Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio (2025)

THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1933 THE SCIOTO GAZETTE CHILLICOTHE, OHIO-PAGE 3 Visits White House school house on the Clarksburg and CLARKSBURG Pi.Uy Dawson. Song, "No child is Too Little. Mary Ana Ater and Joan Graham Chorus ty Primary Class. The Sower- John Henry TempUu Mrs. Laura Brown presided.

The meeting was opened with song 'The Crusade Hynou and Mrs. Brown lead the devotional service during the absence of the leader. Mrs. Na Mis Ruth Tootle was the Sunday dinner guest cf Mis Margaret Ater, F. W.

Ci.r.pb:ll and daughters Edna, Nellie and Gentva are attending the postmaster's convention at Indian Lake and are the guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vosj of Le wist own. C. E.

Goden. A. C. Skinner, W. W.

Skiner and Ralph Stephens wen business visitors in Columbus, Wednesday. joan W5ci Austin road occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Flojd Kerns. Miss Hazel Stephenson is suffering from a sprained ankle caused from a fall which s'u received on Monday evening.

Mr, and Mrs. Walter Brown of Columbus were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Ater. In the evening they were accom service of the year will be most attractive and a large crowd is antic rwo ways of Giving Tommv Eycke ipated.

A Bear Story Merrill Hughes CHILDKFX'S DAY, JUNE tt Children's Day will be fittingly observed at the M. E. church, on Sunday, June 25th at both rooming and evening service. An interesting program will be given by the primary and intermediate classes The program for Sunday morn tion Garrison. Mis Gladys Satchel! as program leader ptcsented the following: bong by society; leaflet.

"I Stand for Mrs. Tucker; leaflet "Beer Against Mrs. G. W. Cooper; vocal so.o.

"E'en As A Mrs. Mamie Dawson, with Mrs. E. L. Hurst.

ing follows: Song, Welcome Children's Day by Primary and Intermediate classes panied home by their daughters. immediately following Sunday Patsy and Eleanor who spent the Welcome recitations. Anna Lse Crabb, Mary Jo Hyer, George past two weeks visiting relatives heel in charge of Miss Gladys Satchel! and Mrs. Frank Taylor. here.

from this low-priced line liss Olive Bookwalter will preside Noble, Richard Speakman, Wendell Adkins and Billy Alan Dawson. Recitation Phyllis Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pyle of Frankfort were Sunday evening at the piano. In the evening service the Young People's chorus will sing the ten guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Gln Ater and family. Why? Nina Rose Crabb Decorating God's House Iris Noble most loved hymns in America as se lected by the Christian Hsrald vote. A story, history of each hymn will accompanist; leaflet "Seven Reasons. Mrs.

Jasper Dawson; IsaT-lets "Suggestions of Revenue At Any Price," Mrs. Ray Templin; exercise "Roses of Promis; and soiig "More Like the by eight girls namely Joan and Oretchen Graham, Mary Ann Ater, Nell tin, Eloise Garrison, Eleanor Jean Eycke, Maxine Carter and Elaine Radcliffe. During the social hour the hostess and assistants served lovely refreshments. Following tlie program the gram of the departed at Brown's Chapel were decorated with beau tlful flowers. Hub vat in charge of be given.

This last Sunday evening Be The Best Kenneth B. Ater Song, 'Smile Awliilc" Primary and Intermediate Classes The chorus is composed of Mary Ann Ater, Joan Graham, Eleanor Jean Eycke, Jane Van Horn, Patsy Templin, Waada Templin, Dorothy Garrison, Eloise Garrison. Neil Mar. tin, Mary Ellen Lawson, Esther Furniss, Lee Cra Conner. Maxine Carter Taylor, Joe Ater, Jack Ater, Mary Ellen Graham, Violet Routt and Elaine Radcliffe.

WITH THE CH LECHES SLNDAl. JUNE 25III Brown's Chapel Morning Worship 8.50. Sabbath School 10:30. Dry Kun Chaptl Sabbath School 10 Trj. Morning Worship 11.00.

ML Pleasant Sabbath School 9 -30. Clarksburg Sabbath School 9:30. Children's Day program 10:30. Evening service 8.00. Mrs, Harry Ware attended the meeting of the Washington C.

H. bridge club Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed. Bush. Mr.

and Mrs. Clifford Bowdle and daughter Mary Alice motored to Buena Vista, Sunday and-were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dove. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Goidsberry and son Russet wers Sunday guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Margaret Haynes of Austin. Mr. and Mrs.

Harley Garrison were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Piano Solo Elaine Radcliffe For A Little Miss Ruth Martin Christ' Helper Betty Holloway Recitation Howard Eugene Stephens The Way To Be Happy Bobby Eycke Song, "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam" Phyllis Ater Dialogue, "Little Folks" Ruth and Bert Morgan A Glad Time Maynard Speakman IH Tell You Something Harry Herbert Templin Because It's Children's Barbara Jean Hyer Five Little Flowers Phyllis Ater, Eleanor titt, KiffiO COFFEE i- For the big majority of today's truck owners, there's no longer any question of what truck to buy. They are making their selection from Chevrolet's line the lowest priced six-cylinder trucks on the market. And it isn't just low price that makes them choose Chevrolet. These trucks, available in three wheelbase lengths, and a big variety of body types to fit practically every hauling need, cost less for gas, oil, upkeep and repairs than any other trucks you can buy.

You can save with the Flower Mission Department with Mrs. Rinda Adams as super visor. Garrison of Willlamsport, Sunday. Nedra Ater, Vera Ater and 25c Chevrolet trucks, the most popular in the world Jacqueline Doret, Paris typist who won a Jean Harlow movie contest, Is shown outside the White Houst during a sightseeing tour of Wssh Ington, She Is on her way to'Holly wood. (Associated Press Photo) CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH, WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD Pound Mr.

and Mrs. JacS Helm of Columbus were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Mona Ater and were accompanied huuc by Miss Mar garet Ater and Mist Clementine Hughes wh'j vtl reir.aln for a two weeks' visit. Mrs. Franc's Jones will entertain the members of the Clarksburg garden club at her home on Tuesday evening, June 27.

Mrs. Charles Carter will prepare the program. The topic is "The Rose History" nd "Perennials from Seed for next Year's Garden." Otto Roll has puichated the Miss Jean Bowdle of New Holland Is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bowdle.

Mrs. B. F. Anderson and daughter Garnet were the Sunday dinner guaela of Mr. and Mrs.

Russel i'oiderson. Miss Arlene Mace was a week end guest of Miss Beneva Carter. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Tucker were Chillicothe buslnes visitors Tuesday.

C. Noble and Mrs. John Noble and children were visitors in Chillicothe, Monday. An interesting program has been mm arranged for the morning session and a covered dish dinner will be Most girls in their teens need a tonic and regulator. Give your daughter LydiaE.

Piokham's Vegetable Compound for the next few months. Teach her how to guard her health at this EPWORTU LEAGUE PARTY The Epworth League party at the M. E. Church Tuesday evening was a delightful affair and was attended by more than thirty members. The diversions of the evening were games and contests in charge of Miss Louise Baughmau and Mbs Betty Godden.

Refreshments were served at a late hour. Ray Tucker presided during the business session which was held immediately following the choir rehearsal of the league A number of Important matters were discussed and officers for the ensuing were elected as follows: president, Virginia Anderson; first vice, Virginia Bochard; second Anns Louise Eycke; ttiird vice, Vernon Dean, fourth vice, Betty Godden; secretary, Louise Baughman; tna-surer, Carl Reisinger. Plans were made to attend the Epworth League convention which will be held at Lancaster, Friday. served at the noon hour followed by recreation. The league will also attend the institute at Lancaster in July.

Members of the cabinet will hold their annual retreat on Thursday evening. The placs was not designated. C. T. U.

MEETS Mrs. Harry Morrison was ably assisted by Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mrs. Leslie Morgan on Wednesday afternoon vhen she entertained the members of the W. C.

T. U. at the M. E. church.

The president, critical time. When she Is a nappy, healthy wife and mother she will thank you; Sold at all good drug stores. Vegetable Cbinpoima. SPEEDY HALF-TON PlCK-UP-This model Is helping many businesses Improve service and cut hauling costs. The bos is built of heavy steel.

The cab is outfitted like panenger car. 8yncre-Metb gear-shift. Can't be duplicated anywhere Ml SI ooa mutt A THOUSAND GLORIOUS ADVENTURES IN A VACATION TOUR OF THE BEAUTIFUL Shenandoah Valley OF VIRGINIA A real paradise for tourists. Wide, hard-surfaced roads winding through miles upon miles of marvelous panoramic landscapes. A new thrill lies beyond every curve in an endless variety of glorious vacation pleasures.

The natural wonders amaze you In this garden spot of America. The Caverns, vast underground wonderlands, indescribably beautiful. The Natural Bridge, "God's miracle in stone." The beautiful new Skyline Drive, miles ol lofty peaks, and a thousand other natural attractions. Golf, Tennis, Riding, Hiking and Fishing offer diversion. Cool nights, balmy days and "ole" Virginia hospitality at the finest hostelrlee.

You feel like an honored guest. Come once and you will come again and again. Include the tour of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley in your trip to or from the Chicago Exposition. Write for FREE booklet and complete information. Address Dept.

SHENANDOAH VALLEY, Inc. STAUNTON, VIRGINIA IWMR MOT ami Summer Comfort Is Yours At Small Cost If Your Porch and Lawn Furniture Is Selected During This Very Special Selling Note The Low Prices I HANDSOME HALF-TON PANEL No other panel truck handles so easily or costs so little to run. Has adjustable driver's seat, weather-stripped doors, Insulated interior with dome light. Choice of many color combinations. The best value available at HATHAWAY HERE IS OUR Ir4 Spring Steel Chromium Plate Porch Pieces An entirely new type of water proof porch and lawn furniture.

Spring yteel construction offering a soft flexible spring action. Covers art Dupont weather proof with reversible cushions. Modernistic In design, extremely durable construction. See our window display. Chairs Sofa Chair $12.50 Hi Back SMART SEDAN DELIVERY--ThJslargeapacity truck is cutting delivery and selling costs for some of the biggest firms in business.

Has Fisher body, completely lined interior, Syncro-Mesh gear-shift, coach lamps. A remarkable buy at luxurious! Sturdy steel frame, tea mire IN PHOTOGRAPHIC ART with heavily upholstered seat and back. Cov. ered in a choice of gay cretonnes or heavy duck. A tremendous value In summer com fort.

TWO 'BEACH CHAIRS HAND ETCHINGS Skillfully Copied Prom Your Photograph Extra Quality Hard Wood CM Oft Construction Special ECONOMICAL STAKE TRUCK-A rugged model that has broken records for low operating and upkeep costs. Special features include solidly-built platform, steel sign panels, hinged center stake section. 131 wheelbase. A buy of buys at. mrnmsi VVDORPORCH SHADES Loose Cushion Water Proof At Big Reductions.

All 60 Artistic covers In the canvas, or water proof materials in a wide selection of patterns. Heavy felt padding. Sizes to Fit Any Porch. All prices t. o.

b. Flint, Michigan. Special equipment extra. Low delivered prices and eaty O. M.

A. C. farms. A General Motor Value, SflUE DITD CietsOLET TRUCKS AttweM Anatto Sesrvnce Etchings, carefully drawn by skilled artisans can now be made from your photograph at a very moderate price. Each etching is marked with the finest workmanship every detail, and characteristic of your photograph is reproduced to make a perfect likeness.

See these attractive new etchings now on display at our studio. Hathaway Art Studio 22 E. Second St. Phone 930-Y Frances Breth, Prop Mi UMBRELLA TABLE SET 4 Chairs Table Umbrella Top Phone 81 40 W. Main St.

Phone 15 80 East Main St..

Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio (2025)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.