil spawn location. Please let me know so I can fix it. You can do these steps to get un-stuck in the meantime:

  1. Close both Tarkov and your SPT server.
  2. Go to your users/profiles folder and find your profile. Open it with a text editor.
  3. CTRL + F and search for "offraid". Set your position to be equal to: "Factory.CameraBunkerDoor". This will reset your position to home.

Known Issues:

  1. Shoreline Scav extracts are not working.
  2. World Event extracts that require a power or lever step work even if that step is not completed. This is intended behavior from Trap, but I'd like them to require the map event to be active so I'm looking into how to make that happen.
  • Overhaul
  • Path to Tarkov
  • trap
  • openworld
  • Map
  • Version 1.0.3

    • Jehree

    Fixed issue that made offraid position not update when leaving out of Reserve extracts.

    • Version 1.0.2

      • Jehree


      1. Labs infiltrations now spawn you at the correct locations
      2. Various infiltration and exfiltration errors corrected
      3. Various tool tip errors corrected

      There is a current issue with scav extracts on Shoreline. I am hoping for a fix for that, but no ETA on that.

      This is still for only up to version 3.5.4 of SPT. A 3.5.5 update will hopefully be coming soon, but I currently have no ETA on that either.

      • Version 1.0.1

        • Jehree

        I am silly and named the folders incorrectly.. this version just fixes that. Sorry guys.

        • Delta

          Anybody else's Customs boiler side extracts completely broken and not working?

          I'm on 3.5.3

          • Delta

            Even the car extract is not spawning on customs... Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (9)

          • JehreeAuthor

            I did not use the car extract or the ZB 11 or 12 extracts on Customs, so it is normal to not have those extracts. You should be able to take the Factory Far Corner or Old Gas Gate ones on that side of the map.

            The map shows all of this if you want a visual.

        • Ech0

          Scav extracts don't work on 3.5.5, everything else works though.
          In 3.5.5 devs moved around GClasses so it broke all client side mods.

          • JehreeAuthor

            Yep, that's correct. Fontaine let me know he'd update the plugin for me some time this week, so we just have to sit tight in the meantime :).


        • joeyjoe

          wow this is great thanks so much for this...did you fix the bug where sometimes the game wont start and you get an error saying something about quests??

          • JehreeAuthor

            Glad you like it!

            No I've not been able to fix that bug. My current workaround is to use a profile backup mod in case it does occur so I can recover my profile.

          • joeyjoe

            oh thats fair that should work

        • madd8888

          i am stuck in the loading after extracting d2 on reserves and when restart spt i am stuck in the load profile screen

          • JehreeAuthor

            Sounds like the profile corruption issue. If you're using a profile backup mod like I suggested, I'd try a few recent ones to see if they work.

        • MKU7tr4

          I've been running your 1.0.1 version quite well on the latest client, however after updating last night and today to your two newer versions it throws an error ive included below. Unfortunately it appears i can no longer download your 1.0.1 version as youve binned it on the cloud, I would happily play the 1.0.1 version until you make an offical release but i cant get back to it

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          at Mod.postDBLoad (E:\SPTarkovHardCore\user\mods\DucBoi-LocaleChanger-1.0.0\src\mod.js:16:45)

          at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          at Mod.postDBLoad (E:\SPTarkovHardCore\user\mods\DucBoi-LocaleChanger-1.0.0\src\mod.js:16:45)

          at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

          Thanks again and take care

          • JehreeAuthor

            Hi there,

            What version of SPT-AKI are you using?

            Also, with the updates, do you have multiple different Lovale Changer mods in your mods folder?

            Sorry that the old link was binned, I didn't make any changes that should cause errors and fixed MANY issues. Sorry for the trouble!

            Edit: I see what I did, I'll get an updated link that's fixed uploaded later today. In the meantime, deleting the locale changer mod will allow you to play.

          • MKU7tr4

            3.5.5, I know its unsupported however it was working good enough for what i was doing. I just have the one Locale Changer

            (I also have a highly self modded version of Traps PTT but opted for your changes until i have more time to fiddle with mine. I love what youre doing.)

          • JehreeAuthor

            Redownload 1.0.3, I updated the file Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (23)

            On a side note, are scav extracts working for you on 3.5.5? I haven't had an opportunity to test

          • MKU7tr4

            Ive been playing an incredibly hardcore playthrough the only one i've been able to test so far is woods factory gate and its working perfectly fine.

            thanks for the quick fix Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (25)

          • MKU7tr4

            After some more testing and consulting your map, scav extracts are not all working as intended

        • madd8888

          this is the error msg i get Tarkov map overhaul LocaleChanger-1.0.0 installed but it works without it.

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          at Mod.postDBLoad (I:\New folder (4)\user\mods\DucBoi-LocaleChanger-1.0.0\src\mod.js:16:45)

          at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

          at Mod.postDBLoad (I:\New folder (4)\user\mods\DucBoi-LocaleChanger-1.0.0\src\mod.js:16:45)

          at PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PostDBModLoader.js)

          at App.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\utils\App.js)

          • madd8888

            running SPT-AKI 3.5.5

          • JehreeAuthor

            Sorry this is an error on my end, I'll get a fixed version uploaded later today.

          • JehreeAuthor

            Redownload 1.0.3, I updated the file Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (31)

        • notjasonlee

          Does this work with 3.5.5?

          • JehreeAuthor

            I have not tested it so I'm not sure, but I believe it should. When I get time I'll test it and update the page.

        • gaylatea

          This is pretty similar to some of the local modifications that I've made to my own PTT install, nice work.

          If it helps, I've found that starting the player at Damaged House on Streets, and the following trader mods, would work really well:

          * Mechanic on Factory

          * Therapist on Streets

          * Prapor on Reserve

          This also helps avoid the issue of "oh I have to go through a f*cking gauntlet every time I want to access my home, or right after I die"

          I can give you the coordinates of the spawn point if you'd like to take that and run with it.

          • JehreeAuthor

            Thank you!

            That actually is similar to my other edition of this (Forced Travel), which is my personal favorite of the two. You should check it out.

            I have Ruined House as Mechanic's location, Warehouse 17 on Customs for Therapist, and Camera Bunker door for home and prapor. I've thought about making other places home, but haven't experimented with that yet.

            I also have some ways to access home from Customs, Interchange, and Streets to alleviate the pain of needing to run home over and over.

            Thanks for your thoughts though, if I end up rebalancing the trader and stash/ home locations I'll definitely try out your ideas.


        • RivviN

          Isn't mechanic is canonically supposed to be in factory, not streets?

          • JehreeAuthor

            Thematically it made more sense to me to have him in streets.

            Many of my extraction paths are not canonically correct. I took creative liberty to make them make sense from a gameplay perspective first rather than relying solely on the open world map.


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        Jehree's Path To Tarkov Overhaul (STANDARD EDITION) - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)
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