•Upgrade Pension, elfare Plans
* * * "Serving the men U'bo move tbe earth!"
Business Manager AI Clem has announced several major improvements· in the Welfare Plan· for Northern California and in the Pension Plan for all participating Operating Engineers Local
Vol. 28, No. 12 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Union No. 3. These major improvements will go into effect
December, 1969 January 1, 1970.
-------------------------------------- A significant change has been made in the Major Medical ex-
MARKING A MILESTONE and a birthday was this giant cake presented to Local Union 3 Business Manager AI Clem by the Marine Cooks & Stewards Union during dedication ceremonies of Operating Engiileers' new Rancho Murietta Tr~ining Center in Sacramento, California · on November 15. Shown admiring the culinary masterpiece are (1. to r.) Ed Turner, Secretary-Treasurer, Marine Cooks & Stewards Union; Mayor Richard Mar-
- riott of Sacramento; H~nter Wharton, General President of the International Un ion of Operating Engineers; John H. Henning, new Administrative Assistant, California Labor Federation (AFL-CIO), and former Under Secretary of Labor and Ambassador to New Zealand in the Kennedy-Johnson administrations; AI Clem and Mayor Joe Alioto of San Francisco.
,40 De
See ng 0 ation •
since the bloody forays of bandit chieftan Joaquin Murietta and the swish-swish of a tJtousand gold pans in the Consumri.es River and its tributaries had this tiny community seen any major excitmentand over a hundred years is a long time between drillks. On Saturday November 15, 1969 Some 1,400 people were on hand for the dedi~ cation / of the Rancho Mmietta Training Center,- an event that will draw these rolling hills, some 22 miles southeast of downtown Sacramento, into the 20th century.
For dedication of this unique 15-acre h·aining center which will be used to upgrade and multiply the equipment skills of members of the world's largest consti-uction union, Operating Er1gineers Local Union No. 3, was only the initial phase of a plan that is expected to create a planned community of some ' 35,000 people. Students at , the h'aining center will -partici- · pate in the development.
A blue-ribbon cross ·section of the nation's constmction, civic and labor leaders were in attendance at the ceremony which included a giant barbeque, Spanish music and an exhibition of sky diving. Inspection of the training facility and bus tours of the 3,500-acre development's historical sites ran continuously.
Principal speakers foi· the event were Shetidan E. Farin, Regional Federal Highway Administrator, Department of Transpmtation and San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto. Former United States Ambassador to New Zealand, John F. Henning, was · Master of Ceremonies.
Other key participants in the program included the International Union of Operating Engineers' General President, Hunter P. Wharton; State Senator · Alan · Short, Chail'rnan of the Transportation Committee who led the pledge of allegience; Charles LeMenager, State Director of Housing.and Community Development;
e r g 0 se AI Clem, International Vice President and Business Manager of Local Union No. 3, and Felix Siri, President of Piombo Consh·uction Company and along with Clem, Co-.Chairman of the Operating Engineers· Local Union No. 3 Pension Trust Fund, the prime mover in the development.
Dan Giles, Project Director of Rancho Murietta, kicked off the ceremonies with announcement of the presentation of Journeyman certificates to a number of chiefs of . party by Robert Reid, Chairman Northern California Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Bill Munson, President, Bay Counties Surveyors. Giles then inh·oduced Master-of-Ceremonies Johll F. Henning.
Father Andrew C. Boss, S. J., Director of the Labor Management School at the University of San Francisco, gave the invocation.
Led- by two Operating Engineers, Paul Schissler and Pete
See-MURIETTA page 10
pense benefit. As you know, this benefit is designed to protect a member against the full impa~;:t of heav-Y hospital, medical and surgical expenses resulting from illness or accident of a serious nature. In the past it has been necessary for a member to pay $100 as his-out of pocket expenses before Major Medical benefits were available. In the future, the entire· Welfare Plan has been simpli-fied so that payment for Claims will he made first according to the Basic Hospital, Medical and Surgical schedules.
When the Basic Benefit payments exceed at least $100, 80% of the balance of the covered charges will be reimbursed up to a maximum payment of $10,000 for each sickness or accident.
Also, diagnostic X-ray and laboratory expenses will be paid up to a maximum of $100 for each sickness or accident without any specific limitations being placed on the amounts paid for each diagnostic test or X-ray.
For those eligible participants in the Plan who are 65 years of age and over and are entitled to Medicare benefits, the program will be updated to pay for the additional expenses that are not payable under the Federal Government medical program.
New welfare booklets are now being printed, outlining these benefit improvements and including for the first time an explanation of the Burial Fund Program. These booklets also will include literature concerning your new Vision Care program as well as the out-of-hospital Prescription Drug program and the Dental Plan.
Your pension benefit plan has also been substantially increased so that an Operating Engineer will earn pension benefits based on his own work activity. Previously the maximum monthly pension an Eng!neer could earn was $10.00 for each year of credit. In the future an Engineer can earn 1.8% of the contributions made in his behalf each year. In some instances, this will amount to as much as $23.40 for a single year's employment.
The following table illustrates the- monthly benefit for a year of credited service earned after the effective date of the percentage benefit formula .
Hours Worked Monthly Benefit Earned Commencing at Age 65 in Covered or Normal Retirement Date, if Later
Employment Hourly Contribution Rate During Year 40¢ 45¢ 50¢ 55¢ 60¢ 65¢
1.8% Benefit Formula 1400 • 0 ••• • • 10.08 11.34 - 12.60 13.86 15.12 16.38 1600 ....... 11.52 12.96 14.40 15.84 17.28 18.72 1800 ••• 0 . 0 0 12.96 14.58 16.20 17.82 19.44 21.06 2000 0 •••• •• 14.40 16.20 18.00 19.80 21.60 23.40
These new benefit amounts will be added to the previous benefit credit you have earned.
An example of a Normal Pension for an Engineer retiring in 1973 is as follows:
If an equipment operator in Northern California ( whpse Benefit Rate is based on 50¢ per hour of contributions) retires at age 65 on January 1, 1973 with 25 years of Pension Credit, his monthly pension would be determined in the following manner:
1949-1968- 20 years of Pension Credit @ $10.00 = $200.00 ' Fension
Expected . Amount Contribution Hours Years of· Earned
Rates Worked Credit Contributions Each Year
1969 50¢ 1,800 H4 $ 900 $16.20 1970 60¢ 1,800 P ' /4 $1,080 $19.44 1971 65¢ 1,600 P' /4 $1,040 $18.72 1972 65¢ 1,600 P ' /4 $1;040 $18.72
5 $4,060 X 1.8% = $ 73.00
Total Normal Pension Amount = $273.00
The Early Retirement Pension benefit will also be improved . Since inception, the Plan has provided Early Retirement Pensions for engineers who retire between the ages of 60 and 65 with at least 10 years of Pension Credit. In the future an early retirement will be permitted at age 55, with an actuarial reduction of Jf of 1% for each month that the retiring.engirieer is younger than a·ge 60. The reduction factor of J4 of 1% per month will be maintained for the years between the ages of 60 and 65.
The Disability Pension benefit will be ·improved to allow· a · totally disabled engineer to retire at any age if he has at least 15. years of credite<;l service or'
1at 50 years of age if he has at least
10 years of credited service. An engineer will also now have available for the first time cer
tain retirement options which he, may select instead of his standard monthly pension amount: See PENSION OPTIONS pag~ 10
, .
,Page 2
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P pu ar Young "es s~ dde
By NORRIS A. CASEY, District Representative
and Guard
Brother Ralph Prince, who for the past two years had served on the Oakland Grievance Committee, was taken by death recently.
Since writing our report fo.r the November issue of the Engineers Brother Prince, who was only 35 years of age, had been a 14 year member of Local3. He was most
News, we have been.extremely busy on a number of projects. recently employed at the Radiation Laboratory in The Executive Board of the Western ·Conference of Operating Livermore. Before that he had worked as a crane
Engineers which consists of one representative from each · of the operator and dragline operator on many construction local unions in the twelve ( 12) Western States, had their meeting jobs and rock plants. His interest in his Union and at the Holiday Inn North in Sacramento on Friday, 'November 14. his loyalty to his fellow members was of the quality Also in attendance was the General Executive Board from the only found in a solid Union member. International Union, General President, Hunter P. Wharton and He will be missed by all of us.
He leaves his wife Shirley and two children, who Gener:;~.l Secretary-Treasurer, Newell Carman, and _ all the Vice- reside in Livermore. Presidents who are on the GeneraL Executive Boa~d, as well as He ,·games from a f(\mily of Operating Engineers. numerous Business Managers and Officers of other local unions . His'fither, Cliff Prii1c~ lives in Nevada. He has two throughout the United States. · · ' · ' ' ' ' ' ·. '· un~I~fBud ·who is ~ t6p blade man fm' GoMorr Ball'
November, 1969
• n1on1-0 k
The main .reason they were in attendance was the Affirmative and Carl who is .retired in Nevada. Action Trust conducted the dedication ceremony of the Rancho Murieta Training Center located in Sloughhouse;· California on
Brother Ra lph Prince -·· * * * Saturday, November 15. The General President, G,eneral Execu- SOUTHERN ALAMEDA AND tive Board ~G1d all the Business Managers throughout the United SOUTHERN CONTRA COSTA States had~-}iead so much . kbout this project t~~t they were COUNTIES anxious to ' attend and see what had been accomplished by the ~Y JERRY ALGOOD Affirmative Action Trustees in the way of providing1a method fo.r C p NCR E T E WAFFLE the members of ·Local 3 to upgrade tht::ir skills aqd . be 3,fforded FLOORING BEING TESTED an opportunity to operate different types of equir,:p1ent. r: , . . FOR HOUSING - Construction
In additjon to the people from labor circles, there were also of an e~perimental design connumerous contractors from throughout the territor:Jal jurisdiction crete waffile floor for single-family
homes, which is expected to be of Local 3 who took time off from their busy schedules to attend adaptable to expansive soils arid and observe this unique project. There were contractors repre- other unstable soil conditions, was sentatives and contractors present from Hawaii, rNevada, Utah, started last month in San Ramon. and a gr{):§if:number from California. l:· The experimental raised floor
Every0'£I~: .. kas impressed by the accomplishments which we had system is designed •to alleviate been ab1~/fo achieve up to this point. I am sure-with the feeding large foundations and floor moveand livirigfacilities in operation that any of the members who are ments caused by expansive and desirous of improving their earning power will be most anxious to · unstable soils. Accelerated testing enroll in the training program for this project. The term is for six will be done over a period of a
·' · 1 $ d year to attempt to correlate the ( 6) weeKs and the board and room is on Y 6.00 per ay. effect of soil conditions on the Durinltf4e m0nth I also attended the General Executive Board structural design.
meeting.h~ld in Washil;igton, D .C. and also at this time, we would The test is of major signiRcance · like tota.ke this opportunity to congratulate Brothe1:s 'J oe"Seymour· · · to the ·homebuilding ·industl'y and -of Localt2~: iri. Los Angeles and John Possehl, Local 18 ihLCleve- · to t11e public, as well, because a land, Ohio on their being selected to serve as Vice-Presidents on large percentage of remaining subour Intei-n:ational Executive Board. Brother Seymom and Possehl division land in California has exare well known in labor circles throughout the United States, and pans_ive soil char~cteristics . If the I am confident that they will lend a great deal to your General test IS succe~sful, It could open ~p
- d · ·h h b h · M · much of this land for residential Executive Boar masmuc as t ey are ot Busmess . anagers f · · use. rom two progresslVe umons. Site of the test floor is on _prop-
In our traveling around the country attending the various erty owned by the William Lyon district meetings, we have had many questions £Osed regarding Development Co., one of the Naour Health & Welfare Programs. Very frankly , there have been tion's hu·gest hi:nnebuilder~ and a many improvements and additional benefits added to out Health subsidiary of American St~ndard . & welfare Programs and you will note in this iSS)Je of_ tne pa:per . The research project is sponsored that there is a brief resume dealing with many pf the changes. jointly by the Portland Cement The new booklets ate at the printers now, and we are ~-hopeful Association, the Northern Cali-to have them in your hands in the not too distant ±f_uture. i: . . _fornia Ready-Mixed Concrete As-
sociation, the Oakland soils con-The trustees of the Pension Plan upon the advic&of the. actuari~s . suiting Rrm of Gribaldo, Jones and
also revised the method in which- the pension tvill be ~ paid. I . Associates, Testing and Controls think it is a fair change in that it means that thosl me~bers who . -of Mountain View, San Ramon Enhave the most contributions made on their behalf ai:id have gineers, and the Lyon Co; worked the steqdiest will derive some benefits fro~ thei~- efforts. The .experimental floor , system
During the p:ast month, Brother Paul Edgecombe. and myself was designed by engineer : Phil -v.isited Hawaii and attended , the Trustees Meeting of ·the Ap- Griffin of Poitland Cement Asso
ciation'sNoithern California office. prenticeship Trust. From Hawaii we 'continued on to Guam Designing of the test project is where we are· endeavoring to solve some of the problems facing based on a waffle or. grid system the Engipeers on this -island. - . with reinforced ribs every.two.feet
Some of the things that you see in Guam are almost unbeliev- 8 inches. Cardboard boxes were . able, but we are hopeful that with help from the Government used to form the waffi~ system. agencies that we can rectify many of these deplorable conditions. The floor has a 2Jf inch miniinum
As the Christmas Season draws near, there are many people thickness with rib height vaiying throughout this land of ours who will not have too merry a Christ- from eight to flfteen inches. The
ribs are the only part of the floor mas. We speak of those people working for General Electric who system resting on the soiL are out on strike at the persent time. The waffle system is widely
You will note that the AFL-CIO is urging that when you buy used in commercial buildings for any electrical products that you give a great deal of thought to upper floors and has been used buying products other than those manufactured by' General Elec- as a slab-on-grade in other parts tric. This is an economic struggle that will have great bearing on of the country, but this experifuture unio11 negotiations. If GE wins, life will -be harder for this ment in residential construction nation's working man. A more complete story of this economic is new in the West. struggle will be found in another section of this paper. The . San Ramon floor is for a
2,400 square foot, two-story house vVe ask you to mark your calendar for Saturday, January 10, having a step down family room
1970. This is the Semi-Annual Meeting and will be held at the and attached garage. Following Marine Cooks and Stewards Hall, 350 Fremont Stteet, San Fran- proper curing, the waffle floor will cisco at 1:00 P.M. We urge all of you to attend in order to hear
· the report of your Executive Board and know what has transpi~ed throughout the jurisdiction of our great organization.
At this time~ on behalf of the Officers, Executive Board and Staff, we 1 r10f.!lc;/like to w,ish yo_u and yours a Merry Christmas an~ a very Happy N~w iYear. . .,
ENGINEERS NEWS Published monthly by Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating ~ngineers, 474 Va lencia St., San .Francisco, Calif. 94101. Second class postage paid at San Franci~c.o, .Ca lif.
* * * be loaded to simulate average loading conditions. for a similarsize · residence.
Soil pr.essure, soil movements and moisture content under the raised floor are being measured by precise instruments. Thirteen soil .pressure gauges were placed uri-
. der the bottom of_ the ribs. Although testing procedures
will be conducted over a period of a year, it is hoped that usable design information will be available within three to six . months, according to Jack Fowler, Dii·ector of Engineering for the William Lyon Development Co., and David Bagley, Housing Engineer for the Portland Cement Association's San Francisco office.
$6 MILLION SET TO IMPROVE 580 IN VALLEY- Over $6 million has been allocated. by State hjghway offici~ls to upgrade the pGition of Interstate 580 between Livermore and Pleasanton.
The improvement project would widen some 7.6 miles of roadway between Vasco and Tassajara roads from four to eight lanes. The recently-announced allocation of funds is aimed at transforming the narrow freeway artery into an eight lane thoroughfare stretching from Interstate 680 to Interstate 5 West of Tracy.
By TOM CARTER The work in the area has been
holding up very well this past summer and fall.
0. C. Jones Construction has a large crew busy on their many jobs throughout the Bay Area. ·
Piombo Construction is working a big spread of scrapers and cats on · a subdivision in Pinole. This job consists o_f ahout600,000 yards of dirt and will Rnish some time in December.
Willamette Iron recently
* * * launched a new ship at their yard in Richmond. This is the Rrst ship that has been built since the war in their Richmond yard. Guy F. Atkinson is now working on baseing No. 2. They will enlarge this bay by 170 feet so they will be able to build a complete tanker and accommodate the larger ships for required work.
Peter Kiewit & Sons marine yard is now building a floating crane for their job in southem Califomia. This will be a 125 ton American Crane mounted on a Liberty Ship. They cut 14 feet off the top deck the full length of the
. ship, and then had to rebuild the deck to hold the c1:ane. ·
Gordon Ball is making good time on the slide job in Pinole. If the good weather holds for another month they will Rnish this job befoi·e' winter. ;
The work picture in Oakland is still holding up in spite of the season's Rrst rain storm.
Turner Construction is keeping several brothers working on the Kaiser Center Building. Brandon
. '·oakie" Crandel is the Job Steward and elevator operator on this job. ·
Dinwiddie is moving along on their twelve floor Golden West Savings Tower at 20th and Broadway, Oakland.
Pomeroy - Gerwick has just moved in a 3,000 W Mantowac for a pile driving job at the Edgewater Inn. Brother John Jarvis is the operator and Brother Jim Greenseth is the oiler.
Turrin and Sons have Rnished the excavation work on the -Piedmont Reservoir and have completely lined this 33 million gallon reservoir with asphalt. Willi~Ihs
See OAKLAND· page 3
Published each month by Local Union No.3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers
(No. California, No. Nevada, Utah, Hawaii, Guam.) -Subscription price $2.50 per year. Office: 474 Valencia St. , San Francisco, Calif. 94103
Advertising Rates Available on Request .
AL CLEM ...... , .... . ..... _International Vice President Business Manager and Editor
PAUL EDGECOMBE ..... . .. .. .............. President DALE MARR . .. .. . ... ...... ..... ....... Vice-President T. J. STAPLETON . . .. Recording-Corresponding Secretary A. J. HOPE .. . .. ...... ............... Financial Secretary DON KIN CHLOE .......... . .. .. ............ Treasurer
_ 1 I l '; 1
~N ,E).'t'~VIN ., 'J ' l ' • ,. _. w . ~ .... _ ... _. . ,· . . ..... Manag}n~ ,E<l-.itor 1 , ·
l l { v .........
t December, 1969 . -_
Oakland Progress
Continued from page 2
and Burrows will put the roof on. MacDonald-Nelson is keeping a
number of members working. _ Brother Ted Burnett is their mechanic and also the proud father of LeRoy Burnett, who now at the age of twenty is in the military service. In 1966 LeRoy beat the world's best in water skiing to win the Masters. Slalom title and until 1968 w;1s California's State Slalom Champion.
ments are holding up well. The Scrap Iron and Ship Repair -
Industry are about the same as last writing. No settlement as yet in the Maritime strike, so the only ships being repaired are the ones that can get into the dry docks and piers under their own power. The same stands for the scrap ships.
Independent Construction Co. By HERMAN EPP~ER
is finishing up their end of the Work around the eastern side work at the upper San Leandro of Contra Costa County slows as Reservoir. the rain falls. We find most of the
Kaiser Steel is moving 'their jobs stopping only -when the 4,000 W Mantowac into their . weather is so bad no work can Kaiser Hospital expansion. be accomplished, and some of the
The new Post Office BuHding good days are used to straighten on 7th St. is approximately 95% out the -damages done by i·ain. completed. This was a 23 million During this time there isn't much dollar job, 90 thousand cubic yards t b of concrete · were used on this prog~ess_ 0. e · seen. . - .
-b 'ld' " · th · t - ·- - ... .. , .. ·n· -, •. , Dmw1ddie , ConstructiOn Co. IS
m mgf t ~~vers 0~~ gmi 1011
the general contractor at the new square
22ee · e dparh m . afrelal headquarters of Standard Oil Com-
covers acres an w en m u . . t . th p t Offi ·11 pany. This IS to be located across
opera 1011 e os ce w1 em- f B h Airfi ld d f · · 1 3 AO'O l rom uc anan e an acmg ploy approximate y ,v posta th f (H' h 680) employees per shift and will op- e reeway 1g wa~ . ·
t th hift d B th . Independent ConstructiOn Co. era e ree s s per ay. ro er 1
· . f th-e B · h b th · b has severa proJects east o e
ene rownm? . abs feen h e 10 Oakland Tunnel, one major proj-steward on this JO or t e past . Pl t Hill R d th ect 1s on easan oa sou year. _
The Rock, Sand, and Gravel industry in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties has slowed down somewhat with a little bit of rain, cut backs in spending, and also high interest rates, .which are a few good reasons. But all quarries are still moving, however, no big projects in sight as yet. Hopes m:e high. The one big highlight in the industry will be when Kaiser starts their new plant in Pleasanton which should be in the very near future.
Equipment Dealers in the area are still busy with a small backlog of work. Machinery Distribution Company is keeping their crew going with quite a bit of field and shop service work.
Peterson Tractor's used equipment department has been busy getting some trade-in equipment ready for resale, all other depart-
of Taylor. This is a widening project and has been a bad section of road for some time. The local people are looking forward to the completion of this job.
The oil refineries have many brothers working inside the plants this winter on redevelopment projects. C. Norman Peterson is completing a three ( 3) year job at
_ the Shell Refinery and Chicago Bridge & Iron is building a new oil tank at Avon. These type proj- , ects are not affected much by the winter weather.
Winton Jones still has employees working at Stauffer Chemical in Martinez. They have -been on this project for most of the summer and the job is coming to a close soon.
Underground Construction is doing a lot of work around the Moraga area. This area is growing very fast and there is a big demand for houses. Gallagher & Burk are building house pads at the site of a new sub-division; also Slavo Rigisich has a drainage job
See OAKLAND page 10
l oca-l 3 Aids Stanford In· Key Safety Study
PALO ALTO, CALIF.-One of tl1e most comprehensive and unique studies of safety in the construction industry ha~ been compiled and published by the Department of Civil Engineering,
'- Stanford · University. 1
Tllis sfudy ·is based bn questionnaires ' completed _ by Operat-ing Engineers ~ocal ' -qnion No. 3 in Northern: California; North-
' ern. Nevada and UtaJL .. .. :(ff; ;• · · ; : ;r· '3 ·Yf
Catalogued as Technical Report No. 114 "A Smvey of the Safety Environment of the Cons.truction Industry" the study was :authored by Lance William deStowlinski as a companion piece to his engineers thesis "Occupational Health in the Construction Industry" in his work
. · toyvard a: degree in Civil Engineer- · ing:Constr1.Iction Management at the university. .
Using the techniques and methods of the social sciences; deStowlinski set out to measure the worker's attitudes, opinions and characteiis.tics as they might effect safety-the resultant findings ·were
_ "startling." In his preface to the doci.nnent
Professor Clarkson H. Oglesby of Stanford's Civil Engineering Department points out that cleStowlinski's study exmnines in depth one of the most impor'tant rind · often ' n1egelctecl1 ·a~·eas of ·safety, "the relatibnship' between accident ·
experience and human factors such ~s the workman's attitude toward himself, his fellow workers, his bosses, and the world in general."
Professor Oglesby says that the findings are startling in that they mdicate a strong relationship between accident experience and workman's attitudes; and that length of employment by individual conh·actors of individual workers is long enough that employers can afford their own programs in safety training.
. In his acknowledgments, deStowlii1ski gives special credit to Business Manager AI Clem, Vice President Dale Marr and "the members of Operating Engineers. Local Union No. 3, whose names I do not know, but whose freely given responses are reported and analyzed in the following pages."
Vice President Dale Mm-:r, the ui1ion's Safety Di;·ect6r, will ex- -amine some of the findii1gs in more detail in his column on page 10.
E N G I N .E E R S N E W S Page 3
. .
Nation's Leaders LaudLocal Union's . Training Programs
Thank you, Dan. It is an honor to share in the ceremonies which
mark the dedication of this magnificent training center. I think all of us would prefer to believe that this Center reflects both the vitality and the promise of free labor and free management in our society. And in an age marked so frequently by despair, contention and conflict it is refreshing to come upon something that represents-so well the certainty of the successful endeavor by free men in a free society. These ceremonies again are historic because they do mark an advance point in the cooperation between free labor and free management in this state. Our program begins officially with the invocation. The invocation will be delivered by the Reverend Andrew C. Boss Director of the Labor Managemen~ School of t!?.e University of San Francisco and long associated with the aspirations of free labor and free management in our community. Father Bos$.
The Free trade union movement of this nation has always resisted and always shall resist the totalitarian suggestions of any government of the day but free labor and free business have always welcomed the cooperative place of government in labor management relations. There is no place for a coercive government, however, in the sphere of industrial relations. We have been blessed in the history ofCalifornia and the nation with government officials who understand the high arid important place of the trade union movement in society, and among those officials of government who have so recognized trade union values is the Senator from San Joaquin · County who also represents large sections of Sacramento County. Senator Alan Short has been particularly effective and articulate in acknowledging the destiny of free labor and free management and so it is with particular pleasure that I ask Senator Short to lead our assembly in the dedication to the flag we cherish and honor, Senator Short.
Thank you Senator. And I would commend OE for giving the :flag its proper place in these cere~ monies on this historic day.
. ' i-. " ... those members of the management team· serving on the various trusts that made thi~ efforl:t possible."
,, j
It is my pleasure -now to present a distinguished representative of management, Mr. FeHx Siri. He is the president of the Piombo Construction Company, a vice president of the Associated General Contractors. More particularly, he is CoChairman of the Operating Engineers Pension Trust Fund. In many areas of the world today all of the powers of production and exchange and distribution have been given to government creating thereby a force by which no trade union, no free man can stand to dissent. That has never been the way of the American trade union movement. We, again, feel that the line of resistance must be :Strongly drawn against the encroachments of any ·government, and surely against totalitarian governments anywhere in theworlcL Free labor and free management built the pr9-ductive greatness of this nation. They gave to us the greatest productive capacity of any nation in history, and those who interfere with either the vitality of free labor or free mangement strike at the sinews of America. Its' encouraging by rea-
. son of this tradition of American traqe unionism
FREUDIAN SLIP or mixed metaphor, Jack Henning's "this unfortunate wedding" (meant to be "unfortunate weather" in reference to the delay in the sky diving performance) drew a roar from the knowledgeable crowd and Mayor of San Francisco Joe Alioto. Jack quickly regained his aplomb and turned in his usual excellent performance as master-of-ceremonies for the Rancho Muri~tta Training Center dedication.
in acknowledging the proper place of private enterprise in our partnership to present Mr. Felix Siri, who speaks for the management that, together with free unionism has made possible this splendid center, Mr. Felix Siri.
BILL CAMPBELL . . the industry is better served with a com
plete training program aimed at its specfic needs."
Rancho Murietta Training Center is another progressive step in the total training . concept envisioned by the Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 and the e;nployers by whom its members are employed. Special training at Santa Rosa for essentially minority young adults (many of whom are school drop-outs) is provided by the Federally assisted program and aimed primarily at the prerequisites for application into the apprenticeship program. The · 'non-discriminatory apprenticeship training ·program' is · designed to accept ' -inexperienced ·persons· and, through both on ·the:.job and forrrial related and continuous classroom , __ training, to ·- p~oduce a competent and produ:ctive Journeyman. , _
Because of the wide and the rapid evo1veinent of newer, larger and more complex ' equipment it has become imperative to devise retraining opportunities for the Journeym_an. Rancho Murietta is geared to broaden the number of skills already possessed by the competent Journeyman in order that he may be more productive to himself, his employer and the constmction industry as a whole.
All of these progressive programs are jointly administered by the union and the employer from this industry. Whereas worked training is as old as workers themselves we believe this total training concept by one large and important segment of the construction industry is unique.
Thank you very much Mr. Siri and Mr. Campbell. Again it's encouraging to find you here sharing the futme of the construction industry in a very meaningful way with trade union represent-
. ' ''I . See,MURIETIA DEDICATION' pa'g'e 4
Page 4
13112 Million In Budget For Fresno Highways
FRESNO COUNTY GETS $13 MILLION FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION - The $782.6 million budget adopted by the California Highway Commission for the fiscal year starting next July 1 contains $13,643,000 for Fresno County, including $8.14 million to start paving 36 miles of the west Side Freeway (Interstate 5) . The paving of the already-prepared four-lane stretch of the West Side Freeway will be from Derrick Avenue to nearly the · Merced County line. The commission not- , ed paving is already under way on the freeway from the Kings County line to Derrick Avenue. The commission announced it intends to budget $2,174,000 in the 1971-72 fiscal year to complete the paving job all the way to the Merced County line. _ '
The comrhissiori also budgeted $5,323,000 for buying rights-of-
·way for future highways and freeways in Fresno County. It placed $310,000 in the budget for widening B~ miles of Jensen A venue from two lanes to four lanes between Fig Avenue and East Avenue. When completed, that sb·etch of Jensen Avenue will be separated by an 18-foot divider strip. The Commission also budgeted these amounts for other San Joaquin. Valley counties:
Merced County - $6,632,000, including $5,300,000 toward completing the West Side Freeway be- . tween Highway 152 and the Fresno County line. The commission announced it plans to budget $3 .3 million in the 1971-72 fiscal year to complete the 17Jf mile job, which will include completion of an interchange with Highway 152, an interchange with Mercy Springs Road and a vista point overlooking the San Luis · Canal and the San Joaquin Valley_~ Also budgeted for Merced County are $311,000 for reconstrncting and widening two miles of Highway 59 near Snelling and $1,021,000 for acquiring rights - of - way for future state highway projects.
Tulare Countv-$3 408 000 including 1.85 million to widen 6Jf miles of . the northbound lane of Freeway 99 near Traver from two to three lanes, $440,000 to help Tulare County pay for widening 2Jf miles of Highway 63 between Orosi and Cutler from two to four lanes; $150;000 to repair the bridges on Freeway 99 across the Kings River, $125,000 to replace a wooden bridge with a concrete bridge over Yokohl Creek on Highway 198 east of Visalia and $843,-000 to buy rights-of-way for future projects.
Madera County - $700,000 including $490,000 for buying rights-of-way and $210,000 for reconstructing the pavement on the Freeway 99 bridge over the Fresno River and the Highway 145 bridge of the San Joaquin River.
Mariposa County-1.54 million, including $1.14 million to extend the construction of the two-lane Highway expressway just north of the Madera County line, $100,000 to extend the widening of Highway 49 between Bear Valley and the Merced River and $30,000 to buy rights-of-way for future projects.
Defying the Nixon-administration's policy of cutting back funds for water resources development, the Senate Appropriations Committee pumped an additional $500 million into the 1969-70 fiscal year federal budget for water programs, including $1 million additional for the Folsom South Canal.
California would be a major beneficiary of the increases.
In addition to the $1 million for the Central Valleys Project Folsom South Canal, $1 million increases were provided for San Luis Drain and Westlands Disb·ibution System, other units of the CVP. These ·amounts were allowed over and above increases provided in the budget bill as passed by the House.
The committee acknowledged it could not force the adminisb·ation to spend the money but warned sternly "it will be their responsibility to explain" to flood and hurricane victims why "programs for the protection of their lives and . security" received lower priority than other federal programs. The largest increase in funds for California could come in federal matching aid to stat.es for construction of waste treatment facilities to combat water pollution. The committee voted to provide $1 billion funding for the program nationally, up to $400 million from the House amount and up nearly $800 million from the Nixon Administrati~n request.
California's share, . under the Senate committee ·version would be $82.8 million, :.compa\·ed to $48.2 million approved by the House and $14.8 million asked by President Nixon. ·The $3 million increase provided by the Senate committee for the CVP follows the House action in · adding about $5.8 million to the CVP budget. The raise would bring the total CVP budget to $42.6 million, up $33.7 )nillion from the figure asked by Nixon.
SEASON'S BEST We would like to take this
time to wish all the members of Loc,al 3 and their families a very Mei'Yy-Metry Ch1·istmas and a Happy New Year.
The $3.464 million budget for the Folsom South Canal in the Senate committee'; program restores, combined with House action, $3 million for this project.
It would guarantee that work could move forward on the canal at a speed sufficient to provide water for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Rancho Seco nuclear plant by 1973. If the federal funds were ·11ot provided, SMUD would be forced to build an $18 million p'ipeline from Nimbus Dam to the power plant at the southeastern tip of Sacramento County.
The result would be a huge loss to the federal government of revenue for the sale of Central Valleys Project water. The Senate committee provided sufficient funds to place Hidden and Buchanan reservoirs in the San Joaquin Valley in the construction stage by the Army Corps of Engineers.
L. D. Folsom Company is about 75% complete on their levee job in Coalinga. Weather permitting, they should be completed by December 1st.
Fresno Paving has shut their Pier Points Springs job clown until spring and moved their crew to Terra Bella. They will widen and overlay Avenue 95.
The Rock, Sand and Gravel Plants are still holding their own. P.C.A. at Lemon Cove has enough orders to keep the brothers busy until next spring. Owl-Folsom is making all the aggregate for the Griffith Company Interstate 5 job and many smaller projects in the area. Sequoia Rock in Porterville has been able to keep several of
See FRESNO page 6
ENGINEERS NEWS December, 1969 • Murietta Dedication Continued from page 3
atives. Among those ·who unfortunately could not be with us today is the executive head of the Calif. Labor Federation, my boss, Tom Pitts who is confined to his home with illness. Tom is as you know, . Secty-Treasurer of the State AFL-CIO and extends his great fraternal greeting~ to all of you here present.
Our next speaker is a man who knows the story of this union quite well. He became a member just 35 years ago, that would be 1934, at a time when Franklin Roosevelt was telling the working people of this nation that in union there is strength, at a time when Roosevelt was saying to the working people that if they organize against the powers of reaction within or without government they could together build a life worthy of the name of a free society .
AI Clem joined the Operating Engineers in that historic period when the Wagner Act -was giving the working people of this country rights that had never been honored or recognized before. He has gone through the long struggles of the trade union movement, appreciating the fact that those who oppose unionism have their day and then die, move out, either from the political or the economic order, but the trade union movement continues and survives its hereditary enemies. But he is a man concerned not merely with the heroic role of trade unionism in hours of ad-versity, he is a man who recognizes that unionism has also the responsibility of acknowledging industrial change, but he is not one who is prepared to give to anyone the power to say that industrial change shall be achieved and realized at the expense of the working people. It is historically false to argue that the age of automation represents merely an engineering phenomenon. Unless the powers that be in government and management realize that industrial change involves soCial change and social consequences we invite the catastrophe of the disaster that came to the western world with the abuses of the industrial revolution.
In bending social change to good purposes we m.ust commit ourselves to adequate worker training programs. AI Clem has been a pioneer in this effort and I think I can say properly that this great center is in part at least, in large part a monument to his vision, to his belief that labor and management can control and can direct industrial change of our generation to the service of the working people of this country. It's a great nonor for me and I think it's an honor for all of us to have his presence here today. It's a great honor personally for me to introduce the man who is the Business Manager, the executive officer of Operating'Engineers Local 3, a member of the International executi':e board, Mr. AI Clem.
Once again, it's, I think, a matter of stimulus for all of us to realize that this great organization of 35,000 members is led in this critical period by a man who understands the social implications of industrial change, and this center marks a beginning or an organizational recognition of that problem.
I am pleased to read a telegram from Washington, D.C. "Regret that previous commitments prevent me from having the pleasure of being with you for the dedication of the training center and facilities for the Rancho Muiretta project. Would appreciate your extending my compliments and cong-ratulations to the Operating Engineers union and all those who have a part in making this .worthwhile training program possible. I will be interested in hearing the results of your project and wish you every success. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Robert H. Finch." . I would take the personal privilege of intro
ducing two old friends of mine that I see here Newell Carman, Secty-Treas. of the Inti., and Vi~ Swanson whose great contribution to the history of this trade union is a matter of lasting record and inspiration.
We are honored today by the presence of a representative of the Governor of California, Ronald Reagan. It is important that the st-ate government should be involved in these ceremonies because the Division of Apprenticeship Standards has
PRE-DEDICATION HUMOR is shared by Local 3 Business Manager AI Clem (left) and Charles LeMenager, State Director of Housing and Community Development, Governor Reagan's representative and one of the principal speakers at the Rancho Murietta Training Center dedication ceremonies.
been intimately and closly associated with the training programs of the Operating Engineers for more than ten years. It is my pleasure now to present the representative of the Governor, Mr. Charles LeManager.
. .t: ple~sure t9 be here and be able to participate m the dedication ceremonies of Rancho Murietta Training Center.
The prospect of this center as tl),e nucleus of a planned new community in these beautiful foothills of the Sierra Nevada is exciting indeed.
I don't have to tell you how this state has grown. As we look to the future, we can foresee a doubling of the population of California in the short span of 30 years. By the year 2000 we will see 40 million people here.
Every month we add 35,000 people-equivalent to a city the size of Napa. Every year we add a new San Jose.
What kind of a state we will have depends on . how we come to grips with the planning for our urban growth. No question that planned new communities and new towns will play a big role. When we talk about this we mean communities where there's full range of housing opportunities -not just "snob" bedroom communities.
Today we face a housing crisis the proportions of which we haven't experienced since World War II. Vacancy factors in our major metropolitan areas are down around the 1% mark. Housing experts agree we need a vacancy factor of 5-6% to have a healthy housing situation and provide for our mobile population.
Not only is there -a shortage, but those houses that are being built are priced out of reach of the average family. Less than 6% of new family construction is priced to sell under $20,000.
Many of us here today wouldn't be homeowners if it hadn't been for a no-down payment 4% VA loan. This gave us the foot in the door we needed to become homeowners and responsible citizens in our communities and have some equity in California.
Today there is no such thing as 4% loansbut thanks to the 1968 Housing Act there is a Section 235 Homeownership interest subsidy program that promises to give this generation of newlyweds and lower income families a break. Let's hope the conference committee of the House and Senate fund this program, and fund it generously.
I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't take this opportunity to implore the Operating Engineers Trust Fund to invest more in housing mortgages-not just housing for the affluent but Section 236 and 235 housing. It gave me a great sense of pride- as it does today- to be invited to participate in the groundbreaking ceremonies
See 1400 ON HAND page 5
I .,
• December, 1969
Read Carefully
General Rules arid Instructions for Applicants I • Two college scholarship awards of $500 each will be awarded,
. one to · a· son and one to a daughter of ni~mbers ofOperating Engi-· n,eers Local Union No. 3 for study at any accredited college or university.
The Local No. 3 scholarships will impose no restrictions · of any . kind on the course of study. Winners inay accept any ot;her grants or awards which do not in theroselves rule out scholarship aid 'from other sources,. imnounced Thomas J. Stapl~ton, Recording-, Corresponding Secretary. · ·
Sons and daughters of members of Loc~ No. 3 may appiy for the scholarships. The parent of !:he applicant must have been a member of Local No: 3 -for at least one year · immediately preced~ '
• ing the date of the application. . , · Th~ applicants must be senior high sc;_hool students who have, .
or will be, graduated at the end of the Fall Semester, 1968, or Spring Sen:_1ester, 1969, in public, private or parochial schools who are planning· to attend a college or university any\vhere in the United States during the 1968-1969 academic year and .who_aie . able to meet the academic requirements for entrance into the uni- ·· versity or college of t;heir choice. Students .selected for s·chohtrships must have achieved not less than a ':B" average in their high school work · . ·
.· Applications . will be accepted between December 1, 1968, and March 1, 1969, for appointment to begin with the following Fall · Semester, ·
On receivinf the application,· Local No; 3 will verify the. mem-
• bership of the parent. The application will then be submitted for judging to the University Scholarship Selection Committee, an independent, outside group composed .entirely of professional
educators. . . . · . Apart from verifying the eligibility of the applicant, Local No.3·
will not exerCise any choice among the various appli.cants or indicate in ariy way that one applicant should be favored over another. AUselectioqs will be~made by the University Scholarship Selection .· Committee on the basis of factors normally used in awarding· academic scholarships; · · · ·
Selection will be-announced before the end Of the current school year, and a check for $500 will be deposited in .each winning stu- . dent's name at the college or university he plans to attend.
All of the following items must be received by the RecordingCorresponding Secretary, Operating Engineers, Local Unioh ·No. 3, 474 Valencia Street; San FranCisco 94103, California, before March 1, 1969. · · . ·
1. The Application-to be filled out and returned by the applicant.
2. Report on Applicant and Transcript-to be filled o~t by. the · high school Principal or person he designates and returned di
rectly to Local No. 3 by the bfficer completing it in the postage. paid f:(nvelope which is supplied with the form .
. 3. utters of Recomm~ndation-every applicant should submit . one to three letters of recommendation giving information about . his character and ability. These may be from teachers, community leader-s, family friends or others who Iaiow the applicant. These may be submitted with · the application; or sent directly by the writers to Loeal No. 3.
4. Photograph-a recent photograph, 2 inches by 3 inches, with .the appiica,nt' s name· written on the back, attached to the application. (Photo should be clear ep.ough.for reproduction;) · · · It 'is the responsibility of the applicantto see to it that all the above items are. received on time and that they are sent to:
Operating Engineers Local Union No.3 474 Valencia Street . San Francisco, Calif. 94103 . . . .
local 3 Member Cited For Vietnam Heroism
Local U~ion 3 member Ron Mossholder has been cited by the Department of Defense for his heroic conduct in saving the lives of two Amelican soldiers while working near Phan Rang in the Republic of Vietnam. ·
In making the presentation to Brother Mossholder, General Creighton W. Abrams, Commanding General of the U. S. Military Assi$tance . Command, pointed out that ' "'Mr. Mossholder . fearlessly expos~d hirll~~lf ' 'to 'danger in
coming to the rescue of two American soldiers who were trapped in the flaming wreckage of an Army truck." General Abrams went on to say that, "Without hesitation and with complete disregard for his personal welfare, Mr. Mossholder demonstrated · great courage and determination in extracting the soldiers and moving them
. to a position of safety. The lives of the, ;two American s,oldiers were saved as a resUlt of Mr. Mossholders' ' valorous deed." '
VIPs & PRETIY DEPUTIES along With some expert sky diving were all a part of the big ceremonies that marked the dedication of Local Union No. 3's Rancho Murieta Training Center at Sloughhouse, California, last month. At top left, former U.S. Ambassador John H. Henning and IUOE General President Hunter P. Wharton listen to Father Boss give the invocation. Top right, Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs C. Swartz and A. Cowan pause for refreshments. In the center photo sky divers show their wares and in the bottom · photo, explain chute techniques. ·
1,400 Viewed Dedication Continued from page 4
for a Carpenters Trust Fund backed 200 unit subsidized housing project in ~y home town of Santa Rosa recently. The money invested in that project will not only earn a good return for the trust fund participants but provides more jobs for union members and more housing for those who need it most. ·
In closing, ·let me congratulate yo~- on behalf of Governor Reagan and his administration on this .fine new training center. Ybu have something here of which you can be truly proud.
Let me also extend best wishes to you in the · development of a truly viable new community. You have a great opportunity to do something meaningful here by way of providing housing for all economic levels. You've got the dough and relatively inexpensive land-two important ingredients for lower income housing. I trust you will use these resources for the development of housing for the average guy and less affluent as well' as for the affiuenffamilies.
Again, best wishes to you for this most promising development program . .
Thank you very much, Mr. LeManager, and it is refreshing to find that the Director of Housing and Community Developemnt shares this concern with the low income millions of our state. I know that all of us here, I say this with certainty, are committed to respect for law and order, for without it a free government cannot long survive, but I am sure all of us here further recognize, that unless we give real attention to the social and economic needs of the deprived and the low income millions of this country we shall continue to know the social turbulen~e thai: is plaguing our country. The trade union movement by its very nature is dedicated to the advance of the cause of the low income people of this nation and). we are always pleased to welcome allies.. ~ ; · 1
. See VOLPE REP -~ag~ '6
Page 6
Fresno Work Moves Continued from page 5
the brothers busy the past few months and we · are all looking forward to more contracts to be let in this area.
A pre-job was held November 6th with Anderson Construction for their flood repair work in Sequoia National Park. Brother ~1-ton "Andy" Anderson will be running the job. He hopes to get started by the 1st of December. The contract went for $156,000.
R & D · Watson is still working 6 days a week on their Lloyd Meadows job. They will be there until the snow flies, then they intend to move the crew down to the valley
. on flood repair work. Some of the work will be around Woodlake, White River south of Porterville and the Kings River north of Lemoore.
We held a pre-job with CEME Corporation November 7th. They will be expanding the Sewage Treatment Plant at Merced. They planned on starting as soon as possible. Haskell Construction Co. has an eleven mile stretch of Hiway 33 between Firebaugh and Dos Palos. So far they have just made a good start on the job. They should have about J~ of their dirt left at this date. Another job just getting under way is Valley Excavation on Shaw Avenue. They have about 6 brother Engineers working close to home here in Fresno. Baker & Baker is starting to lay C:T.B. on their 5 rriile stretch of road on Hiway 49 between Oakhurst and ~oot Jack. This job has kept quite a few engineers busy all summer long. This should continue to be a good job for as long as the weather allows.
Standard Materials h'as just started work realigning the road near Cressy. They should have a good 6 to 8 weeks. They have Michigan 310 Scrapers and 46A Dozers working in a sandy situation, which will allow them to work into the rainy season if necessary. Standard Materials also has been fairly busy around · Los Banos, between Gustine and Merced and is in the process of finishing their over-lay job on Hiway 59 from Merced toward Snelling. Granite Consti·uction has been going real strong on a pipeline job west of Los Banos. They have kept their crew going at a fast clip, working 610's.
Carl W. Olson has completed their section of Master Drain at Dos Palos. This job has helped to keep a lot of brother engineers in the Dos Palos-Los Banos area busy all summer long. There should be another section of Master Drain let after the first of the year.
The ·area around Fresno has been on the quiet side. American Paving has been laying hot stuff on Hi way 180 at . Centerville and on Blackstone A.venue in Fresno. , _II . · •
Darkenwald Construction Co. is winding up their job at Tollhouse, just east of Fresno. Also, Thomas Construction Co. ·put in good hams trying to button-up their mountain job at Dinkey Creek. A lot of engineers from the Fresno area are starting to return from six weeks training at Rancho M uri etta, near Sacrc1mento and they have nothing but praise for the training they have received there. The facilities are complete, the instructors are tops and the food is great. Anyone interested in upgrading their skills, please call the Fresno office, there are still some seats open.
When the rains hit we'll probably have the same situation at Tulare that we had last year. Even with the long extremely dry summer the water has only dropped a few feet.
The California Division of Highway~, aheady the largest in the City of Fresno plans to extend its real _estate' holdings in the metro-
politan area by about '$46 million worth in the next few years. -
It also plans to spend another $56 million building new· freeways, expressways or conventional highways along much of the land it now owns in the city and county or will acquire in the interim. The agency already has spent about $7,443,000 in acquiring rights-ofway for its future Freeway 41 which will bisect the city northsouth. The remaining $46 million budgeted will complete the rightof-way purchases for this as well as Freeways 168 and 180 through the city and on to the Sierra foothills.
R. E. Deffebach, Fresno district highway engineer, said the timetable calls for buying about $6,-052,000 worth of privately owned property for all three freeways in fiscal 1969-1970. Another $23.2 million .has been earmarked for 1971, most of it going to buy right-of-way for Freeway 168 through northeast Fresno to Clovis Avenue.
In 1972 another $11.4 million has been authorized · to pmchase property for this same route on toward Millterton Road and a link . with the new expressway 'being built toward Shaver Lake to replace the historic old Tollhouse Grade. Several sections of the county will share in the $56 million construction program contemplated between now and 1976-1977.
Two major projects scheduled to start in 1970-1971 include the $710,000 Jensen Avenue overcrossing for Freeway 41 and the widening of the Olive Avenue overcrossing at Freeway 99.
A good part of the budget for the next few years will be spent to complete Interstate 5 along the county's West Side to the Merced County Line. Nearly $11 million is earmarked for this project, and the most costly freeway in San Joaquin Valley history should be opened to traffic sometime in 1972.
After the Jensen Avenue structure is completed, the State contemplates a $5,240,000 project to start Freeway 41 from Easton to Freeway 99 in fiscall972-73. That same year, consh'Uction should start on a $5 million project to extend the freeway to Broadway and on to Nevada Avenue in southeast Fresno.
In fiscall973-1974, Freeway 41 will be cut northward to Olive Avenue in a $4,720,000 project, then on . to its terminus north of Shaw Avenue in a $9.7 million project sta1ting in fiscal 1974-1975.
Plans also call 'for widening Freeway · 99 between El Dorado Street and Clinton -Avenue from four to six lanes. This is set to start in 1973 at a cost of $1,320,000.
The start of Freeway 168 to the foothills is scheduled for 197 4-1975. Between l97S-1977, Freeway 180 will be built across town from Freeway 99 to Cedar A venue at a cost of $10,520,000 for grading and stn:ctures 'only. Paving will come later.
Deffebach says the division already is building a spur road from Lodge Road to the Sierra National Forest boundary to tie in with the expressway awaiting paving for the new Route 168 to Shaver Lake and hopes to have it ready for use late next year. ·
This same route between Stevenson Creek and Shaver Dam is scheduled for revision, in which some of the existing curves will be eliminated, starting next February.
A little better than a mile of Jensen A venue between Fig and East A venues will be widened to four lanes and divided at a cost of $310,000, of which the city and · county will pay half.
E N G I N E E R S. N E W S December, l969
Volpe Rep Talks Frankly Contin ued from page 5
The next speaker represents the federal government of the United States in a career sense. He·has been identified with construction in government since the year 1930, when he became involved with the programs of the Bureau of Roads. He is a man who appreciates that without advanced road construction in this country, the nation may well strangle, despite our impressive continental dimensions. He is committed wholly to the concept of government working with labor and management in the area of construction so he represents the light rather than the shadows of government. It's my privilege now to present the Regional Federal Highway Administrator of Region 7 of the Dept. of Transportation, a man who has worked closely, again, withAl Clem and with management in the ambitions of this center, Mr. Sheridan Farin.
SHERIDAN E. FARIN . the three myths in highway construction."
I am delighted to be here today and to view this fine facil,ity which you have prepared to train and improve the ability and capability of those who perform that very vital and essential task of making machines do man's work, and to do it faster and far more extensively than could even be imagined a few years ago.
I bring you the greetings of John Volpe, Secretary of the U. S: Department of Transportation, who is a personal friend of many of you and who regrets very much that he could not be with you today.
In the very few minutes available, I would like to make a few remarks relating largely to the highway program and problems. First, with respect to safety; second, with respect to opposition; and third, with respect to funds.
We are killing 1,000 people every week in traffic accidents! Well over 100 people will be killed in the next 24 hours, and 10,000 will be injured and some disabled for life! These are horrible figures. Last year the total was 55,000 corpses and 1,800,000 broken bodies. Fifty-five thousand- that's almost 10 times the number killed in all our violent crimes every year. It's
·over 15,000 more than have died . in Vietnam durirlg the last 5 years. _
- These figures delineate a problem of such magnitude that one would think it would be sufficient to motivate an emergency national program to cope with the losses. But while the nation spent $25 million in one fiscal year for the conservation of migratory birds, we had to fight to get an appropriation for one recent fiscal year of $26.5 million for the safety work of the National Highway Safety Bureau.
For too long we have turned our heads away from this tragedy. We made excuses. We de
. luded ourselves with the notion that an accident is just bad luck. Well, that's nonsense, and it has cost us some of our most productive citizens.
Let me list just a few of those who have been lost to the world- whose lives were cut off-by tragedy oil the highway: Margaret Mitchell, the authoress who gave us "Gone with the Wind" - General George Patton, who survived the enemy's cannons, but died on a highway in Germany-David Williams, the great nuclear physicist, who was killed in 1965- Frank Clement, former Governor of Tennessee, was .killed just ll days ago in a head-on collision not far from , his home.
And, of course, you all know the story of Roy Campanella, who Jived through an accident but was paralyzed from the neck down. You may not realize, however, that Roy was later in a similar accident- but because he was wearing a seat belt he escaped unharmed. But it was that first accident that cut off a great career in baseball.
It's easy to prove that highway accidents are not just bad luck- for if the fatality rates of the thirties had persisted we would be losing 3,000 per week instead of 1,000. 'And now, with the Highway Safety Act and the National Traffic and Motor Safety Acts of 1966, we have the means to reduce not only the rate but the overall number of fatalities as well.
The Department of Transportation is already using its powers to obtain extensive changes in automobiles-lam-inated windshields, safety belts, crash padding, safer fuel tanks, better brakes, energy-absorbing steering columns and many others, including standards for improved car stability, anti-skid devices, proximity brakes, tougher standards for tires and retreads, stronger auto bodies, energy-absorbing bumpers, and the so-called airbags.
I have no doubt at all that if we systematically applied what we know right now, we could save 10,000 lives per year.
The NHSB of DOT is involved with the States with numerous other safety activities, such . as Driver Education, Emergency Medical Services, Motor Vehicle Inspection, Identification and Surveillance of Accident Locations, and many others including better accident recording, which brings me to the astonishing but true fact that drunkenness is implicated in 25,000 highway deaths and 800,000 injuries every year. It is astonishing but true that 44 percent of all innocent drivers killed in accidents lost their lives because the other guy was drunk. Not "drinking," but "drunk." The drunk driver is no joke, and he should be removed from our streets and thoroughfares.
I hope that the facts and thoughts just presented will make every one here at least a little more concerned with highway safety, but I would be remiss if I did not remind you of the importance of construction safety-the need for including in your curriculum a good solid block of construction safety instruction and indoctrination as each individual is improving his operating skill.
In our day, the practice of mythology was supposed to have ended with the "dark ages," but it "ain't so." Here are some myths of our modern day: ·
One of the prevalent myths says. that highway officials, susceptible to the blandishments of some unseen and selfish ''highway lobby," are striving to pave over the whole United States, particularly our cities, just to permit the "lobby" to sell more materials, or equipment, or provide itself with jobs in perpetuity.
Firstly, let me acknowledge that there indeed is a ''highway lobby," in this country, but that it consists of the owners of our 105 million motor vehicles. This "lobby," incidentally, has an auxiliary membership which includes most of the rest of our 200 plus million people, who may · not own or drive a car but are basically dependent on the motor vehicle for virtually every . aspect of their day-to~day living. ;; ·
Secondly, the "paving over" allegation is grossly exaggerated. In 1916, whe1;1 the FederalState partnership for improving the nation's roads came into existence, we had nearly 3 million miles of roads and streets. In that year we had only 102 million people and 3.6 million motor vehicles. Today, 53 years later, the mileage of roads and streets has increased by less than}.~ to a total of 3.7 million miles while population has doubled but vehicles have increased thirty-fold.
The truth is that most ·of the investment in highways during the last half-century or so has been made not so much for ·new routes but for improving the existing system.
Another myth often repeated, even though . it is without substance, is that because of congestion, modern roads, particularly our urban freeways, are moving traffic even slower today than dming pre-freeway days. Again, this just doesn't agree with the facts, so let's take a look at them.
Prior to the construction of freeways in Los Angeles, _for _t(xample, it t.~C5k ?Omlnures to cover
• Pagl{ 7 . ·
Mary \life lo Explodes Hifihwby Myths::· I.
a Continued from p~ge 6
10_ miles on conventional streets After freeways were _ built, in the same length of time it has
By HAROLD HUSTON blood giving has been developed. become possible to cover 25 miles on th~ Santa District Representative The following gives the pro- Ana Freeway, 20 miles on the San Bernardino
arid Auditor sp~ctive donor ·a clear picture of Freeway, 25 miles on the -Hollywood and Yen-MARYSVILLE BLOOD BANK what really happens in the pro- tura Freeway, and 20 miles on the Harbor Free~
NEEDS DONORS _ CASE OF cedure of giving blood. 1 0 th d d
way,, an increase in travel speed of two to t.wo
~• LIFE & DEATH- The Marysville · n e ay you onate, eat d f ·-
II I h h I f an one-hal . times the possible pre-freeway Disb·ict is proud· of the fact that norma y, a t oug excessive y at-we have our own blood b~ to ty foods and alcohol should be speed. So the jokes about the largest parking
. help the brother engineers and avoided fcir a period offour horu:s lots in the world are just that- rather · crude their families who need it. This before appoiribnent. · · humor, and far from the truth. ,.,
was accomplished by _the fore- 2. Upon anival at the donation The truth is that urban freeways move. more sight . of '·a few brothers in this .ceriter, a volunteer registers a few traffic at much higher speeds_ than city streets. areawho felt we should stand up details and gives you ·a registra- At speeds of only 35-40 miles an hour, the free-
and meet the Challenge head-on. tion card to cany as you proceed . . h h b f
· way carnes twrce to t ree times t e num er of To keep abreast of this need it rom .station to station.
3 -At th fi t ti' vehicles per Jane as does the average city street. takes_ the extra effort of every . e. rst s a on your temc
tu d · ht- h k d It would require 20 new lanes of surface street brother engineer and his entire pera re an werg are c ec e family. The Blood Bank reserve arid recorded on the card. to carry as much traffic as an eight-lane freeway. is very low at the present time 4. At the next station, the he- But the 20 lanes would have neither the spee~ due ·to the fact that many· have moglobin is che?ked when a small nor the safety of the fre~'Yay. - . .
had . tg , use it during .·the pp-~t _, drop ~f _blood rs taken fro~--t~:~ , .. . Another i~teresting · antY 'oft-repeated. my.th twelve months and it · has riot ' end of. your finger and tested. ,. that crops up quite frequently but has abso-been replaced. ' f). A doctor or nurse will take lutely ·no factual basis is that travel today in
It h b d I · th t your blood pressure and ask a few b as een rna e c ear a uestions about our medical his- . ur. an areas ~s · slower -than during the horse-
there are not enough volunteer q · y . . . · d b d h bl d d . . th · U 't d St t tory to make certaill you are phys- an - uggy ays. T is - js always good for a
00 o~ors ill . ~ me . a es. ically fit t~ donate. · chuckle or a "horse laugh" but it, too, is without . Does this condrtwn prevail be- - . f - cause the general public is un- 6. A volunteer escorts you ill~O actual substance. · aware of the great need for blood? the donor room,_ helps you. t? he Admittedly, traffic in some highly publicized If this is the case, ·then the infor- down, and a trailled nurse InJects downtown areas during peak hours moves frusmation should be broadcast by th~ needle gently, e~pertly, and tratingly slow, but belieye me, it moves faster whatever means possible. And ?ar~essly, and )he pmt of blood l l h . h . h l there is no sense being cozy about rs gWrv_ehn: 10 . - , -.-.fi as a genera rue t an m t e pre-motor ve ice · I h ld b d th
1 rt m mrnutes. you are n- era. If we were still trying to use the horse and
rt. t s ou e stresse at ess · h d d · 't d t th ·- k wagon, we would have much worse co'-ngestion than 5 percent of the people give rs e · an mvr e 0 e snac th bl d d d . . bar for some refreshment, and to than we have today-and also some other prob-
e oo nee e to protect every- t lk 'th th th d . If h- . - l diffi lt d t bl h one. This means that 95 percent . a wr e o e~ onors. :. t rs , ems more cu an unaccep a e t an our of the population is getting a free rs ~our first donatio_n, you wrll be present ones . . ride. Something like the worker marled a card showmg your blood , Tal1dng about the horse-and-buggy days re~ -
h t' . . · . b . group and whether you are RH • ll w . 0 wo
thJOibn a fiut~110n, m: re- positive or negati;,e. ca s a corollary myth. · This one accuses the high-cerves a e ene s. way program of taking valuable agricultural land
The feaT of giving blood is be- TWO POINTS TO REMEMBER for right-of-way and so we are about to produce lieved to be the main reason more l. In the good transfusion, a starvation for the nation. Actually,_ by replacing'" people don't volunteer. But few donor's blood must be found that the horse and mule, motor vehicles have madewill admit they are afraid. It's matches the patient's blood both more land available on which' to grow food for the other person who's afraid. In . ill. the maJ'or· gr·oups, A, B, AB, h I 1910 90 'll' . d
d d d b th umans. n , mr wn acres were rc;:qmre
a. s.tu y con ucte . y e French and 0, and r·n the RH factor·. If d f d I · t f. M · 1 R to pro uce ee for horses and mules: ._ This is nstrtu e or otivationa e- th · 't thi " t" · '
search, FrEmchmen . were asked,. b' lered lSnh' s fa~reemen, .·- bm twic~ thG ,!9t~l area for all the right-of.~way . on wfry 6tr'le~:-: P,~'6pie didn't ·:give' ,- .00 ' t_ e trans uswn cant ' .e all 'Of the - ~ntin:i · publie ·road and street ·system bl~ d d 6l · · · t · d th grven wrthout the fear that · the of our nation to_ day. And the pavement ritself r's-
0 ' an per cen sar e red cells will go into a clump-?ause was fear. But when answer- · ing reaction which obstructs and only a minor 'fraction of this amount. Today, we mg about themselves on the same t' · t th · 1 t' f need only 4 million. acres for feeding "Old _ . . - some rmes s ops e crrcu a ron o questwn, 22 per cent sard they th bl d · · Dobbin." Rather inte_ restingly, we also are tak-
h · II · · d d e 00 · w56ere p ysrcahydmcapabcltate ,kand 2. If more people would give ing more agdcultural land out of crop pro.i
per cent a not een as e , bl ·d th th · ld b d t' f ·1 b k h d
.d h h . oo , en ere wou e more uc IOn as part o ·our sor an program eac .· or 1 not ave t e trme. · t f h t ·r bl f · h k f h h
During one complete day the pm s _o eac ·ype avar a e or year t an we ta e out -or new ig ways-simp~'
R d C t . . · selectiOn when the call comes that ly because of overproduction of agricultural! e ross gave.ou questronnarres 1 · d
t th 13 ... 33 h d d bl d one or.severa patients nee tr·ans- products. _ c,. o e ,o w o onate oo f . · N . h d · b
in their center and mobile units uswns. atrued as . one Its -est . You have all heard the often-repeated mytlf
th t Wh k d to encourage onation. When a h b h' h d ·' '
across e coun ry en as -e f bl d k f t at ur an rg way constructr'on an r'mprove-.. 1. "Wh t d th.' k .- th ' · pint o · oo . is ta -en rom a .per-a _ o you m rs e most h b d k d ments take land from the rateable rolls, reduce .
· t t - h th h son, t e o y goes to wor ;m rmpor an reason w y ose w o I 't 'th' · f k taxation revenues, and thus. c_ompel the remain~-
. blo d d . ?'; rep aces 1 wr ill a ew wee s. _ can grve 0 1 - o not grve. · · · · ing taxpayers to make up for the loss by having the majority answered, "fear and WHERE CAN I GIVE BLOOD? to shoulder an added tax load .. pain." Asked why they were do-' CHIC0- 169 Cohassett Road Actually, we have hundreds of studies which :~~~-~~·~'My duty, I want to help OROVILLE-Medical Center, show that while there may be a brief loss in
How can people be relieved 2767 Olive Highway some instances, in the overwhelming majority of their fears and prejudices so MARYSVILLE-Elks Club, of cases, the highways · bring with them sub-that they can donate blood freely? _ 920 D Street stantial economic benefits. (Let me cite just If a non-donor experiences a great WHEN CAN I GIVE BLOOD? two examples of what I am referring to). (Time need for blood for himself or his will not permit me. to give you the details of family, he might see the light, But CHIC,O-Monday- 4:30 p.m. to some examples). · · · ?:
the patient can't wait for this mo- 6:30p.m. One of the best documented cases is Route ment to happen. Blood is needed Tuesday- 8:30a.m. to 128 f now. Jiow do you. convinGe·:·h l0:30 a.m. , a circumd er
1e9ntial hidghway around Boston. It
man's 'mind that his blood ' is Chico prefers you make an ap- was opene · in 51, a:n it is estimated that by needed for the general good? How p<;>intment prioi· to donation. 1959, over $137 million had been invested in do you enkindle his unselfish in- . OROVILLE_.:. 1st Thursday of new plants along the route, employing some 27,~ stincts to help others? This is the . eac_h month- I:Oo·p.m. to 500 workers. Although some of this activity business of . the education, -infor- . 5:30p.m. . r involved relocation from other parts of the coni- . illation and recruiting. The goal, is MARYSVIL~E-2nd Tuesday of munity, the net gain to the whole metropolitan to create in more people i:he posi- each mori.th-11: 00 a.m. to area represented an estimated $129 million, and
. tive forces -strong enough to over- 12:45 p.m.-2:00p.m. to ·added 19,000 new employees. to the area's pax-come the negative restraining 5 00 ll f th k
: p.m. ro s. , orces at eep people from giv- The second lllustration involves a small~r
ing blood. · Giving blood is simple and Your Business Representa- town-Yankton, South Dakota, a city of 9,0QO
painless. It is not any more trouble tives and Office Staff in the population where 3.1 miles of U.S. 81, running than going out to lunch. Themes- Marysville District would like through the heart of the city, were widened and sage should be repeated over and to take this opportunity to wish upgraded in design at a cost of $852,489. An
all the brothers and sisters and d h d b th over again, especially by those in- ept stu y made y e Federal Highway h h - d h their families a very MERRY dm w o . ave onor experience . T e A inistration of the impact of the improve-h I d k I h CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY
w o e proce . ure ta es ess t an ment disclosed that it saved time and money fo·r · NEW YEAR!!!
an hour, but the giving of blood the citizenry, reduced accidents, spurred busi-itself is only about 6 minutes time. · ness, boosted employment, hiked land valu~s,
A blood donor is always given By DAN SENECHAL d d h b the VIP treabnent. The fir~t-time Business Rep1'esentative an improve t e tax ase. donor is a very special person. He 0 R 0 VILLE A N D T H E The study further revealed that accidents is always thanked and_ urged to MOUNTAIN AREA - Winter dropped from 71 in 1956 to 34 in 1965, ev~n corny oaq~. ~T~~ 'q.o~or. gqes away ' dihs and · e~rly snows finds the though travel doubled from H~ to 3 million feeling :~ap-py: an<~ _· boble- about c6htrhctorh ' \Vi1iteri:iing jdbs 'arid vehicle miles. The overall cost to the user, which the" wh6le ' thing: 'The ' habit of See MARYSVILLE pages in addition to accidents ~includes travel time and
vehicle operating costs, totaled 15~8 · cents per · vehicle mile before and 13.1 cents after the highway was reb~ilt, a decrease of more than 15 percent. The number of businesses showed -a net increase of almost 100 percent-from 60 to 119.
Land values showed a sharp increase as assessed valuations for property tax purposes climbed from $1.2 million to $2.79 million, an . increase of 133 percent. It is estimated that the improvements themselves increased assessed
· values· by more than 100 percent.
The number of persons employed by b~siness fir:ms along U.S. 81 jumped from 402 in 1956 to 952 in 1966, an increase of 137 percent. By comparing this with the increase in a "control group," it was concluded that at least ~~ percent of the increase was due solely to the . widening and upgrading of U.S. 81. .
The improvements also resulted in a number of somewhat intangible sociological benefits due primarily to improved mobility and accessibility.
·Recreation -areas .caw now ~-be . reached with · greater ease; memb.ership and participation in voluntary associations have increased; and trips to · work are less strenuous. Also benefiting are public service activities. School buses make their ' rounds more efficiently and m·ore safely. Ambu-, lances save travel time that ' could save lives. Fire and police protection, and rural mail service have been expedited.
The Yankton experience demonstrates that highway improvements not only make for economic growth but they result in a better environment and better living and illustrate that these benefits accrue to both the small and the large community. These Yankton and . Boston illustrations are repeated with regularity across our entire country year after year as we go about the job of improving our highway system. . Another myth bandied around as if it were a fact Is the one which claims that freeways use up tremendous amounts of scarce urban land needed for other purposes.
The fact is that urban freeways' presently planned will require less than 3 percent of the hind in the cities and if we didn't build the
. freeway types of highway, several times as much -land area would be required for moving the same traffic volume by conventional street sys-tems. In Los Angeles-sometimes held up as a horrible example- the proposed 800 miles of freeways-only a fraction of which are on the · Interestate incidentally-that will run through the metropolitan area by 1980 will occupy only about 2 percent of the available land.
It has been frequently charged that half of the total area of Los Angeles is devoted to highways, streets and parking-in other words to the motor vehicle. This is true at this present time only about the central business distriCt. But a large share of the parking mage represents land that is in a transitional stage from old uneconomic buildings to new high density building use which will then permit parking as an incidental to some other usage of the same plot of ground.
·And this . other type of land usage could not occur if the street and vehicle did not provide the · access thereto. About 50 years ago ·in the horse and_ buggy and trolley era; 35 percent of the . central business district was dev'oted to streets, alleys and sidewalks. We do not have a record · of the amount of area that was devoted ' tb the stables and wagon yards to park :the horse and
. buggy transportation of 'that era, . but it must have also been a sizeable amount. Surely some srriall additional percentage is not too high a
price to· pay for the speed, convenience and flexibility of hte private motor vehid~,, and accessibility which it brings that makes all the rest of the occupied land as valuable as it is . .
-It is interesting to note that when Pierre L'Enfant laid out the City of Washington, D.C., in 1790, a full century before the days of the automobile, he proposed that 59 percent of the total area be used for roads and streets. This is even more than the area now devoted to highway transportation and parking.
Then there is the myth that we have reached the stage of a national coast-to-coast and bumper-to-bumper traffic jam, with the whole country strangling in traffic congestion. This is really an interesting one bec,ause last year Americans drove a whopping one trilfion 16. billion vehicle miles. If, as some critics claim, motor vehicles have become immobilized on our highways, how did . the driving public rae~ :up . this Jap,ta~V~" mileage? · , i , , ,_ · .. , 1 ' I ·. ~· L
See i {ELLING,.IJ~page 8:
Page 8
Continued from page 7 equipment. A. Teichett & Son Inc. have completed winterizing their Lake Almanor project on Highway 89 West. The only sign of activity will be the burning crews and that will only last about six weeks. The Kizer & Heintz eatthfill dam job at Stampede is also making with the antifreeze. Temperatures here range from a cold 22 in early rooming to a high of 42 at lunch. Most all the dirt has been moved at Stampede, however the spillway tunnel is still a mighty sore spot with the Kizer-Heintz people.
W. K. Ingram has had to move off their job for Western Pacific Railroad. Early rains and a high raising Feather River will keep crews and equipment on the north side of the river until Spring. Hughes & Ladd Inc. of Redding have completed their slip-out and slide project at Blairsden on Highway 70 just ahead of the rain and snow. ·The slide area was moved with three TS-l4's in about three weeks. The slide area· was then filled vvith material from a down
' stream pit. I'd like to say one thing about those rigs- they are the answer when you work in tight quarters, they really haul muck.
The State Division of Highways Opened bids on a project to COn" struct a 250 foot long viaduct across a slipout on Route 70 about 13 miles northeast of Oroville. This section of roadway was damaged by stonns last February.
Low bidder for the work is Hughes and Ladd Inc. of Redding. Plans call for constmction of a four-lane bridge near the west end of an existing struchu·e which spans an arm of Oroville reservoir. Two east bound lanes vvere closed when earth fill slid in to the lake. Since that tim,e h·affic has beer1 using a temporary two lane detour. When construction begins the existing detour will remain in use until half of the new viaduct is completed. Then a traffic switch will be made and two lanes will be opened on the permanent structure. The work will take about nine months.
Oman Construction of Oroville was low bidder on a Butte County project to construct a five foot sidewalk outside the existing rail of the Feather River Bridge, Route 162 at Thermalito. This structure is just west of Oroville. The bridge was built in 1921. It is narrow and has no facilities for pedestrians.- The sidewalk will provide a safe crossing. Work could begin in about a month and should tak e · thre e or more months, d_epending on the weather.
By BOB . MAYFIELD Business Representative
CHICO AND THE WEST SIDE-As of this writing .the,_sun is shining brightly but e\7eryone knows this is a very temporary th·ing and subject to change quite. suddenly. Winter is definitely upon us and the contractors are either trying to get their job winterized so as little damage as possible will occur or to finish what has ah·eady been exposed. Butte Creek Rock working as a subcontractor on Highway 32 east of Chico for Hughes and Ladd is in high gear trying to pave every mile of this job that has been made ready to pave. Immediately ahead of this crew is one working fm' the O'Hair Company laying a rock sub-base. This is keeping a total of 7 brothers in high gear. Butte Creek Rock recently purchased a new SA-41 Barber Green Paver and according to its operator Brother Mel Mills, it does a beautiful and fast job .
Over on the west side Fredrickson and \iVatson Construction on Highway 5 are practically in tl1e same position. They have their
crusher set up and strings of trucks are hauling sub-base rock on grade that has . been made ready for it. Sub-contractors Lou Jones and M. L. Dubach are almost completed with their segments of this job.
In the Yuba City area Baldwin Contracting Co. has picked up three pipelines and getting well along towards the finish stages. They have several small · sh·eet jobs scattered throughout the area that are bringing pay checks to several of the good brothers.
Jobs of importance were let recently which should statt in the up coming weeks were picked up by Butte Creek Rock at Willows. This job was awarded to this company for $114,000 and consists of paving and related underground work. On the west side also A. Teichett & Son Inc. were the apparent low bidder for a large section of Highway 5 overlay. On the east side near Phil Brook reservoir a bridge and its approaches plus road improvement was awarded to low bidder L. Doirs for $230,000.
In the rock, sand and gravel business Kaiser Sand and Gravel at Hamilton City is having a bonus year according to Steward Glen Berglund. They are employing over a dozen· brothers and are working 1:\vo shifts h·ying to furnish suitable rock for Hughes and Ladd and Lema Construction who both have jobs on Highway 32.
The materials dealers in this area are not so lucky and are running slower than usual.
Some plants are going fairly well and others are almost at a standstill. LaCasella Pipe in Yuba City are just approaching their busiest season. This company manufactures concrete pipe and in the off season is when ranchers in the· smiounding area install this excellent irrigation pipe.
Saf-T-Cab Inc. of Yuba City also seems to be quite busy. This shop - fabricates primarily roU bars and cabs for any and all types of heavy equipment. They recently made six very large cabs for Cat 660 rigs for the Oman Construction Co. and they in turn shipped these to a large job in Kentucky. These cabs meet all Corps of Engineer specs and is the reason Oman bought these. According to the company very few others do meet the specs and then only at a cost usually exceeding theirs.
Medicare Deadline
This Month Medicare beneficiaries were
warned today that ,Deceinber 31, 1969 is the deadline for filing medical bills for services received from October 1, 1967 to Septem-ber 30, 1968. .
"There is no provision for late filing," said J. Leland Embrey, Dish'ict Manager of the San Francisco Civic Center Social Secmity Office.
Medical insurance under Medicare pays 80 per cent of the reasonable. charges for doctors bills, Embrey said. Other benefits payable include outpatient hospital services and physical therapy, home health visits, medical services and supplies. The beneficiary pays the remaining 20 per cent reasonable charges in addition to a yearly $50 deductible, Embrey explained.
Medicare claims can be filed at any of the four San Francisco Social Security offi ces located at 303 Golden Gate Avenue, 761 South Van Ness Avenue, 145 Columbus Avenue and 5815 Third Street.
ENGINEERS NEWS . December, ' 1969 • • •
Telling It Like It Is Continued from page 7
Perhaps the biggest myth the American public is asked to swallow is that highway people want to prevent any other mode of transportation from being rriade available, just because they are so sel£shly jealous of the automobile that they don't want any competition.
The real truth is that no group is more aware of the limitations in highway transportation than are the highway people themselves and no group is more willing than the hard-pressed highway administration to share with others some or the heavy burden of transportation in this country.
We in the Federal Highway Administration welcome with open arms the contribution which any mode of transportation can make toward moving people and goods efficiently. That is why we support enactment of the pending Public Transportation Assistance Bill of 1969, which would provide $10 billion over the next 12 years to cities for additional mass transit facilities. Please note that this bill would permit both-or either-rail and bus types of mass public transit.
There is no disputing the fact that in some areas of high population density, rail mass transit can do a fine job, and we enthusiastically support its construction in such cases. But we also recognize a truism of transportation lifethat in many areas rail transit is impractical and uneconomical and will never be built. These areas then must rely on bus mass transit, which today is already carrying 70 percent of all transit passengers in our urban areas, and the bus will probably continue to be the only form of mass transit in at least 95 percent of our urban areas of 50,000 or more population, and in every one of our smaller communities.
One of the biggest and most often repeated myth is that rail mass transit can substitute effectively for highway transportation in a n eitheror, or local choice basis. In some larger cities , it can surely augment highway transportation of people, but what about the movement of goods, none of which can be moved by ·a rail line? To talk about rail transit as the single, simple panacea for all the nation's transportation problems in every urban area simply does not jibe With reality:
The clothes we wear, the food we eat, the newspapers we read, the mail we receive, are all dependent on highway transportation, . and even more so within the urban areas than the inter-city B.nks. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to imagine any major facet of American life that is not closely linked to rubber-tired transportation.
In the .233 urban areas of more than 50,000 population in our nation today, 99 percent of all person-trips and 98 percent of all person-miles of travel are by highway vehicle. Of 213.6 billion person,trips annually, 205.4 billion are by automobile, 6 billion by bus, and 2.2 billion by rail. Of 653.3 billion person-miles annually, 616.2 billion are by automobile, 23.9 billion by bus, and 13.2 billion by rail. In smaller urban areas,
· the proportion of highway travel is total. In inter-city travel, it is estimated that of 1,073
billion person-miles, 931 billion are by automobile and 25 billion by bus, for a total of 956 billion or 88 percent of all such travel by highway. Air travel was second with 93 billion person-miles, or less than 9 percent of the total. Thus the highway mode is more than 10 times as big as all other put together.
Yes, there are many myths and much misinformation being spread about the highway program. We must, however, act in a responsible way that separates myths from h ard facts. In dealing with the real worlds of today, we must base our actions on sound basic information and constantly apply the trained professional expertise and experience which we have learned. We cannot be motivated by simple hunches and emotions. We must look at the whole of our country's transportation needs and the relation of those needs to the overall needs of our society.
Now, the financial picture. Some time ago a nationally known magazine published an article declaring that the National Highway Program was supported by huge Federal subsidy.
The writer must have had a distorted understanding of the meaning of the word subsidy or have been woefully ignorant of the method of financing the Federal-aid program. The present National Highway Trust Fund was established by the Highway Revenue Act of 1956. It provides for the deposit ·by the U.S. Treasury,in a special trust fund, all revenues derived from
motor vehicle fuel taxes and certain other designated excise taxes on motor vehicles, their parts and ti.t;es. Only revenues credited to the Trust Fund may be used to meet the Federal-aid obligations under the Federal-aid Road Act. In other words, at the Federal level as well as here in California, the highway user is paying the cost of construction and maintenance of Federal-aid State and principal local road systems. I do 1 not think, in any sense, that this can be properly . called a subsidy. .
Where do we stand on completion of the well . known National System of Interstate and D efense Highways? The original40,000 miles were
. to be completed in 1972 and the trust fund (by law) discontinued.
In the first place, the system has been increased by the addition of 2,500 miles, making the total 42,500. The required standards have also been expanded, and both of these have materially increased the total estimated cost of completing the system.
In addition to this, there have been several ' so-called cutbacks which are essentially re-1 ductions in the permissible rate of obligating funds. Right now we are in one of these reductions, which differs from the previous manda-tory cutbacks in that it is considered voluntary, -but the effect is the same, a net reduction in the 1
rate of contract awards and a reduced number of active contracts during any period.
Now I am not qualified to evaluate the overall need for these periodic slowdowns, but I do know that the net effect ofthese variations, at the· operating level, is rdeuced efficiency, increased costs, and a severe adverse effect on job availability and stability. I also know that there is about $1Jf million in the National High-way Trust Fund which may be used for con- • struction projects.
Next year, 1970, is probably the year of decision . .If the Trust Fund is to be extended to permit completion of the entire 42,500 miles (as well as continue the basic ABC Highway Fed!ral-aid Program) and avoid an even more severe interruption, it is essential that appropriate portions of the law be changed during the next session of Congress.
Again, I want to say how much I appreciate being invited to participate in the opening of this very excellent facility. I do compliment you on what you have done and are now doing.
JOSEPH ALIOTO neither the cutback in construction or the
so-called Philadelphia Plan are workable solutions for curing inflation or increasing minority skills and hireability."
Joe Alioto was one of the great student progressives of his day and I arn pleased to say that he hasn't been spoiled. He is a man who believes in the partnership of labor and management, a man who believes that in an age of social change we must have order but, we can never deny intellectual dissent, we can never control the mind, we can never intimidate the commentators of the events of the passing scene, for if we do this in the name of government, we not only limit, but perhaps we endanger the very freedom of America's future . It's an honor to present a man who has been associated with this union and with the development of fi:ee business in this society. It's an honor to present an old friend and a great friend of this' union, Mayor Joseph Alioto.
· December, 1969 ENGINEERS .N .. EWS
Scon~ · aior Gai s In ·· · Alioto Scores C~tbacks e w Haw ali i Agreement M Ch . Continued from ~~ge · ~ · photogenic city, those skyscrapers are being built
. r. airman, . Reveren~ Father, President with all of the accord being given to _the claims · By HAROLD LEWIS, venience, the employee will now Wharton, My Colleagues m Government, A~ of urban beauty. They're gciing to add consider-
WILFRED BROWN, be able to add to their Credit Clem, a great leader of a very great local, Ladies. ably with the great downtown plazas. We're go-KENNETH KAHOONEI, Union savings acount and also be and Gentlemen: · d 1 d th kyl ' · · WALLACE LEAN, BERT able to have Credit Union loan mg to eve op an e s me that Is .gomg to be
NAKANO and JOE REINERT payments made thru payroll de- . I want, :first of all, to thank all of those polit- , quite interesting, and yet preserve an environ-NEGOTIATIONS AT ITS duction. 1Cal figures who have some hnd of control over ment that most of us think is unique. Incident-
PEAK IN HA WAlle.._ A new three INDENTURED APRENTICE- this jurisdiction and who, I understand, have ally, so far as freeways are concerned; Mr. Farin, ear agref?inent has been consum- SHIP PROGRAM-The employer some kind of control over the weather as well. we have no objection to freeways. We wanLyou
m_ated with the REPAIR DIVI- shall participate in this new ap- When I got up this morning I had a fear that to _ build one in San Francisco, but we want you ION OF ,AMELCO CORPORA- prenticeship program. somehow or another I might wind up today with to build it underground! Because we not only
TiON, pi:eviously named Ameri- Negotiations have also been so:ne . kind of a sunstroke and they have set my like the Operl!ting Erigineers,-we like the Laborcan Electri¢ Co:, Ltd. The Union's completed and agreements have mmd at ease, and I wish to thank them for this ers Union too, and the Electricians and the negotiating team consisted of been consummated with the fol- . very fine accommodation. Plumbers, an~ furthermore, . because-of the great Brothers Harold J. Le~is (nego- lowing four companies: Hawaii- It's a particular delight to be here today, to experience we have had with BART, because of tiator), Wallace K. Lean and Wil- Kai Community Services Co., commemorate this very fine thing that's being that great experience, the costs of building linfred K. Brown. We are happy to Whitecrane, Inc., Arons Building done. I've tried to make the point, in many places, derground have actually gone down considerrepmt that the employees of the Wreckers and Jack Merriman dba. that in the final analysis the two most practical ably. We know a lot more about it now in San Repair Division of AMELCO Cor- We are now in the process of · poration had ratified the new negotiating a new agreement with instruments we have in our society are the labor Francisco. While the cost of surface rights has agreement with unanimous ap- State Tile. The negotiating com- unions and management, and· when all of the gone up and it's going to meet one of these days. proval. mittee for · the Union consist of social problems that beset us are argued about So this is what we want you to do. We want you
The new three year agreement Brothers Harold J. Lewis, Wal- and debated furiously, my own view has been to to bui,ld it underground, that link between the ~ails for major gains as follows: lace K. Lean, Kenneth Kahoonei turn to the labor unions and to management first, Embarcadero and the Golden Gate Bridge and
HEALTH AND WELFARE and eight employees employed . and to use these instruments to kind of reach out wliile you say it'.s just a little piece of land you're TRUST FUND - The establish- by State Tile. The eight em- to spread the benefit they have brought to so talking about, you are talking about one of the ment of the Health and Welfare ployees are : Brothers Obed many people to the other elements in our society . . really great metropolitan views in all the world,
·Trust Fund within itself is cer- · Brown, Jose Espisito, .Charles Wa- What you're doing here today proves that very that view out to Sausalito-that northern water-tainly. a major gain for the em- hilani, Charles Santiago, Rodney thing. front view, and so you and I now are going to ployees. The employer is required Campos, Eugene Medeiros, Gil- y k h If d to conh·ibute 25¢ per hour for bert Inouye, Joseph Napolean and ou now, a a a century ago we were fight- ~tart dito ay to negotiate a transaction to start each hour worked by each Em- James Kamanao. ing for the right to unionize. We ·finally got ou·r- uil ·ng that underground and doing ·it rather ployee to the Health and Welfare FURTHER CONSTRUCTION selves to the place where in 1914 in something quickly. . Trust Fund for Operating En- CONTINUES - Let us give you called the Clayton Act we were able to say that The_ thing that's most praiseworthy about gineers. Thereby, eligibility will some idea as to what will trans- the labor of a human being is not a commodity to what's . being done here today, is that it really not terminate on the last month of pire come the . first of the new be traded competitively. Then, when people tried points the way to the real solution of some of , work, but will extend as far as oyear. Tho many articles have been to use injunctions to hold back the labor unions, the problems we are arguing about today. A there are hom:s in the employee's written concerning Sub-Division we finally got ourselves to the point where we Philadelphia Plan with ?- fixed quota is no way l ·eser··ve acco t ( · 6 developments, there· ar·e countless 'd h 'II b f h dli h · f ' un maxrmum sm t ere e no injunctions in labor disputes, o an ng t e traming o minorities to come months). Eligibility also entitles areas ready to be developed by and in that continuing 'evolution we came to the into the mqinstream of the labor movement the Empl - d h. f ·1 · the contractors. Territorial con-
•. -- oyee an rs armY m Wagner Act recognizing the rights of working That's no way of doing it A quota system is not
tddition to medical coverage, life tractors now performing work I h d b insurance (accidental. deatll and on the Ewa State project were peop e. T e very stuff that brought about that ·going to o it, ecause you have something that's · dismemberment benefits), Pres- awarded two additional phases progress was dissent itself, the dissent of working better, so~ething you're doing right here. An cription Drug Plan,. Vision Care come the first o.f the year. J; A. men fighting for those rights and claiming those q.pprentic~ system for training. An apprentice -Plan and a Dental Plan. Thompson & Son has picked up rights. And now, today, when ·we look at these system for training can work. We have proved
WAGE INCREASES - This two additional 'units, in the Wai- great pension funds which have been built up we that in San Francisco. We've proved it by affirmthree year agreement calls for fom pio area, now called "Mililam know that the labor unions not only have a very ative action programs which today finds 25% of periodic wage increases for the Town" and Kohonohi Ridge Es- high place in the councils of government, but in the apprentices coming from minority groups first two years. Wage increases tate, over-looking Pearl Harbor. the councils of our economics as well, very ·im-. and so you ought not to try to institute a quota for the las·t year will be negotia-c·: Jhe Ko,ol~u Estate on the Kaha- portant economiCs: '~' system against journeymen. This isn't the way to ted when the agreement is re- luu side of the Island, -is . estima- It is a gratifying thing for me to observ~;.this do it at aU. It's .not the practical way, it's not the · opened on September 30, 1971. ted to have seven phases of de- . h , · The four periodic wage increases velopment work and is due to . magnificent 3,500 acres now ··the property of . way t at s going to work, and what you're doing for the first two years for each o.f s~art, totaling $2.5 million. Pa- Local3, to -be used for the benefit of its members. here is really the answer. An apprenticeship prothe classifications of work totals as .c1fic Construction Co., Ltd and But there won't be much benefit unless we get gram that will train all, regardless of color, will
follows: . Hercules Construction Co., Ltd. back to that notion that the labor of a human train them all to take their place and the scale of . for the next five year·s will be en-. being is not a commodity and when, for example, compensation for apprentices as they go toward
Heavy Duty Fore~an · · 75¢ 111• gaged in the development of Ma- we set about fighting something we call inflation, journeyman is a sufficient inducement to do the Heavy Duty_ Reparrman . kaha Valley Estate, totaling $22,- it seems to me almost morally evil to say· that the iob that way, and not by some artificial quota
1st Class · · · · · · · · · · · · 75¢ m. 000,000 is now in p· rogress. .. b 2 d Cl 75 way we are going to fight inflation is by· the delibc system as is eing suggested. n . ass · · · · · · · · · · ¢ in. Let us · just refer to the many · . Helper ........ . ... . 50¢ in. contractors holding identical erate promotion of unemployment. That's the Finally, I want to say that we have in Cali-
kind of p_sychology apparently·, that is ·gripping fornia, in San Francisco and in other places a Welder, Spray Painter work J. M. Tanaka Construction And Body Fender Man Co., Urban Construction Inc., us, even toda)'in 1969, as we come into the 70~s. tremendous pent-up demand for new construe-
1st Class ............ 75¢ in. Kaiser Hawaii-Kai Development So even on a federal level now, we are told that :ion, for housing, for roads, particularly housing, 2nd Class .......... 75¢ in-. Inc., Hercules Construction Co., 75% of all construction urgently needed, already or great industrial complexes-a tremendous de-
Serviceman and Ltd., Pacific Constructors Ltd. budgeted, that 75% is going to be cut back. That's mand we have yet to begin to scratch the Sl.lrface G Highway Construction Co., Ltd.: being done not for lack of funds but for the de- ·Of, and the training of . men as you are doing
reaseman · · · · · · · · · · 74¢ in. Reed & Marhrl. Inc., . Walker- l'b. f I h · · t . l Tire Repairman . .. ..... 75¢ in. · u I erate purpose o s owing up the economy for . ere IS gomg o prove an Important e ement ·in Parts Room Clerk ...... 85¢ in. Moody Construction Co., Ltd. and the deliberate purpose of doing that by gener- seeing that that's satisfied. I hope that we can
Hawa_ iian Dredging· & Construe- t' I · de lop g e t l h'l h · h' h . SICK BENEFIT_ Employees a mg unemp oyment. . ve a overnm n a p I osop y agam w IC tion Co., Ltd. totaling $38,000,- A d h d h f - · h'l h · th t h t b b d th .hall receive the foilowing: 000
of work n so, t e wor as come rom Washington IS a P I osop Y a oug t o e ase on at ·- l ,_yemdn.~:t less than 5 years: Let us report to you, on several to those in the cities, we want you to do the same full employment act of 1946, passed during the sick:'leave pay: ;of 7 WOl;king days of the big·_projects now in prog- thing with your city projeCts, and with great days of Harry Truman, which recognized that in any on_e, year• .of emplqyment ·. ress. j\ilajor new buildings costing deference, we have said that we don't intend to everybody has a right to a decent job and that in · and"e#,ectrve October l ,J970 .to .. $48 million ar·e either now under do the same thing, that we are living in a differ- the final analysis if private· industry cannot be-~~J;~_e:s~d to. 14 W()rktn'gJda}·s ~~~~,; conshllctio_n o~ will be started by ent kind of climate. We are living in an expand- 'supply that{:then the government ought to be !'1aX1l~ll.Il}-~accumulation; _ 30 work~~~~~ the end of. the current fiscal year i~g state, a state that has hardly begun to realize 1the employer' of last resort. At leaSttwe would mg dqys, '''"" · · - on. ¢e U~iversity of Ha~~ii's its potential, and slamming the brakes on right . hope that that philosophy would take hold
More than yeai·s: sick leave Manoa. campus. The bmldmg now too hard is going to hurt us. Whatever may. -when, in an attempt to fight inflation we say pay of ~0 worl<i11g days in any one boom 1s P~~ of . a long needed . be the situation inthe rest of the country, and it we're going to do it by promoting llriemployyear of employ1rnent. · Maximum · push to aldlevbrate theh spac~ short- - seems to me that this is a matter of local option .ment, and not do it for example, by br~11giag the accumulation, .: 60 working d. ays age cause Y mus roommg en- . d 1 1 d · · f f ' ·po f g t t b · · · ·
l·ollments at th ·U . .t an oca ecisiOns. So ar rom that, far from . ; wers o . overnmen o ear agarns:t ,an m-
and effective October 1, 1971 to e mvers1 Y d'bl . h' h · h h d Th
. t . 1
d ·M saying we're going along with a 75% reduction ere I Y Ig mterest rate t at as jumpe . in a be increased to 70 working days. e new proJec s me u e oore h . . - . · . ' · h' h · h d I · h h 1
60 days but,. less than 1 year- . Hall, a $3.6 million, 114,000 we a~e said that .we are not domg that, that we :manner m w IC It as one. t IS t at. p i as-disability due to· industrial acci- . squar·e foot project. To be corn- . are gomg to contmue tQ promote our city proj- ophy that ought to permeate everything we-do .
• -:lent while performing work for . -pleted by 1970 summer session ects, our $200 million convention sports complex, 'And in that philosophy you're going to nfid that the Employer. Employee shall re- · will be the $5.3 million, 133;000 for example, is going ahead on schedule even tremendous partnership between management ceive full day's pay for those non- squar·e foot Plant Science Com- though there appear to be some political figures ~ and labor go forward to produce the most prac-
... compensable days limited to 7 pl~x. The $!-~ mil~on Biomedkal in the state w.ho want to stop for the moment, for tical results for this great land of outs. Thank days · of credit and effective Oc- Scrence Buildmg 1s scheduled to reasons that are a little difficult to understand you very much. tober 1, 1970 to be increased to open in . Septe~ber 1971. And · particularly when the matter of relocation is be~ 14 days. . c$~nstr~1c1 _tron he· as
11Just befguBn °~ the ing taken care of within the framework of the
HOLIDAYS· - Two additional o mr ron o ege o usmess 1 a· · h d d 1 f h holidays were gained. (Statehood Administration complex. Still bids Saw an wit, a g_oo ea o umaneness as well. Day and General Election Day) are m1der study for the $7.2 mil- o, we aren t_ gomg to s~op ~hat: nor t?e Rockemaking a total of ten holidays. All lion, 191,000 square foot engi- . feller setup erth~r, an~ Ill giVe you a httle scoop ten holidays are paid holidays. neering building. Physical Science -next week were gomg to announce that four
JURY DUTY-Employees shall Building - 2.5 million, 60,000 new skyscrapers are going to be built in San be compensated for jury service square feet. Construction should Francisco and they're going to begin before the which is a civic duty o£ ·every start' b~ December 31, be com- end of this. year, and we have expedited the per-qualified citizeri.· 1 • pleted .m tthe fall, 1971. · mits. And, incidentally, because we do think,
• CREDIT- UNION-As ,a con- See HAWAII GAINS page 16 : somewhat partially, that San Francisco is a rather
Thank you Mayor Alioto, I was especially 'pleased that you mentioned the training of
. minority youth. Under a grant fostered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, through the Manpower Development and Training Act, AI Clem and Operating Engineers No. 3 instituted a program for
· bringing minority youths, I would say especially, our black brothers, into the pre-apprenticeship , , program to prepare them to take their place il). ~ ·, :
See WHARTON INSIDE page 10 r r ·,
Page 10 :
On The Safety Side
The recently completed Stanford University study entitled "A Survey of the Safety Environment of the Construction Industry," by young civil engineer student, Lance William deStwolinski, has brought out some unexpected and unusual findings that if properly followed up could prove a real help in reducing accidents on and off the job for our Brother Engineers.
Of course, it was with the farsightedness and cooperation of your Business Manager AI Clem and the interest and dedication of those of you 'in the field who completed the questionnaires, that this study was made possible. It is my intent in the next few issues of the Engineers News to go over the important findings of this study with yo~1 in the hope that we can fii1d new and relevant .approaches to impfo,_:,: ing safety on and off the job.
In the introduction to his study, deStwolinski, rightly, points out that safety is one of the most pressing problems of the construction industry today and that from an economic standpoint is costing staggei·ing amounts of money through injuries to workmen, damaged equipment, spoiled materials and lost pr0duction time, but more important than the economic losses are "the needless pain and suffering of the injured and the consequences to their families." '
He ( deStwolinski) believes that despite such well known tools as safety meetings, first aid courses and protective devices that construction safety has missed the boat by failing to examine problems from the human and material factors that could lead to thinking safe and acting safe. ·
Fmther, since the employers motivation toward safety is based on economics, particularly insurance, he has airned at reducing direct costs rather than human factors (the employer) that may lead to accidents and the costs to the workman himself if he is injured. "Stated differently, it can be said that the workman ha's generally not been the focal point of accident prevention; he is merely the one who is injured." ·
This study then focuses on the construction worker as the key ele~ ment in accident reduction and is · aimed at measuring the worker's attitudes, opinions, and characteristics as they might~effect safety.
To put it in simpler terms, this study is aimed ·at examining the individual cause, rather thatl the effect, of accidents in the construction industry and surpiis.ingly enough this soci~_-statistical approach provides spin-off information that should prove invaluable pot only in planning -an effective and meaningful safety progrml), but, ,in dealing with membership-employer attitudes in general. '
Next month we vvill use this sh1dy to explode a lingering myththat- heavy equipment operators are for the most part transient em-
. ' ployees hardly worth the investment on the pa!'t of the employer in the area of safety training.
Pension Options Continued from page 1
The Joint and Survivor. Option- An engineer :rpay decide, at the time of his retirement, to receive his pension in ~ reduced amount which -will be continued after his death to his surviving spouse. It must be understood that after pension payments have started, the monthly payment to the pensioner will continue in the reduced amount if the wife dies before the pensioner.
For example, assume that an engineer is eligible to retire at age 65 on a pension of $200 a month and he selects t~1is· Option. If his wife is also 65 years of age, his reduced monthly pension would approximate $142. If his wife survives him, she will continue to · receive this amount for the rest of her life. ,_
The 'spcial Security (Level Income) Option- An engineer who has deciqed to apply for an Early Retirement Pension, but who is not yet eligible to receive Social Security benefits, may elect this Option. An adjustment is made in the pension amount he would n,on_11ally be entitled to receive so tbat a larger amount is provided bY: the Plan, prior to the time Social S~curity payments start, and a smaller amount for life thereafter. Tl~~ purpose of this Option is to provide a more or less level income when the Plan's pension amount is combined with Social Security payments.
Oakland Continued from page 3
which will be completed by this time. _
Dan Caputo Co. is still building a concrete liner for vValimt Creek and is making this very difficult job look easy from the road. Moberly is a sub-contractor for Caputo and has several brothers working. At this time he is on two shifts trying to get as much work completed between rains as possible.
Going out Ygnacio Valley Road to Oak Grove, Oliver DeSilva has moved a dirt spread in, however, not much work can be done now an'd ~v~ are all looking forward to th~ - few sun~y days that can be ~'orked.
Murietta Continued from page 11
Kalthoff, .members of the California "Golden State Skydiving Team" gave an exhibition of skills gained in some 3,050 collective jumps in competition with the nation's best teams. Other members of the team include Steve Lergel, AI Silver, Joe Solis and Mike Potts.
Members of the General Executive Board, International Union of Operating Engineers, were on hand for the event.
Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3, International Union of Operating Engineers, AFLCIO, is a 35,000-member union with jurisdiction in Northern California, Northern Nevada, Utah, Hawaii and Guam.
ENGINEERS NEWS December; ·1969
"Local 3 Training Is TOps!" Continued from page 9
the benefits and in the bounty that has come to this organization through -the sacrifice and the dedication of unionists who fought to build this union over the past 30 years. It is due and proper that we should recognize Al Clem and the union for their contribution to racial advance in this area.
It becomes my pleasure now to introduce the International President of the Operating Engineers. Hunter Wharton has been with this organization through all the years of his adult life. He came to the presidency of this union in 1960 and in the years which have ,ensued he has given this organization direction in the ways that good unionism best prospers. A militant and progre~sive economic position and advanced political and social position and a position of honor arid integrity with respect to the obligations that a union holds to its members and to soeiety. He has been honored by the nation, by the educational institutions ·of this country and particularly he has been honored by his colleagues in the trade union movement through his election to the executive council of the AFL-CIO. I think that all of our fellow Americans should appreciate that again in this era of social turbulence and change the one rock-like institution of stability in our nation is the American trade union movement. It is the one institution that has survived the passions of change and the denials of change from the heartless right with equanimity. It has not
GENERAL PRESIDENT HUNTER P. WHARTON " .. . people with more knowledge of the construction industry in government."
lost its sense of_ mission. More than a third of a million members, along The AFL-CIO has called for economic and with my associates of the executive board who
social reform and has regarded as enemies of this are here today, join me in extending congratulanation those who are indifferent to the·cries and tions to the employers and employee groups the demands of millions of our fellow Americans and trustees of the various funds in this dedicafor the right to share in the abundance- of this tion today. Dedications can be rather flowery nation. The old order has no future, it has no things with .th~ flow of words tha~ us~ally. come. morality and it has nothing for the working out, but this Is an unusual dediCatiOn, m my people of this nation. opinion. This project is unique and I don't think
On the other hand, the American Federation of there's anything that has gone on in the history Labor and Congress of Industrial Organi~ation of our international union that has drawn more :l has drawn the line against anarchy, against to- comment throughout our cir;les. This is an outtalitarianism under either the flag of blackness, of standing example of cooperation. First you ''had)j the Viet Cong, or whatever, it has stood for cooperation between the group of Pension American order, appreciating that in a crisis if a trustees who consented to this ... Then you had' free. people are o.bHged to choose between. an- . cooperati~n qetween the tr-q.ste.e? of the. App~~narchy and order, they will choose order, however tice program. Then you had the cooperation of coercive that must be. the officers of the local union and then you had . . The trade union movement doesn't want to see to have the coopera_tion of the whole group to '
the American people faced to choose between bring about what we're having here today. anarchy and order, it wants order and progress, I recently was discussing this project with the \ and Hunter Wharton is a symbol of that rational Secretary of- the department of Transportation. approach to. the tensions of our time. He has rep- Secretary Volpe, who as a contractor knows resented our nation abroad, at intemational trade what it's all about and who knOws the need for union missions. It was my great pleasure to re- having properly trained workers on his job and ceive him in New Zealand earlier this year, and I he said to me, he said, Hunter, you know this is can tell you here that he made a tremendous im- one of the most outstanding efforts of cooperapact upon the trade union leaders and members tion that I have ever heard of. He said, why is it of New Zealand, a riation of which 70% of the that there is not more of these kinds of things labor force is organized, a nation, which like so going on with the Pension funds that are being many in the world, views with wonder and developed? And I told him, that I was quite sure amazement the voices of the past that too often the number of Pension trustees that were going
, speak for American policy for the social issues to visit this dedication that there would be more that we debate today have long ago been re- of them coming in the future. He thought that solved in so many other nations of the world. this was an outstanding example. _ Hunter Wharton stood for the American future The leadership ability to deliver 5tt the bar-:. not for the American past when he came to New gaining table is only as great as that ability ofW' Zealand. I am honored to present him today, for our operators in the operators' seat and training personal reasons, for institutional and organiza- develops that ability in our operator. tiona! reasons, for American reasons. He is one of The Intemational Union has set a framework the great trade union leaders of our nation. for the finest training available of heavy equip- _. Hunter Wharton. ment operators in our local union, and local
Thank you Jack, Reverend Father, Mayor ' Alioto, honored guests. It is a distinct pleasure for me to be here today, particularly to share, this platform with your chairman. If I may, before I say something about the official business today, and if it does sound political, it is not intended that way, but I think one of the greatest mistakes that has even been made by this administration: or any other administration the consensus of the group that I was with, the consensus of the people I met in New Zealand, the greatest mistake that the administration ever made was when it did not reappoint Jack Henning as Ambassador to New Zealand. We met with the Prime Minister and all of the labor people, the Secretary of Labor, the Leader of the Opposition, and everyone had the highest respect. So I say to you, our loss to our foreign service is California's gain because I understand
_ he is back with you again, and I am sure he will be ah asset to all Californians that he has returned to you.
union 3 has built a training program second to none on that framework. Business Manager Clem was one of the first to recognize the need for total training. This local and the foint apprentice training committee have a complete training package that is responsive to the industry's need, a formal registered apprentice program, journeyman skilled improvement responsive to society's need through the pre-apprenticeship course that has. been operated at Santa Rosa for the past several years. The International Union, its general officers and the officers and trustees of a number of our local unions and the training funds are grateful for the privilege of being here for this event today. We extend to those responsible for this achievement our sincere appreciation.
We know that this training project will be a monument to AI Clem and the men who planned it. In labor management much can be accomplished and is accomplished by mediation, conciliation and arbitration but nothing is accomplished so easily and so well a~ by cooperation and ·it is .. that cooperation -that ,br.ings us here
See CHt.\~LENGE ·page 11.
December, 1969 E N G I N E E R S N. E W 5 Page 11 -
Dredging Dregs ''M t M t Ch .. ,, . . I'' . us · ee · a·: enges. _ · By GUY JONES _Continued from page 10
today and I urge that that be continued. Those · BINH THUY AB, Vietnam (Sp~cial) -BinhThuy AB in the Mekong who will benefit by the training, .from the results Delta is literally·rising out of the water. of that cooperation the employer, the employee
The water, .more than 300 million gallons along with sand from the Bassac Rive,r bed, is being pumped onto Binh Thuy by the dredge will show his appreciation to the industry by ·
New Jersey ~s part of a project to increase the size of the base by almost giving no less than he receives, an honest day's ~ 50 work for an honest day's pay, and I think that · per cent. ,, -
Scheduled.. Jo be finish·e_. ·d. in· __ four mo. nths, the project will provide the from what I have witne~sed in Washington, and public ofVietnam Air Force .(VNAF) an additional 40,000 square I am sure that Jack, as former Under Secretary,
ds of rl;Utip space, an ~rea large enough to construct 20 new build- can bear out what I am saying.
gs and land fill for future expansion. . .. · I think the only way, the only salvation for
The Neu/ Jersey is t:Ii~ laigest diedge in Vietnam and is connected the construction industry is this kind of coopera, to Binll Thuy by over three miles of pipeline. Tpe hugh dredge pumps tion. I have just recently discussed with some of
' water and sand through_ !fe pipeline at the,' rate of 31,000 cubic the officials of some of the departments that have meters .per day. ·· . ." __ _
·Bulldozers and other heavy equipment are busy leveling the fill as it a great deal to do with training and told them accumulates. . that I thought it was ridiculous, the type of ad-
''The dredge works on the same -principle as a .vacuum cleaner," said ministrators that he had under him trying to tell
Bill Blackhurst, Charleston, w; Va~ , security officer on the civilian con- the construction industry how to mn the con
tractor-owned dredge, "the auger or drill is on the front of a large boom . struction industry when I doubt that they even which can be lowered to a depth of_ 60 feet. The auger digs into the knew what a building might look like.
river bottom sand and pumps it along with water through the pipeline I sincerely s_aid that becaus_e to give anexam-
to the fill site." . ple of the kind,of things that·:they are saying ... . According t0')Hackhurst the stiCtiqn-. of-.th,e, pump is so strong it has One of them called me one day and I sat down
nulled barrels, logs, rockets, ammunition, and mortars from the bottom the river. Ofter the mortar rounds explode in the pipe causing a with him and he asked me a lot of questions
short shutdown of the operation while repairs are made. about the construction industry and I said to
. The New Jersey. was miginally built in 1930. to fill part of Lake him-how do you come up with the answer that Michigan as a site for the Chicago World's Fair. Up to that time it · · the constmction industry can cure all the evils was the largest dredge in existence. and all the problems of the world? He looked
It was purchased by the U.S. Government and has seen duty in at me for a little while and pondered the quesGuam, South Africa, South America, Tahiti and many other locations. . tion and said, Hunter, I guess the only answer
· After being sold to a civilian contractor the dredge was sent to Vietnam I have is that the jobs are visible. I go down
for construction work. the street to see a job and !_think that well here Pacific Stars & Sb·ipes we can :gut a lot of people to work. F1iday, Sept. 5, 1969
This article was submitted to us by Charles McQueen, son of Brother Another ridiculous thing that one of them Paul McQueen, Dredge Captain for Dutra. said tb me one day and some of those who were
Charles McQu·een is presently' with the Armed Services stationed in present are here today. We had a problem over Vietnam. there about training of the minorities and in the
Automation has taken over in Clamshell Dredging. For comparison: area where the problem was, the ratio of the
- Great Lakes Dredging with their dredge "Boston" is equipped to membership of our union against that of the • .tndle 12 yard, 18 yard and 21 yard buckets. They also have their 1500 population we had a better percentage of minori-
yard barge and tugboat all in one unit. ties in our union than the size of the population .Peter KiewitDredging "Thelma" is equipped to handle 12 to 16 yard and we pointed this out to them in trying to get
buckets with their 1,000 yard barges. them to do some things. Smith-Rice is equipped to handle 8 to 12 yard clamshell buckets and ~ They said, yes we realize that the operating
· they; ,also have their own 2-1000 yard barges. · engineers has a large percentage of minmity Umpqua Dredging is equipped to handle 7 to 12 yard clam buckets
and have their own 3,000 yard barges. members but they're all employed on black-top
Olympian Dredging dredges "Monarch" has 6 to 8 yard bucket, machines, rollers and things of that kind. We "Holland" 5 to 79i yard bucket and "Neptune" 5)i yard bucket. · want them up on the big cranes. He said, can't you
Dutra Dredging Company have 4 dredges. The "Sacramento" and take them out there at noon time and put them the "Liberty" are both 3 yards and the "California" 4 yard and the up on the big cranes. I tell you this because of
"Alameda" is a 2 yard bucket. · the contractors sitting here, the employers, they Healy Tibbets have sold their dredge, "No. 8" and are left with one don't rea_lize that that may be your entire capital
dredge at this time. The ~'Lima Eevolver" is in the 5 yard range. investment in those cranes, and tliey want you • Leslie Salt Dredging have a 3 to 4 yard Clam bucket. · to take out there to okay putting them out there
San Francisco City Dredging "No. 4" is a 4 yard clamshell bucket. at noon time to mn a crane or a piece of machin
Associated Dredging is now out of business. ery that costs a hundred, two hundred thousand Charlie Hoover Dredging is aJso out of business. dollars, and ngt only that, endanger the people's
· NEW YEAR 1970 RESOLUTION lives who are walking along the street. These are the kind of people that are administering the Act.
Just recently I was over there and we were talking about the so-called Philadelphia Plan,
challenge that you pave before you today and we are changing, industry is changing. It's only through .your cooperation that you will be able to save the industry from those who, in my judg- · ment, are trying to destroy it. To AI, and to all of the officers of the local union, tmstees, I say, congratulations to you and best wishes from the -International Union and I assure you of our support in the future as it ·has been given in the past.
It is my ple~re now to present the secretary or executive officer of the Marine Cooks & Stewards Union. Fifteen years ago we had the plea-
. ·sure of sharing the same platform for .the dedication of the Marine Cooks & Stewards Training\ 'Program in Santa Rosa. Then in the early 1960's the Marine Cooks opened the area of their great Santa Rosa Center to the Operating _Engineers. .The Engineers have now gone from that ·area at Santa Rosa to this magnificent establishment here in the beautiful Sacramento area. Ed Turner
, has been in the field of maritime labor, one of the advanced leaders in worker training, . particularly
• giving attention to the training of stewards on · our passenger ships, which are in such strict and 'close competition with low wage foreign competitors. It is an honor to present one of the re·al · leaders of maritime labor in this nation, Ed Turner.
. ED TURNER '' . . the future lies in improved training programs and AI_ Clem has always been a leader in this area." We don't have any statistics to go by but if yow- living habits parallel
the ones followed by the writer of this column you ( 1) did not make any resolutions COD:1e New Year's Day 1969 or (2) you long since have broken most of the ones you did make.
We've_ done both over the years-made som~ and broken most. However, the ones we did make were not too difficult to keep- such as resolving not to get out of bed before 9 a:m. on a day off; not to get hit by a truck; eat three square meals a day and spend money- even if we don't have it.
down this side of the U-shaped table there were Mayor Alioto, President Hunter Wharton, Vice about 15 from the Department and on this side President AI Clem, Ambassador Jack Henning there were several of our employee and employer and also President Paul Edgecombe, I see in
• Of course, we are being facetious up to this point but when we won_der to ourselves what resolutions are .made each ye~ by the members 'of the work force we are compelled to move over to the more serious side.
Memoers of labor organizations should be considering resolutions (if. you confess to your laxity in fulfilling your obligations) that would lead yoU. to become a, more active member of your Local. Nothing can run an organization into the ground·any faster or more completely than the adoption of the "Let George do it" attitude. Because a good many times . George doesn't do it and it doesn't get done.
Union leaders work hard, day in and day out, to obtain the best in working conditions, living wage, pensions and many other fringe benefits for their constituents. They are entitled to the cooperation of the rank and file. ~
On the other· hand, management, which has entered into contracts with your unions to provide these benefits, are entitled to the best that
ahe union Irian and woman can give in services and turning out a good ~roduct. ·.
There is no pain in resolving (and keeping tl1e resolutions ) that: • I will attend the meetings of my Local. o I will take more interest in my union activities. • I Will volunteer to assist my union leaders everywhere I can. -. I will give my best to the union shop in which I work to produce· better goods and more effective services. e I will practice safety on and off the job. These resolutions ru·e no more difficult to keep than the one this writer
adheres to in not getting out of bed before 9 a.m. on a day off. An,d we are willing to wager that if you make and keep these
resolutions, you are in -for a very good year. So is Local 3 . . So is your ·empl6ye r; · ' In the ·closmg:of:the'1969 year, I wantcto wish you and your families :
•• "Merry :Christmas 'and a Very Prosperous New Year!"
representatives. Each one got up and introduced the crowd. -himself. The_ first fellah said my name is so and Yes, it's tme, Jack that we were very fortunate so I am-assistant of the assistant. The next fellah, to have the Operating Engineers with us in Santa
I am the assistant to the special assistant - it Rosa, we were very lucky to participate about six went all the way around the romm like that for years ago with Al Clem and his officials who had . five minutes introducing them and in turn intro- · the foresight to see the vocationar traiiiing at clueing ourselves. Finally, the top one got up <Samp Roberts. But what I really wanted to say
with a big flip chart in front of him, it has about ..:!.we ha~e a little surpriseforAl that we brougHt a dozen pages on it and a pointer, and l).e flips from Santa Rosa- its'· a cake· and I wlli> ,·gomg to over the page and he has this reason why you .· p resent 1t to him here, but it's too big,' sb it's in should do this in the construction industry. He the other building and the trainees -from Santa '
kept on going and I was making notes all of the Rosa just could not bring it in here- there's not time and I asked him about some of his remarks enough room, the cake is too big, so we want you and he referred to the pages again and he threw to take a look at it when you go through the back the sheets and _said Oh, I didn't say that I building. Let me say this. For the rankand file didn't mean that. And I said, well, that's what _members of the Operating Engineers who may you said and that's what we want to know-what not see the value in the training because you ale do you mean by what you said- so here was a ready are the journeymen- we have had these fellah- there were about 15 of them I've never experiences, as om good friend Jack Henning heard, in my 44 years in the construction indus- said, since 1957. Now the retired members of our try, the names of those individuals who were all · .. {rnion can see the value of the very training prospecialists who were going to .cure all the eVils gram that they were reluCtant to accept at that of the construction industry. I said to Secretary i:lme because they just didn't have it before, and Schultz, about a week later, how he anticipated I am sme that as time goes on, with the foresight that the construction industry could survive. I of the Operating Engineers officialdom, le9- by a said I have no question about the law, we'll live progressive man like AI Clem, they will find out with it, but for Cod's sake, whatever you do put that the vocational training program is not only a somebody in charge who knows what he's doing help to you, but it will be a help to the employers who knows something about it, because none of and will be a help all the way around. Not only those people were ever associated with the con- .that, but it will build the dignity of the union and struction industry. In closing, I just want to say 'every man will be proud to belong to the union. to these employee and employer representatives And now let me congratulate you . for as · fine . a her,e, that this is your opportunity, this is your ' sight as I've had to se'e, and thanks for invitirig, time to do something•because you must meet the -me. · '
1 1
Page 12
'69 Was or Sa a
right Year Rosa Crews
As the year of '69 comes to a close, we look back and say we've had a fairly good work year in Santa Rosa, which comprises the counties of Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino and Lake.
We cannot be too optimistic about the work coming up for the year 1970. In our northern most county, Mendocino, there will be carryover work to do, starting in the spring, on the Highway 101 projects ·at Piercy and Leggett. Peter Kiewit was able to complete most of their dirt moving this year, and will do the finishing on the job next year. The Vinnell Corp. will also be doing their finishing in the spring of 1970. Fresno Paving has been real busy getting as much done as possible, but still has work to complete on the Guy Atkinson Job.
At Willits, the A. B. Siri Co. has just completed the Willits Bypass highway job and will be moving on to other places next year.
Morrison- Knudsen, with Jack Owens at the hehn, once again in the area. This time doing a few slip out jobs with locations in Leggett - Covelo - Longvale and Boonville.
. Here in Sonoma County, nearer home base, we have had quite a bit of activity on underground, sh·eet and flood control work. Last, but not least, at the present time repairing earthquake clamage. Most of this entails either the tearing d.own of the condemned buildings or repairing the damaged ones.
Due to the good response we had to our Grade Setting School last winter we are in the process of signing up new people for a larger class this winter. Just come into the hall and see the dispatcher if you are interested in signing up.
\i\7 e would like to extend to you a Merry Christmas and hopes for a better work year next year," from the staff of the Santa Rosa Office. Russ Swanson, District Representative; Bob Wagnon, Business Representative; Pat O'Connell, Dispatcher; Lee Hunter, Appr. Coordinator and Alice Sutton, Secretary.
Crazyquilt! A U. S. Department of Labor
study in 26 States revealed that half the cities involveP. in the study do not honor other cities' licenses for building tradesmen.
Guidlines for Boycott Action
Specific instruction for implementing the AFL-CIO's nationwide boycott of all General ElectJic and Hotpoint products have just been issued by AFL-CIO President George Meany to assure proper handling of the consumer boycott.
Sh·essing the fact that the GE strike is "of vital impmtance to the entire labor movement" and that its "success or .failure .. . will be heavily influenced by the energy and dedication with which the trade union movement pursues the boycott campaign, Meany · summarized the 1ights and resh·ictions of boycott pruticipants as follows:
• You have a right to advise consumers, by picketing and handbilling, that there is a labor dispute with General Electric, that a retail store is selling GE products, and :-that you request the consumers not to purchase GE products.
o You have a right to engage in such picketing and handbilling on the pedestrian walkways at the customer entrances of a retail store selling GE products during the hours that store is open for business.
o You have the right to advise the manager of a retail store of your intention to engage in such picketing and handbilling.
• You have the right to request the manager of a retail store to exercise his managerial discretion to make the business judgment to stop purchasing and selling GE products.
See BOYCOTT page 13
December, 1969
" ork· Pros ~ ects_.~
ith eather By AL HANSEN
WITH GOOD WEATHER HOLDING OUT -the outlook for work here in Marin looks good.
BLACK POINT MASTER PLAN IS SNAGGED - a legal technicality postponed until December 8th, consideration of the master plan for the Black Point planned community. It seems that zoning on a parcel of propeity does not carry over to the city when it is annexed from the county. This meant that the 710 acres owned by John Kenney, south of Highway 37 and west of Black Point; was not zoned for a planned community. The master plan calls for 200 single family homes, 300 apa1tments and 1,800 mobile -home sites as well as a shopping center and a 75-acre lake.
SECOND PHASE EYED ON IMPORTING WATER- Plans for the second- and smallest- phase of the multi-million dollar project to import additional water from the Russian River to Marin County
. have been outlined by two Marin water districts. The second phase, a 50,000-foot pipeline from Petaluma to Nqvato, is expected to cost $4,778,000. Actual design of the line is not expected to begin until 1975, but meanwhile costs should be based on current projections of water use. Using the current projections, Marin Municipal would pay 92 per cent of the ccst and North Marin 8 per cent. The pipeline would generally
parallel an existing aqueduct from Petaluma to Novato, and right-ofway acquisition costs are expected to add little to the project cost. The pipeline would tie together a section from Warm Springs Dam" to Petaluma, expected to cost $30 million based on current constru tion costs, and a section from Novato to Corte Madera, estimated at $15.5 million. The latter section would be built later and a report on it is expected soon. All of the plans hinge on voter approval of a bond issue currently planned for the 1970 November election. To do all of the work, voters in Sonoma County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the two Marin districts must approve bond issues. Sonoma's share would be $15 million; North Marin's, $4.6 million, and Marin Municipal's $38 million.
The 135-foot-high crane which
Other projects left to be completed in Mendocino County include the Brooktrails project, also at Willits. This consisted of a huge land development, which has been in construction for the last three years, primarily of land clearing, roads and underground work. Unit #1 and Unit #2 are approximately 90% complete at this time, but from word from the developer, there will be a contract let for Unit #3, sometime before spring. Some of the contractors that were involved in the building of this project were Thomas Canst. Co., Ebert Spartan Co., Joe LaMalfa and H. Earl Parker. At times this job provided work for as many as 75 of our members, and we are hopeful that Unit #3 will be a reality and provide work for many of our brothers in the spring.
New Canyon Snow Slows
is visible to passing motorists above Nmthgate Shopping Center acts as a weather vane when it's not being used on windy days. This crane towers over the building project atop Quail Hill. The crane, which operates in a circle with a 148-foot boom, is being used to build the western regional headquarters of Commerce Clearing House, Inc. The operator is Brother Yates Hammett, and he works 85 feet above the ground, manipulating the crane which can lift 5,300 pounds at the end of the boom and 13,000 pounds at 11. feet. The giant crane, which took two and a half days to erect is owned by Aberthaw Construction Company of South San Francisco.
RECENT CONTRACT AWARDS: Gravelle and Gravelle of Fair Oaks awarded a $72,759 contract to repair slides on the Point Reyes-Petaluma Road. The bid was the lowest of 11 bids that ranged to a high of $112,365.
The Lake County area, which has been down in construction for quite some time, has enjoyed an upswing in work due also to private money on the mountain subdivisions being put in around the lake. Lange Bros. is currently doing the Riviera West, which is a sub-division over-looking Konocti Bay. They were also the successful bidders on the last units of the Hidden Valley development for Boise-Cascade at Middletown. Between these two projects, which consist of underground and streets, there should be enough work to keep the crews busy for the next year, weather permitting. Absco Paving has the hot plant set up at Putah Creek and have been working a lot of hours getting everything paved at Hidden Valley.
Speaking of sub-divisions, another job at Lake Berryessa in Napa County, known as Berryessa Highlands, is progressing nicely. T h e prim e contractor, Byars Const. Co. from Reno, subbed the dirt work to the J. A. Robinson Co. and the underground wor~ to the Javelin Co. The Robinson Co. has been on this project since last May and has about all the dirt moved, but the Javelin Co. is just getting a good start with the underground work. Byars will be doing the grading and paving and curb and gutter work after these companies complete their phase of the project.
Also at Lake Berryessa, Harold Moskowite has his plans for the 18 hole golf course and would like to get started in the spring.
Down the Napa Valley on Highway 29, Huntington Bros. is working all the daylight hours and even-a few at night, trying to get as. much paved as possible before tJ1e winter rains completely set in.
and KAY LEISHMAN Mouison - Knudsen Company
has laid off the scrapers on their swing shift in Parleys Canyon. The snow finally got too deep. TI1ey are trying to keep a crew busy on the day shift, but to do so much longer is wishful thinking. They held on long enough for Gibbons and Reed to start a swing shift on the lower p<;>rtion of the canyon, so the out-of-work list didn't suffer much.
A number of jobs have been let recently, but how many of them will operate during the winter remains to be seen. L. _ A. Young Company was the successful bidder on the National Lead Company access road. This Company also was low bidder on a railroad spur which parallels -the road for eleven plus miles. They intend to double shift the railroad grade in the interest of the time limit. We are happy to see something moving in _this direction, because the proposed starting date on this project is long past. We understand that a contract for diking and a pipeline will be let soon, which could ri1ean some additional winter work in this area.
Terracor, Inc. have started some work on their proposed model city, Stansbury Park, at Mills Junction. Their plans for this development are fantastic, and if anything like the television advertisements, this undertaking will last for several years ..
J. B. Parson Construction is all but finished in their Interstate 80 job west of Lakepoint. A contract for surfacing will be let in the spring. There are also several structures, overpasses, etc. to be let soon.
In the Salt Lake City area the
emphasis has shifted from Interstate building to the Belt Route. Gibbons & Reed Company have just completed the section of I-215 from the mouth of Parleys Canyon (at I-80) to 45th South, parallel to Wasatch Blvd.
If everything goes as the Utah Highway Department has planned, a 70-mile stretch of I-70 through breath - taking scenery between Fremont Junction ( 34-miles east of Salina) and Green Rive1; will be open · to two-lane east and west traffic in the fall of 1970. Mter driving over this area, however, one , would be doubtful that it could be finished by this date. The roadbed for the eastbound lane has been constructed and consists of graded earth with _ some graveled areas. The Highway Deparhnent plans to . gravel and surface this lane, then open it to traffic before the west-bound
. lane is built. There are 56 miles . under construction at this time,
with 14 more miles to be advertised in the near future.
H. E. Lowdermilk Company has three jobs they are working on starting at Fremont Junction and running east to Devils Canyon, for a total of 21 miles. They are keeping about 20 Brothers busy at this time and they hope to work throughout the winter if the weather permits. Brother Max Anderson is Job Steward and Maurice Anderson is Safety Committeeman.
Strong Company has a 12-mile section from Devils Canyon to Ghostrock under construction. The job consists of 668,000 yards of roadway excavation and surfacing. Brother Lane Chynoweth is Job Steward and is doing a good job.
One problem the State has had is the Mancos shale, common in easter)1 Utah. This clay-like shale expands when it absorbs moisture-resulting- an an uneven high-
way. To solve this problem a catalytically brown asphalt membrane is put down to insure an even distribution of moisture. Mter it hardens , four inches of selected gravel-type material is put on top and then the road is surfaced normally. This method has been successful in controlling moisture.
From Green River to the Colorado 'border, the new I-70 will have a route similar to the existing 50-6. A 14-mile section of this in the Cisco area, from Whitehouse to Cottonwood, is also expected to open in the fall of 1970.
W. W. Clyde is presently working on a 6J~ mile section from Cisco to Whitehouse. They are keeping about 30 Brothers busy on a twoshift operation and they hope to keep on working through the winter if the weather permits ..
The new jobs being let this fall in the Provo area should keep the out-of-work list fairly low this winter. With the slower season coming on though, we would like to remind the out-of-work Brothers to remember the 85 day rule to reregister.
At the regular ru·ea meeting in Provo, the 1st Tuesday in January at 8 p.m. , we plan to have an expert on income taxes who will answer your questions and advise on tax problems. While area meetings are not to conduct business, old or new, they are important. Attend these meetings, give your ideas and participate in your Union.
The supply of blood has been depleted from our Operating Engineers Blood Bank in Provo. If you would like to donate call the Provo Office- 373-8237.
A first aid class will be given for members beginning January 7th. The instructor will be from the Red Cross Chapter in Provo.
Wm. McLellan awarded a contract to improve the access road to Gnoss Field, nmth of Novato.
· at a cost of $2,451.00. SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS.
"It's the early brrd who catches the worm, can be applied to filing for social security benefits." According to a recent local survey, li rge sums of money are being lost because people fail to Rle a claim for social security benefits soon enough. The importance of filing a claim for all types of social security benefits as soon as possible cannot be over-emphasized. From the date a claim is filed, monthly benefit checks can be paid retroactively for only 12 months. For. the lump-sum payable at death, there is a two-year limitation for filing or the benefit may be lost' entirely.
The age at which a person can receive benefits varies with the type of benefit for which he becomes qualified. A retired worker may choose to . start benefits at · age 62. Whether he plans to retire or not, a person approaching 65 must file a claim in the three month period before his 65th birthday in order to have medical benefits beginning with the month he is 65. •
Former Sacramento Dishict Representative Ernie Nelson is back to work on a part-time basis. Ernie has set up shop in Room 211 at the Labor Center; 2525 Stockton Blvd., as an advisor on compensation and disability matters and will be happy to see any old friends from Local 3. Ernie's phone number is 455-4021.
Mr. T. J. Stapleton Operating Engineers
Local Union No. 3 P. o. Box 5412 San Francisco; California 94101
Mr. Stap~eton:
you for your letter about the President's announcement ing construqtion. ~
The President has ordered a 75% reduction in new Federal construction for an indefinite time. This order does not _apply -to Federal construction already underway. The President did not direct that a cutback be made at this time in Federal grants to State and local governments for construction of highways and other projects. However, he did ask that State and local governments follow the example of the Federal government by deferring temporarily their ne~ construction projects. He also urged businessmen to postpone building projects that were not now essential.
The President's action in deferring 75 %- of new Federal construction projects is aimed at relieving the very heavy demand on the construction industry which has inevitably contributed to sharply rising costs and prices • . Unl~ss
. some . action is taken t() .reduce that · demand, there is great risk . that low and moderate income groups will be priced· out
f the housing market and that the healthy growth of this nportant industry will be disrupted . The President recog
nizes that his. directive will cause some problems and hardships, but the burden of continued inflation would be much greater . · ·
We appreciate your continuing interest in .these problems and assu~e you that the President will be alert t o changing conditions in the economy generally and in the construction industry particularly. He will rescind or modify hi s directive as soon as circwnstances warrant such act ion .
• PHILl.tP BURTON Rr>tDtnouCT,~-..o.
. . q(j . ~H.~~
Office of Budget Review
·Q!:ongress of tf.Je mlniteb i>tates ~ou~e of i\epre~entatibe~ ma~bfngton, l!l .~. 20515
October l, 1969
(:OWoO<tTttl ,
~~ GOU>< H GAU AV<""C
Political Action!
Members Show Quick Response To Request
. Recording-Corresponding Secretary
We are · very pleased with the response of the members to our
recent request that they write their legislators and let them know
their opinions. We asked ... the Local 3 members to protest by
letter to the proposed 75% cut-back of constr~ction work by
President Nixon and Governor Reagan, and that ·letters of pro
test also be written regarding the unfair income tax structure.
We still have members who doubt that anything can be done
or even that-their letters will be read. I can assure you that your
government representatives do read and do consider every letter
that is mailed to them by their constituents. A letter received
from Robert Carleson, Chief Deputy Director of the Department
of Public Works, points out that letters are read and considered
by your elect~d. rep~esen_t~1,~ves. , , We canont - s~op; we mustk~eJ! an~es have been deducted.
w1;iting. In a recent speech, Sena- , We cannot --b'egrudge an ' indi• tor Hartke of Indiana stated that vidual or a company's getting rich. he did not believe there would be That's not the point. Our demand tax reforms this session because is only that they pay their fair mail to the representatives on that share of taxes. subject has dropped to a trickle, Tell your Repres'entatives, State and he further stated that when and Federal, that: you want fair mail on an issue stops, the legis- taxation. You want the big comlators think that the public has panies and-the monied men to pay lost interest. To get 'results from their just share of taxes, and you our representatives we must com- want and ·demand that the tax municate with them constantly. laws be amended to have justice. Keep writing letters so that they for all and correet the present will know that you have not lost. favoritism for a selected few.
P~ge 13
Boycott Action Continued from page 12
• You are forbidden to address a retail store's employees and de-
. liverymen except to advise them that you are not requesting them to refrait1 from performing their · services.
• You are forbidden from re- · questing a total boycott of a retail store selling GE products. The appeal must be limited to a boycott of GE products.
• You are forbidden from any form of physical interference with consumers, employees or deliverymen or otherwise engaging in any obstruction or disturbance.
• You are forbidden to threaten a retail store manager with any fonn of economic reprisal for continuing -to handle GE products.
Among other things Meany advised h·ade unionists to bring the boycott to a retail store's attention before commencing picketing or leafletting and to stick with the l(lnguagEl used in Sa!Jlple handbill and ptcket signs dispatched to all AFL-CIO central bodies and nationally chartered affiliates last week.
MARYSVILLE We are sony to report .the re
cent death of Brother Joe Franklin who passed away September 16, 1969. It will be impossible to replace Brother Franklin, a real journeyman at the trade and a real friend to all his fellow mem~ hers.
interest, that you are still dissatisfied and-want the proper action taken. Your letters speak for you. They are the only way your representative knows what you personally think: Keep on letting them know by writing again, and again and again, until they realize that you wont' stop until actioi1 is taken.
Apprenticeship Reg Up 100%([1n 5 th tate
The battle for a stabilized economy without a depression must continue. Keep writing your elected representative ab_out your dissatisfaction with the inflation
WASHINGTON-In Hawaii, where minorities are the majority, the number of newly registered apprentices increased by 'almost 100 percent in the first ~ix months of 1969 compared to the same · pe1iod in 1968, the U. S. Department of Labor has reported.
The first six months of 1969 show a total registration figure of
• Mr. T. J. Stapleton
Recording-Corresponding Secretary Operating Engineers Local Jn ion No . 3 4 7 4 Valencia Street · San Francis~o, California 94103
D_ear Mr . Stapleton:
ji_ - · •.• ·:.. '"'' spiral that is. takjng such a big bite out of you1' pay check, but be sure to let them know that this problem cannot be solved in a way that will increase the number of unemployed. In yom letters point out the unfairness of our present tax
781 apprentices over 395 for the corresponding period of 1968. · The inc i·~ase represents the
greatest six-1nonth surge in apprentice registrations in . the history of the Nation's 50th State:
Of this immber, about 82 percent were apprentices in the building and const'ruction trades .
percent, 905 apprentices, were in the following building and construction trades: bricklayer, stone and tile setter, 28; carpenter, 348; cement mason, 37; electrician, 57; glazier, 48; lather, 25; painter, 33; plasterer, 3; roofer, 24; sheet metal worker, 48; structural ironworker, 151; and construction craftsman; 103.
This will acknowledge your very recent l et ter concerning the President•s cutback in construction funds.
I thought you might be interested in the enc losed Statement wh~ch I released.
PH~BURTON ' Member of Congress
October 6 , 1969
Mr. T. J. Stapleton Recording-Correspond~ng Secretary Operating ,Engineers .Local Union No . 3 474 Valencia Street San Francisco, California 94103
Dear Mr. Staple ton:
Governor Reagan has asked me to reply to your r ecent letter concerning reductions in ne~ construc tion projects in order to fi ght -inflation.
I have headed up a task force for the G_overnor to review Pr esident Nixon's request t~at the State participate in his announced 75% r eduction in •:onstruction projects for the
· Federa l Government. . After the task force sU'Sini tted its conclusions to the Governor, he announced on September 15, 1969 that the State of California stood ready to implement a plan which could amount t•J more than :;;200 million in capital out l ay de.fei:-ra ls. · ·
Governor Reagan has emphasized that he will not act to implement this program until we are thor ough l y informed of the Federal cutbacks. Our ~£forts must be coordinated with the Federal Government to prevent duplication. In the meantime a l l. State projects are being carefully revie\'led . We have had and wil l continue to have the counsel and advice of a group of economists so that this plan can be implemented or curtailed i f it hecomes ·necessary for the preserva tion of Califo~nia's economy.
Everyone must participate in the fight against inflation and at the same time be vigilant to protect our California economy .
":Wh,o< Business and Transportation
sh·ucture. The oil depletion allowance
consistently . has allowed multimillionaires to enioy total tax immunity. One such oil m~gnate paid no tax over a 12.-year period during which he ~old more than $50-million worth of oil.
Then call to the attention of your representatives that Chairman of the Finance Committee is Senator Russell Long of Louisiana, an oil millionaire from an oil state; who says he will always work in behf!.lf of Louisiana. This is a clear
Figures recently released by the Hawaii General Contractor's Association account' in pa1t for the increase. In 1967. $335 million in construction was under taken; in 1968, $463 million; and in just the first th1:ee months of 1969, $126 million. Extended through the remaining nine months of 1969, the $126-million figure would reach a record $504 million in new construction starts.
Of the 1,094 apprentices newly registered in 1968, more than 82
The 781 Hawaiian apprentices newly registered during just the six months of 1969 represent more than 71 percent of the 1,094 <tpprentices registered during all of calendar year 1968.
The dominant ethnic strains in the Islands are Japanese, Chinese, Samoan, and Caucasian. All . are represented among Hawaii's registered apprentices.
cut CaSe Of COnflict Of intereSt. An .STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSI NESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY ========~~~~~~============~~~~~
oil millionaire from an oil state will DEPARTMENT OF PUBliC WORKS
work to maintain the present un-fair tax structure. /
And, further, what about Presi-dent Nixon's statement that he made a pre-election commihnent to the Texas oil indus~ry and intends to keep it regardless of the effect on the rest of the country.
Another oil millionaire from L.A., Henry Sa]vatmiis the main bac'ker of Governor Ronnie Reagan.
And what is the relationship of the oil industry to the rest of America?
Sixteen large peb·oleum-refining corporations paid only 1.9 cents in federal taxes per dollar of sales during 1964-65-compared to a 5.4 cents figure for 177 large mantifacturing corporations.
The oil indust1·y paid for- the year ending September 30, 1968, only 13% of its profits in federal taxes while all other manufacturing industries paid 45%.
In 1967 the oil industry's profit · per dollar of sales (10.9%) was more than twice that of manufacturing corporations ( 5%) .
These are profits after taxes, . after the huge depletion allow- ·
October 3; 1969
Mr. T. J. Stapleton Recording- Cor·responding Secretary Operating Engineers Local Union
No . 3 474 Valencia Street San· Francisco, California 94103
Dear Mr. Stapleton :
Gordon C. Luce asked t hat I respond to your letter of September 16, 1969, concerning the prospect of_ significant cutbacks in the State construction program . Your opinion, along with those of many others, was considered by the Governor and the special task force in arriving at the decision to lift the temporary moratorium on construction.
You should know that a capital outlay deferral plan has been developed which could amount to more than $200 million i n deferred unadvertised State construction ·projects . This plan, however, will not be implemented until the State is informed of the scope of federal cut backs. Attached for your information is a copy of the press release from the Governor's Office on thi s subject.
We certainly appreciate your concern in this matter. · The information you have submitted will be considered in relation · to any futur·e ·decisions on construction cutbacks .
JAMES A. MOE Director of Public Works
Robert B. Carleson Chief Deputy Director
Page 14
®bttuari~n International Vice President and Business Manager AI Clem
and the Officers of Local Union No. 3 offer their sympathy and condolence to the families and friends of the following deceased:
Local Register Name - Ci1Y Social Security No.
Asturias, Mario ....... ... 3D 1157955 Alice- Wife SS#546-01-3847 955 Kirkham St. San Francisco, Calif.
Baker, Frank .. . . ..... . .. 3 0990590 Elizabeth-Wife SS #57 4-07-1371 2155 N. 600 E Ogden, Utah
Bishop, AI ... .. .. .. ..... 3B 0418352 Patricia Hamilton SS#570-26-0057 283 Devon Drive San Rafael, Calif. ,
Brink~ George .. . .... .. .. 3 515876 Elma-Wife SS#525-07-2342 2825 E. University Fresno, Calif.
Carlson, Oscar ..... .. ... . 3 0231683 M. Echeagaray-Daughter SS#324-10-0394 1208 Court St. Alameda, Calif.
Charleston, Donald Ralph Gould
...... 3 344498 SS#473-01-9203
247 Everett Palo Alto, Calif.
Christian, Maurice ....... 3 7 45004 Margaret- Wife _ SS#533-05-7652 1935 Elk Valley Rd. Crescent City, Calif.
Clements, Fred . . ...... . . 3 _ 0993913 Louise-Wife SS # 568-12-5920 P. 0. Box 1781 Alturas, Calif.
Cox, Alvin .. ..... . ...... 3 569477 Boma Fawn- Wife SS#534-07-4697 5535 Fleming A venue Oakland, Calif.
Doo, Alexander .... , .... 3 1143096 Helen- Wife SS # 575-14-9979 45 - 575 Awanere Rd. Kaneohe, Hawaii
Dorsa, George .. ... ... . .. 3 -674723 Sarah-Wife SS#562-24-4000 930 N. Harrison Campbell, Calif.
Eikertmkotter, Geo. S. Mabel- Wife 1480 Merry Lane San Jose, Calif.
.. .. 3E 0693938 SS#553-01-5145
Guynes, John F .......... 3 0710068 Mattie-Wife SS#448-05-4747 Rt. 1, Box 65 Wheatland, Calif.
Hagestad, Hamilton ...... 3E 1-67473 Ruth- Wife SS#567-22-4412 327 Paramount Dr. Millbrae, Calif.
Hamilton, Llewellyn Edith-Wife 181 E. Ideal Lane Salt Lake City, Utah
..... 3A 0325473 SS#519-01-1837
Jackson, Vernon ......... 3 0943276 · Marie- Wife SS#541-16-2408 , 762 Grand View Ave. Grants Pass, Oregon
' · Jorie§';;Ho'iiald L. ......... 3 0854140 · Jewel J.-Wife SS#544-20-0416
'' •· 3231 Western 'Avenue Sacramento, Calif. Linthicum, Robert . -.-..... 3 · 610161 Ethel-Wife SS # 551-34-3556 419 - 22nd Street Richmond, Calif.
McCleary, Kenneth .. ... . 3D 1364863 Mae- Wife SS#458-05-1921 1531 Alhambra Avenue Martinez, Calif.
McGregor, Robert L. . . .. . 3 904715 Marion-Wife SS # 563-18-8836 5738 Soquel Drive Soquel, Calif.
Nelson, Oliver ...... · .... 3 0089034 Clyde Johnson- Grandson SS # 573-12-9529 634 - 15th St. Oakland, Calif. Patburg, Ernie .......... 3 334829
- . Irene_:_ Wife SS # 552-05-8489 26257 Colem an Hayward, .Calif.
Prince, Ralph . . .... . .. . . 3 0863918 Shirlene- Wife SS#563-42-7046 1139 Rincon A venue Livermore; Calif.
8/ 24/69
9/ 27/69
Santa Clara County Slow By BOB SKIDGEL,
Business Representatives The Park Center Renewal proj
ect continues to attract attention downtown with "topping out" of the four-story San Fernando Building, recently Sen. George Murphy
was keynote speaker to a group including representatives of · five banks to be erected at the site. Work has already started on the $4.6 million Bank of America Building which ~ill house the bank's regional headquarters. Carl N. Swenson Co. of San Jose has been selected to erect the structure which will feature a 13-story
Obituaries (continued) Punihaole, Richard ...... 3D 1288214 Kalola- Father SS#575-36-3845 P. 0. Box 161 Kailua, Kona, Hawaii
Rawlings, Carl .......... 3 1143050 Dorothy- Wife SS#552-03-0208 225 W. Greenway Turlock, Calif.
Schultz, John F .......... 3 0935838 Mary McRee- SS#517-14-2439 Rt. 1, Box 164 Arcata, Calif.
Sloan, Marvin ... ...... . . 3 1030475 Louise-Wife SS#442-10-7919 P.o. Box 212 Leggett, Calif.
Smith, Robert R. . . . . .... 3 735906 Betty-Wife SS#586-26-9446 5428 E. Gettys burg Fresno, Ca~.
Swatzul, Ralph .... ...... 3A 0569605 Margaret- Wife SS#572-10-4013 503 Hillcrest Drive Redwood City, Calif.
Valdez, Francisco . .... . .. 3A 1030475 Bessie-Wife SS#575-32-~780 P. 0. Box 109 Kaaawa, Hawaii
Wentworth, Laurence Cecily-Wife 36733 Olive Street Newark, Calif.
. . .. 3 334920 SS#547-05-7003
Wheeler, Neil . .. . . . ... .. 3 0832335 Justine-Wife SS#527-03-6113 1083 Thompson Ave. Yuba City, Calif.
Wong, Peter .. . ...... ... 3 0671464 9/22/69 _ Anna- Wife SS # 575-03-0621 3689 Keanue St. Honolulu, Hawaii
Yu, Leonardo ......... . . 3D 1317741 9/9/69 Donata Victoria-Wife SS#100-11-0144 Meysaloa, Bulacan R. P.
79 Deceased Members - August 1969 thru October 1969 3 Industrial Accidents
office tower-to be completed in the mid-70's.
The few days of wet weathe_r have really slowed down the road and street improvements. Arthur B. Siri of Santa Rosa received the $195,708 contract for construction of the Dutcher Creek Road out Cupertino way. L. J. Krzich Co. was low bidder on the constrt tion of a sanitary sewer system for _ Pierce Road and Mo"unt Eden Road at a cost of $254,456. In Santa Clara, Freeman-Sondgroth
. Construction Co. will be working on a $112,755 resurfacing project. Freeman- Sondgroth also was awarded the $1,199,021 contract for widening Berryessa Road b~tween Sinclair and Bayshore Freeways. The two-plus-mile project also includes construction of a bridge across Coyote Creek.
Out in Los Gatos, a $4 million · permit has been issued to Retir ment Residence Inc. for the Lc_ Gatos Meadows development. Site construction is already underway by Willie Frank Construction on the project which will include 184 dwelling units; a 35-bed hospital; and a fuJI range of recreational facilities. Also, well underway is the new Mayfair Store on Blossom Hill Road.
On the whole, construction in Santa Clara County has dropped considerably in the past couple of months. Even non-residential construction is down. There are numerous smaller projects to keep some of our brothers busy durin. the winter montl1s.
Santa Cruz approved construction of a groin off Capitola Beach to hold sand at the beach.
A. J. Raisch Paving Company were awarded a contract for repaving selected county roads in Santa Cruz. This contract went for $135,771.
Bids have been opened on a project to rebuild Freedom Blvd. for a distance of 1. 9 miles between Corralitos Road and Buena Vista Drive. Granite Construction Company's bid of $105,855 was low and almost matched the Publi. Works Department estimate of $105,525.
Granite was low bidder on various contracts, namely, the $21,-304 contract for Walnut Ave. storm drain; the $35,006 contract for grading and paving the parking lot at Front and River Street in Santa Cmz; also, the $40,271 contract to construct Soquel Ave. Bridge approaches.
Granite Construction low again for Portola Drive improvement project 26th Ave. to 41st Ave. which went for $249,638.
Blackman, Maye-Deceased October 1, 1969 Deceased Wife of Edward Blackman
Braxton, Sharon-Deceased September 19, 1969 Deceased Daughter of Clarence Braxton
Flanagan, Marilyn-Deceased September 5, 1969 Deceased Daughter of Norby Flanagan
Fletcher, Thelma-Deceased October 11, 1969 Deceased Wife of Albert Fletcher
Hobson, Jeanne Ruby-Deceased September 1, 1969 Deceased Wife of Anthony Hobson
Jeffers, Alice-Deceased September 19, 1969 Deceased Wife of Fred Jeffers
Granite Construction Compan. of Watsonville is to do the. -.,.v;q~k which, it is hoped, w,ill restore the beach at Capitola. The Capitola City Council aw~rded a contract
' f6r_ the 'Jetty project on a' 'bid "gf ·- ·· $159,844. · Granite was the '-drily
' company which submitted a bid.
Keriwood, Charles-Deceas~d September 6, 1969 Deceased Son of Charles Kenwood
_Johnson, Azalie-Deceased August 7, 1969 Deceased Wife of Nolan Johnson
Mitchell, Ruth-Deceased September 20, 1969 · Deceased Wife of Glen E. Mitchell
Perry, Betty-Deceased September 29, 1969 Deceased Wife of George Perry
Richardson, Betty-Deceased October 4, 1969 Deceased Wife of Billy Richardson
Rossi, Margaret-Deceased September 9, 1969 Deceased Wife of Silvio Rossi
Scheeringa, Anna Mae- Deceased September 30, 1969 Deceased 'Vife of Sam Scheeringa
Thomas, Margaret- Deceased September 13, 1969 Deceased Wife of E. A. Thomas
Thompason, Lillian- Deceased September 6, 1969 Deceased Wife of Dale Thompson
·w aggoner, Edna-Deceased September 29, 1969 Deceased Wife of Donald Waggoner
Wright, Joseph-Deceased September 19; 1969 Deceased Son: of Lester Wright
Work is expected :to begin soon.-Floyd Fleeman of Salinas has
his Freedom Blvd. job just about finished. This was a $61,703 project. He is now paving in King City.
Granite was low on a $26,145 contract on a curb and gutter job in Monterey on the south side of the Fair Grounds. A ·
Fresno Asphalt Company o1!" Fresno were low bidders on a $19,401 contract for some resurfacing on various streets in Monterey.
·Granite was awarded a $70,464 contract in Salinas to resmface Abbott Street from South Pacific Railroad underpass to the Salinas City limits.
Charles J. Dorfman of Orangevale, Calif. have started their underground job in Ma~ina. This r;roject went 'for $1,800,076: 'I.:,his will be a good winter job for a few Engineers. •
Broth.er Charles V. Shipley was just re~ently discharged from
the Rideout Hospital in Marysville after his recent operation.
Brother Jerry Gilliam was just recently discharged out of Medical Arts Center Hospital in Oroville. It seems almost impossible
believe someone his age and as tough as he is could -get ulcers.
Brother John Nicholson has been transferred from the Medical
Arts Center Hospital in Oroville to the Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento. In talking to Brother Nicholson and his wife, I
admire the courage they have .. Our heartfelt sympathy to the families of Brothers Clarence
Stenroos and Neil Wheeler who passed away this last month.
Brother Wheeler lost his life in an accident. Christmas should be a busy and happy season for the Ken
Mader family in Marysville. The doctor has advised them they
should expect the arrival of Twins next month .. Congratulations Kffi! . .
· Our 'deepest sympathies are extended to the families and friends
Brothers Douglas Black and M. J. "Mike" Fredricks, who passed
y this past month and to Brother and Mrs. Phillip Mohrmann
on the loss of their son, Phillip, in an automobile accident. Brothers William Herman, Robert Barker, Vallie Watts, Clifford
· _Morris, T. L. Harrison and Joe J:?ioletto were either hospitalized
or under a doctor's care. A speedy recovery is wished for :;til.
We wish a speedy recovery to Brothers W. W. Mq~~~,.' Grogan . Parker and Bill George who have been hospitalized. · ·. · · ·
Our many thanks to Borther Sam Vought for his donation of
blood. · . ,'·, ..
. Congratulations to Marv Soiland and his missus on becoming ·
-~1e ~~·oud parents of a .son, born Octobe~· 22nd. This is the "6th . orne. · . ·
Best wishes for a fast and speedy recovery to the following who
Lhave been on ·the sick list: Brother Jack Barnes, who is now out
of the hospitaf' and back to. work; Floyd Smith who had recent "'surgery; Guy Slack wearing '1l0rse collar" due to acc:ident. -· Brother Lou Lombardi's wife was recently confined at U. C. ~~HQspital.:....but anhe last i·eport received; we learn that she is, now
at home. · " . . . . Br0ther Vern . Cok~1:, has called it' 'quits'..!....and has lit1.Iig 'ftp his ·
tools a;nd hopes .to enjoy-his retirement in Siskiyou County. He
":worked for many' years in Brown-Ely's Shop at Greenbrae. We
wish.him a world of good luck! We still have a few of those popular tie clasps and money clip~
a._available. They· make nice Christmas presents. • HAPPY HO:biDAYS TO ALL! .
From' San RafaelOffice~Al Hansen and Terry Haag . .
_:EN·,GJ N. E IE R S. N E W.~ S . . .• ' . .~ .
TRUCK FOR SALE, Ford '66, \12 ton, gas tank bumper, electric brakes, lights for trailer, 4-speed. Boles Aero 14 ft. trailer house. Frank Taylor, 3942 Dennis, Stockton, Ca. Phone 2{)9/965-2979. Reg. No. 0939798. 10-1.
FOR SALE: ANTIQUE ranch wall phone. Cranks and rings, · solid oak and brass parts. Sloping writing shelf, wall iack, long pear-shaped ear piece. Complete, in good condition. $35; Gerry Billard,' 2171G 'Regnart . Road, Cupertino, Ca. 95014. (408) 252-2104. Reg, No. 1382585. 10-1. -
RETIREMENT or weekend mobile home. 10 x 55 2 BR two bath eXPando, furnished , Screened porch, boat house, storage shed, 60 x 90 lot. 2 blocks from lake at Clear Lake 03ks. $11,500. J. C. Enos, 1032 Aberdeen Drive, Livermore, Ca. 94550. Phone (415) 447-4957. Eeg. No 620122. 10-1.
CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER pups. AKC sired by "Walt Disney's" Hector. Champion b"ckground. Hunting and show. Lynn Slavich, 8160 Dierks Road, Sacramento, Ca. 95829. Pnone · 916/363-4237. Reg. No. 1225978. 10-1.
PATRICK'S POINT OCEAN BLUFF lot, approximately one acre, four miles North Trinidad, California. Lee F. Ki;rkman , Phone 916/533-4025. Register No. 0301425. 10-1.
FOR SALE OR TRADE % c.cre, R.2 at Lake 'Tahoe; one ·acre single family resident at Hayward, both view lots. Telephone 582-3722 or write P. 0. Box 554, Hayward, California. Reg, . No. 267678. 10-1. -"·' - . '·' ' ·
HOBART MIXER130, QT. capacitYi·brand
new with egg' beater, meat ' grinder, donut hook, paddle mixer a'ttachments. Can be used in bakery, a restaurant, pizza parlor. $800. Gabino Puentes, 2631 19th St., San Francisco 94110. Reg. No. 1113147. 11-1.
FOR SALE CHEVROLET 1963 pick-up, % ton, 8' bed Fleetside 292-6 cyL engine, standard trans., . radio, heater, with camper shell. Very good condition. Make offer. Phone 415/351-8155. Reg, No. 0976290. 11-1. ·
. 18-FOOT BOAT FOR SALE. Fiberglas over wood, newly painted, sharp. 35 HP Evinrude motor, electric. starter, trailer, exc. tires. $500. Walter Leabig, 2702 Bona Street, Oakland., Calif. Phone 261-2913. Reg. No. '535636, 11-1.
WANTED TO BUY: OLD BOTTLES before 1900. Whiskey, bitters, beers, . soda, blacks, etc. Send · des~ription, price, condition, etc. to. Richard Siri, 2620 Taohevah· Drive. Santa Rosa., Ca. 95405. Reg. 'No. 102.5301. 11-1 ·
FOR SALE THREE lots in 'Felton, California, Santa Cruz mountains. Cleared .
·and flat, asking $6,500. Ben Navarre, 15228 Upton Avenue, San' Leandro, Ca. 94578. Phone 351-4179. Reg._ No. 0995966. 11-1.
SEMI-END DUMP: for sale. 27 x 7, Heil T.E.C. high lift, semi-frameless, 1962 c·omplete with · fifth wheeL Phone 916/243-1943. Reg. No. 1359573. 11-1.
1962 DODGE PICKUP with utility tool · box, complete set of heavy equipment'
tools. Walter L. Wise, 519 Montezuma St., Rio Vista ~ Ca. Phone 707/374-5117.
· Reg. No. 863844. 11-1: .-. FOR SALE 1963 FORD pick-up 112 ton
V -8 eng, 4-speed trans. with camper. Cab high, $1,000. Gabino Puentes, 2631 19th St., ·San ' Francisco 94110.
- Reg. No. 1113147 11-1. SACRIFICE SALE, SmaU .corporation
incl. Gradall with no joint bucket, digging buckets, loading buckets, -scarifier, backfill blade and more. Bob Jordan, 9426 Calvine Road, Sacramento. Reg. No. 0586548. , 1·1-1.
FOR SALE: HD5 LOADER iust over. hat~led $3,000. Ford 4000 Diesel ·with
4 in 1 bucket. McGee scraper $3,000 . Ford 600 VB 5 yd, dump $1,200. D2 Runsgood, $750. Phone ' 415/967"~3943. Register No. 1067423. 11-L ·
TWO BEAUTIFUL FLAT LOTS close to. town, all utilities in. One in Lakeport one in Kileyville. Phone 536-6887. T. R: Nelson, Oakland. Reg. No. 698517: 11-1.
FOR SALE OR . TRADE 2 TON 1961 Ford flat bed dump truck and twin 1000 gal. water tanks plus 9 ft . chip spreader box, 3-5 ton Essie tandem roller with trailer. , P.O .. Box '1251, ~.;,arJ~~1f:i1~~eds, co. 9542.2. Reg.
WANTED ·To ·BUY: NORTHWEST Model 6 for spare parts. Need not be
. in running condition. Call or write James Jordan-All of you old timers remembei· him-don't ·you? Dan Dark, 112. N. 5th st ... Patterson, Ca. 95363, Reg, No, 707307 11-1.
Well, we visited Jim the other day at the Garden Rest Home in RIG FOR SALE. One 71 Star with tools.
San'ta Rosa and a lot of memories became alive. Jim said "Hello" ~1~:t~0·T~r;;~~s c~~is;~~ne24g86~i;5~: II f h . f · d d ld' l'k h f f h Reg, No. 0918845. 11-1. .
to a o IS nen s an wou 1 e to see or ear rom any o ·t em. FOR sALE 1958 cHEVROLET v8_283 ( M 'I t t1 S t R Offi d '11 ll d I' ) good motor. Excellent 2nd car, re-
al 0 1e an a OSa Ce an We WI persona Y e !VeL liable work car $250. Phone 22.5-3928 Our sincerest sympathy to a faithful Santa Rosa Grievance Com- . · · ~o. sil:'9, a~a~7030¥.,~~";;.g~eg~d:No~IQ~~:
mittee Member, Lansin Kitzmiller, on. the sudderi passing away of 19~56j,~INGO TRAILER for sale. his. wife. 18 - foot, completely self - contained,
. . gas water heater, gas refrigerator, gas Once again we £pd James Tuso under the weather-this time a stove with oven, noor heater, brand
new Michelin steel cord tires. $1,2.00. - .bro_l5:en leg which he suff_ered w_ hile cutting wood _ at h. is home. Gene Al:/bott, 15091 Cooper Avenue, San Jose, Ca., Phone 377-5992. Reg,
. .Thmgs seem to be ·mendmg fa1rly well and we sure w1sh you a ~N~o-'--. .;6~17;;9~76~. ='1'.;::1-~1'--. --~~~--
d · FOR SALE-3-bedroom, 2-bath home,
Spee y reCOVery. . · ,. , · . W /W carpet, drapes. Built-in electric ' ' ti k h f 11 f h d' h kitchen. Roland Ridgeway, 2913 Clear-
Our many . 1a_n s tq t e . Q owing or t eir onatjons ,to J e . land Circle, Pittsburg, Calif. Phone:
' S. orioma County ·communit.·y _Blood Bank during the,' p~s· t._ye .. ar: <415
> 458-2324· Reg: No. 870864· 11-L 1966 CHEVROLET NOVA II. Low mile-
lf~)I}.:;d_ H. Perkins, Re~i~fi~~ .N iller, Wm. Coyle, Hans Enge, .Carl '· .. :~~d v~i~ncs~~~bf1g~~ gii~~i~r;~hfo'~ ,f~eE;!_man, Bruce H:ansel_l, StEnlJey-McNulty, James Joy; Erm3: Mar- . · P):to!le' <
4151 837-7418· Reg. No. 32n~r:
'shall, Barbara Grant and P_atrick Eilers. Why don't YOU add y:our FOR · sALE: 20" FRAZIER Rototmer al!d· special Rototiller . Trailer .$275.00. name to the list this comin!! y· ear? 'H · ~; · . ; ·P.ullman Camper Shell for· 8' step side
_ ~ -. box $275.00. Manuel R. Vilohe, 242
: Newhall .street, "HaYWard, Ca. 94544 . . :415/.782-7268. iReg. No. 1082385. 11-1.
_· FOR SALE: RUNABOUT 14', 6 cyl. Graymarine inboard, 112 HP, wood hull, including trailer . . Good ski boat
Jack Williams and family recently returned from a vacation trip, $975.00. Also, A.K.C: reg·, toy J:ioodles, 2 females, one male $80.00 each. Walt-which included a visit to Washington, D. c. ,. and .other historic ~~y~·Li~e';,~~r~~wJ:Yp~J~e ru?-2~~6': sites in this vicinity. Brother Williams also visited his ailing .. Reg, 1113144· 11-1. EL CAMINO 1967, 427-4 spd., AM-FM father and·friends. . radio, elec. windows, bucket seats,
· , · 8112" Amer. mags,, 915 x 15 tires, Brother Bob Janes reports that his son, Brother Craig Janes is sound· and well kept, $2,500. Will take
older pickup on trade. Bert Orman, now petty Officer 3rd Class with the Seabees in Vietnam. . 5320-B concord Blv., concord, ca., Phone 689-5638. Reg. No. 0892706. 11-1.
The following Brothers are reported on the Sick List: James A. · · FOR SALE oR SWAP for cruiser. New
lb ] J P k F l custom bu'ilt home, Elec. kitchen,
Wi an <S, ames ar eJ;, F . . w. oerster ing. family room, open beam ceilings,
We 'would like to extend our sympathies to the families of the ~.ft~~~~~nt dj~inTn M~ig~l f~~~ci. 8a~ f II d dB 1 · V d W }} M d Call Frank DiPuma, 474 W. 20th Ave-
·. o owing ecease rot 1ers: Jesse . argas an a ace · a eira. · · nue, San Mateo, ca. 94403, 415/573-7281.
Tl fi t Ch · t 'f 1 t · · d t' t . · Reg, No. 0971403. 11-1. · 1e nes ns mas gi t t 1a you can giVe IS a ona 10n o our BACK HOE 14 FT. BOOM, diesel eng.,
Blood Bank The Red Cross Mobile Blood Procurement Team will low hours extra features, A-1 cond. $5,000. Also a 9-ton tandem axle b t U ' Offic D b 10tl at 6 00 w need trailer ICC regulations and Hll F600
e a OUr n10n e On ecem er 1 : p .m. e truck. ·Telephone 415;685-5656. Reg. No. blood badly to replenish our dwindling supply. The demand for 441724. 12-1. ·
80 ACRES FARM for sale. 55 acres under blood has been great and our supply is low. Please help a Brother · water. Good barn. Ideal dairy farm.
· • New 3-bedroom all ·electric home. - Member with a pint of blood! . . . $38:500. Dwane Daugherty, Rt. 3,
Th S J ffi ld l'k k h' • . h Parma, Idaho. Reg, No. 1013757. 12-1.
e an OSe 0 ~C~ ,WQ\1 .. ~ e to ta e t lS Opportumty to W1S : BELL & ~OWELL. 8 mm movie camera
11 f 1 - B h ' · d · .J .J. . f 'I' h } · f H I'd ' and proJector ilke new Value $300 , 9: o __ t 1e_ ) /Ot ;eH l a~ ,, :t~~~r amlles t e 1applest 0 0 I ax J ·:' sell $ioo. Pho;,e 294-8449.' 2150 S, First
. · Season!' · ' . . St., San Jose, Calif. Reg. No, 0876074. • . -: 1 .; ,; , l ·":; ' ' "1. ua l.:;" ~ ~!. ~ ·~" ·; _,,, ··;:; ,. ; ·t:;·~ > . ··l"T;l j',, l • ~ '·\ h 12-1.
TWO 600 CASE TERRATRACS for sale. Diesel with bucket and scarifier; also gasoline with . bucket and backhoe. Large ford truck: to move this equipment with .. Carroll Dow, 200 Knudtsen Lane, Petaluma, Calif. 94952 Phone 707 ;762.-9529. Reg. No. 0369082. 12-1.
FOR SALE 1957 T-BIRD with portholes, 4 new Michelin x's. 18,000 mi. on transmission and engine. New interior. Sacrifice $2,550. Jim Mills, P. 0. Box 2173, Castro Valley, Calif. Phone 846-2526. Reg, No. 1171840, 12-1.
FOR ·SALE BEAUTIFUL REDDING area five acres Cow Creek frontage. 1,900. ft. in country, with walk-in freezer. Fantastic view, excellent hunting and fishing, .$29,500. R. F. Flinn, 4720 Silver Bndge Rd., Palo Cedro, Calif. 96073. Reg. No .. 0854883. 12-1.
FOR SALE 1961 COLUMBIA 10' x 55' expando living room, furnished, excellent condition. $3,000 cash. Parked in Fairfield. Dwane Daugherty, Rt. 3, Parma, Idaho 83660. Reg. No. 1013757,
12-1. FOR SALE OR TRADE Sonora Meadows
lot No. 34, near swimming pools and clubhouse on Sullivan Creek. 8 miles from Sonora, Calif. near Twain Hart. Jim Daigh, 2328 Orleans Drive, Pinole, Calif. 94564. 415 ;758-0765. Reg. No. 349870. 12-1.
HOME FOR SALE. 3 Br. Lv.rm. Family room, 2 firepl., 2-car garage on 113 ac. lot. Shade trees, quiet court, 5 min. to sohools and shopping, 30 min. from San Francisco. 18~yr. home, excellent cond. $24,250. R. Lanzendorfer; '32 William Court, Danville, Calif. 94526, 415 ;837-5405. Reg. No. 838956. 12-1 :,.·)·,·-·-:
You Deserve It!
.. Page . 15
SANTA ROSA MINI .RANCH for · sale Three acres, two bedroom mobile home furnished. Barn, tractor, . farm imple-
, ments, walnut and fruit • trees. 0. L. Black, 306 Shenondoah Drive, Martinez, Calif. Telephone 934-8369. Reg, No. 0921364. 12.-1.
1968 DORSETT DAYTONA 17' Mere 120 1.0. 30 hrs. w ; tlr. pwr tr. conv, top, full snap on cover, tnt wndshld, seats w ;Sun-N-Snooze loaded w-ski equip. Gem top for '65 Ohev El Cam A-1 blue tnt glass. Phone 408'!724-7788. Reg, No' 0693843 12.-1. ' .
FOR SALE: OOFFEE. SHOP at busy intersection in Concord, Calif. $6,500 cash or $8,500 terms. Fully · equipp·ed. Phone 415;757-3197. Frank Paxman, 16711 Marsh Creek Road, Clayton, Ca. Reg, No. 0754191. 12-1.
1955 INTERNATIONAL truck anq lowboy with 5 main and 2 speed box. Good condition. Shield Bantam C-350 , Cable .backhoe on tracks, . two buckets. Good ·condition. Phone 209 ;522-492.9. Reg, No. 1142725. 12-1.
.PORTABLE WELDER for sale or trade. 225 amp. G.E 4 cyl. Wisconsin. $300· or trade for 2.00 amp A.C. welder. Joe Correia, Rt. 2, Box 190, Des Palos, Ca. 209 ;387-4207. Reg. No. 0592866. 12-1.
LIVE-IN MOBILE home, must sacrifice. Registered miniature poodles, papers and shots. Very good shape. Make reasonable offer. Also stud service. Phone 862-2282. Leo A. D~vis, . 26648 River Road, Newman, Calif. 95360. Reg. No. 0824688. 12-1 ·
• • :J.~
Pay Yourself First ·::
By JAMES "Red" IVY Credit Union Treasurer
The wise man is oi1e ~ho pays himself first and adjusts . his spending to the balance remaining. The way to do this is to est~blish a percentage of your gross salary that you would like to pay yourself. A figure of ~5% to 10% would be normal. Once established, set this amount of money aside each payday before you start to pay any other bills. If you use a bank checking account for convenience;:' you ·must separate the payments to yourself. We suggest you place rthese payments into a Credit ·Union share account where they will ie.arn excellent dividends and provide .you with life insurance coverage at no additional money. All share accounts belonging to membei:~'-.'~eeting liberal physical requirements are covered up to $2,000 at .iQ9%. if the money is deposited before age 55. '; .. '· ·-'
After first taking your pay (savings) "off the top," you shou1a. then attempt to budget the· 1'emainder for rent, food, clothes, iji,e.dical expenses, entertainment, etc. This will be the most difficult pa'\t : lh these days of continually ri~ing prices it will be hard to stay wiH'ih'l such a budget. There will be many temptations and chances to exceed your allotment but they must. be resisted if your budget does not. permit the expenditures. This does not mean that there won't be occasions when .it is prudent to borrow to make a needed purchase at the proper time, but your ,budget must make allowances for . the loan payments: .
Your b~dget should not become a fixed budget but must' b,e,. continually reviewed and revised as your own circumstances charige. A change in pay will require a change in your spending habits. More pay should allow you to save more and spend more as welL A., dependent marries and leaves home and another change occurs. Expeilses for food and clothing for that dependent decreases making another adjustment to your budget necessary. We suggest that you review your status at least once each year, perhaps when you fill out your tax returns. At that time you may decide you can pay yourself a larger pei·centage of your income. Hopefully, you will not have to reduce the amount.
Daily records of yam spending are burdensome for most families, but if major bills are paid by check, these make a good record of your expenses. Don't try to conform to budget plai1s suggested for the average family. It is doubtful your situation is average. One family . may prefer to live in a large home and "do the town" once a week. You must deeide which you prefer because you probably can't do both .. These choices are individual things and will differ from family to family.
To return to our original statement, the wise man is still the one who will regularly pay himself first. He regularly and consistently sets aside a percel}tage of his earnings for savings just as if it were a weekly or monthly bill to be paid. Mter all, aren't you the most impol:'):ant person to be paid? Let your Local Union .3 Credit Union 1help you to :pay yourself first by allowing ·your vacation pay, to automaticaJly . trarisfer to your share accounts. "' · .,,,.,, ,,
More Petsona~s '•.
Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Brothers
Claude Sanders ( 10/ 23/ 69) and Ronald Jones ( 10/11/ 69).
Fred Busch recuperating at home after an appendectomy. Bert Larson recuperating ~t home after an operation on his arm
that was injured in an industrial accident.
Virl Varney in Washoe Medical for observation and further tests. He is still having trouble with his back which was injured in an industrial accident.
We are sure that all of these Brothers would appreciate cards and visits.
We wish to extend the deepest sympathy to Brother Marvin Crou~e on the recent loss of his son in an automobile accident.
· We also wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the)amily of Borther Charles Boulton who passed away on November 8; 1969.
Our deepest sympathy to the family of Broth~r, ftoy H: ;Lqwe, who passed l:(~ay Noveznber 3, 1969. · · · •. ,, ~-=
Page 16
Clip & Save
1969 Schedule of Semi-Annual, District and Sub-District Meetings
DECEMBER 2 Fresno, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 4 Santa Rosa, Thu rs .', 8:00p.m.
5 Ogden, Fri., 8:00 p.m. 6 Reno, Sat. , 8:00 p.m.
1970 Schedule of Semi-Annual, District and Sub-District Meetings
SEMI-ANNUAL MEETINGS JANUARY 10 San Francisco, Sat. , 1:00 p.m.
JULY 11 San Francisco, Sat., 1:00 p.m.
JANUARY 20 Eureka, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 21 Redding, Wed., 8:00 p.m . 22 Oroville, Thurs., 8:00p.m. 28 Honolulu, Wed., 7:00 p.m. 29 Hilo, Thurs., 7:3Ci p.m.
FEBRUARY 4 San Francisco, Wed., 8:00p.m.
10 Stockton, Tues., 8:00p.m. 19 Oakland, Thurs., 8:00p.m. 24 · Sacramento, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 26 San Jose, Thurs., 8:00 p.m.
MARCH 3 Fresno, TL)es., 8:00 p.m. 6 Salt Lake City, Fri., 8:00 p.m. 7 Reno, Sat., 8 :00 p.m. 1~ Ukiah, Thurs., 8:00 p.m.
APRIL 2 Marysville, Thurs., 8:00 p.m. 7 Eureka, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 8 Redding, Wed ., 8:00 p.m.
22 Honolulu, Wed ., 7:00 p.m . 23 Hilo, Thurs., 7:30 p.m.
MAY 5 Sacramento, Tues., 8:00 p.m .
12 Stockton, Tues., 8:00-p.m . 14 Watsonville, Thu rs. , 8:00p.m. 21 Oakland, Thu rs ., 8:00 p.m. 27 San Francisco, Wed., 8:00 p.m.
JUNE 2 Fresno, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 5 Provo, Fri., 8 :00 p.m. 5· Reno, Sat., 8:00 p.m.
11 Santa Rosa, Thurs ., 8:00 p.m.
21 Eureka, Tue~ .• 8:00 p. m. 22 Redding, Wed., 8:00 p.m . 23 Oroville, Thurs., 8:00 p. m. 29 Honolulu, Wed ., 7:00 p.m. 30 Hilo, Thurs., 7:30p.m.
AUGUST 5 San Francisco, Wed ., 8:00 p.m.
11 Stockton, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 13 Oakland, Thurs., 8:00 p.m. . 25 Sacramento, Tues., 8 :00 p.m. 27 San Jose, Thurs., 8:00 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 1 Fresno, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 3 Ukiah, Thurs., 8:00 p.m.
11 Salt Lake City, Fri., 8 :00 p.m. 12 Reno, Sat., 8:00 p.m.
6 Eureka, Tues., 8:00 p.m. 7 ·Redding, Wed., 8:00 p.m. 8 Marysville, Thurs ., 8:00 .p.m.
14 l<auai, Tues., 7:30 p.m . 28 _, Hono,lulu, Wed ., 7:00 p.m. 29 Hilo, Thurs., 7:30 p.m .
NOVEM BER 3 Sacramento, Tues.,· 8 :00 p.m. 5 Watsonville, Thurs., 8:00p.m.
10 Stockton, Tues., 8:00 p.m . 12 Oakland, Thurs., 8:00 p.m. 18 San Francisco, Wed., 8:00p.m.
1 Fresno, Tues., ·8:GO p.m. 4 Ogden, Fri.r, 8:00 p.m. 5 Reno, Sat., 8:00 p.m.
10 Santa Rosa, Thurs., 8:00p.m.
San Francisco,- Engineers Bldg., 474 Valencia St.
Eureka, Engineers Bldg., 2806 Broadway. ·
Redding, Engineers Bldg., 100 Lake Blvd.
Oroville, Prospectors Village, Oroville Dam Blvd.
Honolulu, YWCA Community Rm., 1040 Richard St.
Hilo, Hawaii Tech. School, 1175 Manono St.
San Jose Labor Temple, 2102 Almaden Road.
Stockton, Engineers Bldg., 2626 N. California.
Oaklahd, Labor Temple, 2315 Valdez:
CREDIT UNION 478 Valencia St.
San Francisco, Calif. Phone: 431-5885
IMPO TANT Detailed completion of this form will not only_ assure you of receiving your ENGINEERS NEWS each month, it will also assure you of receiving other ;m .. portant mail from your Local Un ion. Please fill out carefully and check closely before mailing . ·
REG. NO.~---
Sacramento, CEL&T Bl dg . , 2525 Stockton Blvd.
Fresno, Engineers Bldg., 3121 E. qlive St.
Ukiah, Labor Temple, State Street. ·
Salt Lake City, 1958 W .No. Temple.
Reno, Musicians Hall, 120 W. Taylor St.
Marysville; Elks Hall, 920 - D St.
Watsonville, Veterans Memorial Bldg., 215- 3rd.
Santa Rosa, Veterans Bl dg., 1351 Bennett St.
Provo, 165 .West 1st North. Ogden, Teamsters Hall, 2538
Washington Blvd.
San Francisco, Ca lif. 941 03 Phone: 431-l568
SOC. SECU RITY NO.·-- - - --- --:;-----,---NAME. ______ _ _ _ _ _________ __
NEWADDRESS ___ _ _____________ -r _______ __
CITY_-- - ----------- --- --- --'-STATE. _____ ________ ZIP ___ _ Cli p and ma il to Enginee rs News, 474 Va lencia St ., S. F. , Calif. 94103
Incomplete forms will not be processed.
Season Good In _Stockton By WALTER TALBOT,
The recent rain sto1ms were responsible for the escalation of the out-of-work lists both in Stockton and Modesto. However, this past year was above average in the placement of engineers to the various projects. This situation existed largely due to the contracts on Interstate 5 in San Joaquin ·county and New Don Pedro Darn in Tuolumne County.
Housing projects, especially in . the lower mountain areas, have kept many engineers employed this past season. Those engaged in this type of work were George Reed Co., Claude C. Wood Co ., A. L. Craft, Roland Sutton, H. Earl Parker and others. This , in spite of the high interest rate for building construction,. was rather surprising. The prospects for additional developments for the ensuing year are good with Boise-Cascade and Pacific Cascade being the principal reasons.
The possibilities of a $30 million land development project in Ama-
- dor and San Joaquin Counties at Lake Camanche village is much closer with the purchase of 4470 acres of rolling foothill country by the Great Lakes Development Co. of Hayward. The company recently purchased this property from the Bambert estate for $2 million.
Housing projects have also afforded work in the. valley for engineers working for Stanfield & Moody, A. Teichert & Son, S. M. McGaw Co., R. Goold & Son, Tompkins and Gailaven, W. M .. Lyles and others. However, these have not been as large as the projects mentioned in the hill country.
The freeway jobs, as reported in last month's report, are still in progress, although any appreciable amount of rain will terminate them until next spring. ·
Highway Projects to be considered for the ensuing year in order of priority are .the Manteca BypasS., a 9 mile section of Route 120 between Mossdale Wye and Austin Road; a full freeway of 18 miles of Route 12 from the Mokelumne River to Highway 99; a street couplet of the Crosstown Freeway from Route 5, now under construction ·by Granite - Stolte, and Highway 99; 15 miles of Route 5 from Hammer Lane to the Sacramento County line; 5 mile connection between Route 5 and Highway 99 on the north side of Stockton (Route 235) , 3 miles of full freeway between Route 5 and Highway 99 on the south side of Stockton (Route 234), and the realignment, grading and surfacing of 19 miles of Route 26 from Highway 99 to the Calaveras County line.
Numerous jobs under $100,000 have been bid and awarded since our last report. These include building demolition, landscaping, pumping plants, fish screens, sewage facilities, storm drains, bridges etc., which also have created employment for engineers.
Time is running out for Don Pedro Dam, in service since 1923,
· on the Tuolumne River. The reservoir behind new Don Pedro Dam, now under construction, 1J~ miles downstream, will inundate the old dam in 1971. The crest of the old dam will be under 200 feet of water when the new re>ervoir is completely full, visible only every 20 years at low water. The $100 million new Don Pedro Dam is presently being constructed by Guy F. Atkinson Co .. and will be completed in late 1970.
An aircraft apron expansion and · taxiway overlay contract has been
awarded to the Standard Materials Co. of Modesto. The aircraft apron expansion adjacent to the Modesto City-County Airport Terminal, will
provide general aviation aircraft parking, which includes business aircraft (having . dealings with indusb·ial area), with the existing aprons to be used by Commercial airlines. The taxiway overlay involves the resurfacing of the easterly 2,050 feet, serving the 4,000 foot runway, and including paving of the holding aprons at the west end of the taxiway.
The Fresno firm, W . M. Lyles · Co., is the apparent low bidder on the Modesto Sewer Improvement
· Project. This is the last city sewer improvement district in which the property owners will pay a connection fee after the trunk lines are installed in the streets . The Lyle's bid is below the city engineer's cost estimate for the project, which will provide for bonding property owners to construct a sewer lateral system to serve their homes.
The Peter Kiewit Co. is present-
ly working on their ten-mile ne'w alignment project between Jamestown and Moccasin Creek. Nov~ that winter has begun, the dirt spread is back on a one shift basis with mechanics still operating two shifts. At this time we are told, weather premitting, they will have the bulk of the material moved around the first of the year. are approximately 50 brother gineers employed on this at this time.
Furnishing material for the Boise-Cascade Projects is keeping the George Reed Co. at La Grange quite busy. The company has the contract with Boise-Cascade for both supplying the material and finishing the grade.
This, the last report of the year, affords us, the business agents and office staffs, the opp01tunity of wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year.
Hawaii's New Gains Continued from page 9
dormitory- $5.4 milion. Chemisb·y Building-$2.4 milion. Art and Architech1re Building- $3.7 ·· million. Social Sciences Building$3.8 miliion. Campus Student Center-$5 million.
The H-1 Freeway program, is still on the up swing from Waiau Sector to Kahi point, in the Leeward area . The heaviest construction work is in the W aiau district with six general contractors participating in the work. Over in the Aiea Sector and still part of the H-1 Freeway system, progress is coming along fairly well by Avanti Construction Inc., and Reed & Martin Inc.
Hawaiian Dredging & ConstruCtion Co., Ltd. have begun ground woi·k on the H-3 highway system in Kailua sector. This portion of the highway will tie-in into the Likelike highway approach system.
Because of the display of construction going-on today, which consist of Highrise· Structures, Freeway Systems, Federal Hous-
ing, Public Recreation Facilities, Airport Improvements, Commu~ity Improvements, Business . district improvements, Highways and Sub-divisions, we ai·e · involved in a lot of work.
Work has begun at Puaahala, on Molokai. A reso1t development that eventually is to include seven hotels, residential areas and a 1,-000 boat marina. A dredge, towed frorri Hon_olulu, anived at the site to deepen 100 acres of submerge. reef lands for the marina. The 1.5 million cubic yards of rriateiial to be dredge~ from the shoal will be used to build up land areas around the marina and fill ~e Paialoa Fish Pond. The fi lling operation will add 23 acres to the hotel construction a r ea. The dredging work will take from six months to one year. During the same period, land mauka of the main east-end Molokai road will be subdivided as sites for apartments, homes and businesses. A 250 room hotel at Puaahala is t76' built by Pacific B;isin Land CorpW of Hawaii.
Business Offices & Agents Phone Listing CALIFORNIA
Dispatch Office: 470 Valencia Street 94103 . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . (Area 415) 431-5744
A. J. "Buck" Hope, Dist. Rep ... 992 - 1182 George Baker ................ . .. 586-4423 Wayne Sprinkle ................ 673-3828 Jim Jennings, Health & Welfare
Rep, .... . .. . ...... .. . .. .. . .. . . 828-5803 Fran Walker, Trustee .... . . . .. . . 479-6828 Don Luba . . ... . .. . .. . ....... . .. 682-3777
SAN MATEO 1527 South "B" 94402 (Area 115) 345-8237 Bill Raney .. .. . . .. .. .. . ... . ... . . 368-5690 Dick Bell ....................... 359-6867
SAN RAFAEL 76 Belvedere St. 94901 (Area 415) 454-3565 Al Hansen .. ....... .. . .. . .. . .. .. 479-6874
VALLEJO 404 Nebraska St. 94590 (Area 707) 644-2667 Aaron S. Smith . . ..... . .... . .... 643-2972
DISTRICT 2-0AKLAND 1444 Webster St. 94612 (Area 415) 893-2120 Norris Casey, Dist. Rep ...... . .. 687-8545 Guy Jones ... . .. . ........... .. .. 525-5055 Tom Carter ......... . ........... 682-6382 A lex Cellini ......... . .......... . 828-3486 Jerry Allgood . . .. .. .... . ........ 443-:j_239 Mike Womack (Tech. Engrs.) . .. 443- 3151 Al Swan ... .. ................ . . . 933-9524 Herman Eppler . . . ... ....... . ... 682-5002
DISTRICT 3-STOCKTON 2626 No. Calif. 95204 (Area 209) 464-7687 Walter Talbot, Dist. Rep ........ 477-3210 Al McNa mara . ...... .. .. . .. ..... 464-0706 Elvin Balatti . . ... . .... .. . . . .. . . . 948-1742
MODESTO 401 H Street 95354 .... (Area 209) 522-0833 Ken Green . ................. . . .. 542-7593
DISTRICT 4- EUREKA 2806 Broadway 95501 (Area 707) 443-7328 Ray Cooper, Dist. Rep . .. . . ... .. . 443-1814 Eugene L ake . . . . . .... . -.......... 4~3-5843
DISTRICT 5-FRESNO 3121 East Olive 93702 (Area 209) 233-3148 Claude Odom, Dist. Rep ... . ..... 439-4052 B ill Relerford .... . . . ...... . .. . .. 924-4478 Walter Norris ............... .... 224-6697 Ralph Hurst .......... . ... .. . .. . 264-8083 J .erry Bennett .... . ..... . .. . .... 935-1878
DISTRICT 6-MARYSVILLE 1010 Eye Street 95901 (Area 916) 743-7321 Harold Huston, Dist. Rep ....... . 742- 1728 John Smith . . . . ...... . ......... . 743-6113 Dan Senechal . .. .. . ......... . .. . 742-4390 Bob Mayfield .... . . . .. . . . ... .. . . 743- 4912
DISTRICT 7- REDDING 100 Lake B lvd. 96001 (Area 916) 241-0158 L ake Austin, D ist. Rep . . .. . ..... 241-4833 Lou Barnes .... . ... . . .......... . 243-7645 .
DISTRICT 8-SACRAMENTO . 2525 Stockton Blvd. 95817 (Area 916)
......... . . . ...... . ......... .. . 457-5795 Doug Farley, D ist. Rep . .... . .... 371 -0524 AI Dalton ....... . .. .. . .... : ..... 622- 7078 Dan .Carpenter .... . .... .. . ...... 533-8156 Martin Coorpender .. . .......... 742-5818
DISTRICT 9-SAN JOSE 760 Emory St. 9511() (Area 408) 295-8?88 Bob Skidgel, D ist. Rep . .... . . .. . 269-843 • . Wm. Harley Davtdson .... . . . ... 724- 549 Mike Kraynick . .. . ..... . ....... 266- 7502 Jack Curtis . . ...... .. .... . .. . ... 265-4461 Bob Owen ........ . .. . ... . ...... 251-0416
DISTRICT 10-SANTA ROSA 3913 ·Mayette 95405 (Area 707) 546-2487 Russell Swanson, D ist. Rep. . . .. 545-4414 Robert Wagnon .... . ............ 539-2821
185 Martin Ave. 89502 (Area 702) 329 -0236 Gail Bishop, Dist. Rep .. . .... . .. . 747-1814 Bud Jacobsen ....... . ........... 882- 2994 Edwin Knapp . . . ...... ... ...... 673-3828
1958 W. N. Temple 84103 (Area 801) . ........ . ... . ..... . ....... . . . . 328-4946
Aster Whitaker, Dist. Rep . .. . . . 328- 3356 Tom Bills .. . .. . .... . .. .. ........ 255-6515 Jay Neeley ..................... 255-1304
PROVO 125 E. 300 South 84601 (Area 801) 373-823". Wayne Lassiter . . . .......... . . . . 225-636! Kay Letshman .. . ... . . . . . ....... . 896-5517
OGDEN 2538 Washington Blvd. 84401 (Area 801)
. .. . . . . . . . .. . ...... . . ..... . . . .. 399-1139 Delos Hoyt .. .. ... . ... . ..... . .. . . 376-5475
HONOLULU, HAWAII 2305 S. Beretania 96814 (Area 808)
....... . ..... . . . . .... . ......... 949-0084 Harold Lewis, Sub-Dist. Rep .... 923-1207 Bert Nakano (Hilo) .... . ..... . : .664- 886 ·Ken Kahoonei .. . ... .. .... . . . ... 811-093 Wilfred Brown .. . ..... .. .... . .. .455-9448 Wallace Lean . . .. . . ........... · .. 453-908
AGANA, GUAM P. 0. Box E -J 96910 . ......... . ... 772-4222 T orn Sapp . . ... .. .. .. .... . ....... 746-4022 William F lores .. . ......•........ 772-9500 -Henry Mar .. ... . . ... .. . . ........ :746-6281 ' M ike Pope ...... . .. . ...... • ..... 746-3422 Ken A llen ........•...... . .. . ... ----. -