[Adventurer's Guide] List of Bookshelves and Obtainable Knowledge from Bookshelves (Pearl Shop Items) | Black Desert NA/EU (2024)

Black StoneInstallabookshelfinyourresidenceand interactwith itto obtain Knowledgein manycategories.

[Adventurer's Guide] List of Bookshelves and Obtainable Knowledge from Bookshelves (Pearl Shop Items) | Black Desert NA/EU (1)

It takes an hour of reading to obtain Knowledge from a bookshelf. You can continue interactin with a bookshelf (reading) even when you switch characters via Character Selection. However, disconnecting or changing server will end interaction.


There is a chance toobtainKnowledgeyoualreadypossess.(Bookshelf durability is still consumed in this instance.)

AlthoughyoucannotobtainmoreKnowledgethrough interacting with a bookshelf whose durability is at zero,thefurnitureyouinstalleddoesnotdisappear.

RulesforobtainingKnowledgefromBookshelves(Pearl Shop Item)areasfollows:

• A Knowledge category is determined according to an equal probability when reading from the chosen Bookshelf, is complete.

• After the category has been selected, a specific Knowledge from within that category to be learned will be determined according to an equal probability as well.

• If the determined Knowledge is an Ecology type, the Knowledge grade is also determined at random according to an equal probability. (S, A+, A, B, C)

Accordingly,theprobabilityofobtainingaKnowledgeentrybyinteractingwithabookshelfisequalto(1outofthetotalnumberofKnowledgecategories)*(1/totalnumberofKnowledgesinthecategorydetermined).ForEcologytypeKnowledge,thegradeof the Knowledgeisdeterminedbasedontheprobabilityof(1/totalnumberofgrades).

Example of Specific Knowledge Probability Calculation
1.Character Knowledge:“RosaKloko”= 0.0364%
(KnowledgeCategory: 1/183) * (NumberofKnowledgeentrieswithinthecategory: 1/15) = 0.0364%,rounded to thefourthdecimal place
2.Ecology Knowledge:“Goblin Fighter(S)”= 0.0109%
(KnowledgeCategory: 1/183) * (NumberofKnowledgeswithinthecategory: 1/10) * (KnowledgeGrade1/5) = 0.0109%,rounded to thefourthdecimal place

- There are a total of 183 Knowledge categories and a total of 2682 Knowledge entries within these categories that appear on the Bookshelves. (Last updated on Dec 8, 2021)

- The probability of obtaining a certain grade of Knowledge is subject to change when Knowledge entries are added through an update.

◈ List of Bookshelves (Pearl Item Shop)

This list includes items you can only purchase during event periods.

Gargoyle Hide Decorated Bookshelf
CalpheonMarbleand GoldBookshelf
VolcanicRock DecoratedBookshelf

◈ Obtainable Knowledge from Bookshelves (Pearl Shop Item)

• You can more conveniently find the Knowledge entry you seek by pressing Ctrl + F.

• The grade (S, A+, A, B, C) of your Ecology Knowledge is determined according to an equal probability.

• Percentages were only written out to the fourth decimal place. (Rounded from the fifth decimal place)

Special Trading Manager
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Rosa KlokoMathiasRadolf Hansen
Roig MillsDemiel BatianLamiro Iadans
Mysterious ManLotz PavarottiPasvinder
Residents of Velia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Islin BartaliCrioDavid Finto
AlustinIgor BartaliArtemio Fiazza
Claire ArrynAbelinMariano
Velia Merchant
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Tranan UnderfoeBaharShiel
Santo ManziEileenLaiano Pietro
Velia Farm People
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Adrian LoggiaIndasilMartina Finto
Emma BartaliSevero LoggiaCamellia Loggia
Ovidio ToscaniDaphne DelLucciPaola Toscani
Rovant MarinoDarifuVongole
Western Camp Officer
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Miguel AriesArmstrongJamie
Foreigners of Velia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
TachrosOttavio FerreLuke
Lafi BedmountainOrwenGarnil
Elmos BerryJamey DruckerKlau
Chuck LaurieProixFughar
Island Residents
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0248%.
FrancisDichzy BorneBolhi
Upper Class of Heidel
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Jarette DomongattBobby LaurenGrace Lauren
George FustoCrucio DomongattJordine Ducas
Foreigners of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
EilPoviosIsobelle Encarotia
Jemkas WyrmsbaneCrantHakkon
Robey HoneYazMernuah
Jamey DruckerStee
Serendia Merchant
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
OrnellaCaresto FontiLara
VangelasLuciano PietroMelissa Brady
Dora FontiAmerigoJoel
Officers of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Cruhorn WyrmsbaneRomano ProsperoXaviero Vitello
Hervano TitoCeasarCheremio
AlugrenVype StonerAnti
Guards of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Enrico ManciniBermanKael
RamartMaulDi Lanoa
Serendia Villager
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
HuntMurana LynchAmadeo Alejandro
Coco EldaFatoosMael Costa
Mercianne MorettiZara LynchHannes
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Lionel RicheAmarantoDeborah
Carlo DeRoseFrenilBach
Daniela DeRose
Glish Villager
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0781%.
Lorenzo MurrayVanacilIzaro
Calpheon Territory (Wharf Manager)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Residents of Olvia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
CroxusWaleGray Biants
BofinCorinNadia Rowen
Olvia Merchants
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
CurtisChiara CoopLacy
KyrioJuliettaNodmir Coop
Upper Class of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Norma LeightHerman FeresioDominic Erne
Geoffrey ErneTheophil BatianLavientia Batian
Elina LeightCeras FeresioKaia Feresio
Annolisa RosieNella EncarotiaEnrique Encarotia
Giovan GrolinMilano BelucciElle Belucci
Lieber Rousseau
Citizens of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
ClarksterMartha KiyenSt. Pejon
Fredelles HerbaHardenBrandio
Lindsiyana HerbaLuolo GrebeDanielle Stimi
Basquean LjurikWolfgangDimanthor
AshrogueMaryan PeroAngela
ArioPseborLizle Carta
Calpheon City Merchant
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.026%.
Alfredo LombardiAusonio TrevisanAnnabella Belucci
Clara SicilianoGiovanni RomanoPhiliberto LiPonti
Foreigners of Calpheon City
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.2732%.
Jamey DruckerLajee
Elionism and the Delphe Knights
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
LaderrChristopher VarkaantBrego Williar
ReyasElgriffinSt. Pjorn
SamierLehard MotenonMichael
Balker BatianVitheons BelucciLeona
Bacho Ladericcio
Delphad and the Trina Knights
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
ValksSiena VolaireDelphad Castillion
Casto LuceFridri DofricsonProspio
Gerard MercelloKirklasRenaldus
Von MarenDaz
Calpheon Northern Plantation Resident
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Benil OrdoKarcenovXaviel
MalikClara JeavinLeordo Dias
Griffian BerniantoKreutzKanpacho
Florin Villager
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Shunned Ones of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Citizens of Port Epheria
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Olivino GrolinPavino GrekoPhyria
Philaberto FalasiTheresio CaponGustuk
FanucciSrulkPanovat Kover
Upper Class of Keplan
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Ivan DeRoseEldasGreco Gorda
HamirMarco FaustKlam Cessory
Keplan Merchant
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Laniero LucciIrellio LucciLilvanos
Christine CessoryAmbrokeFelix
People of Lake Kaia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
BrunoWater-bellied Catfishman
People of Trent
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
GofrantDalianSpotty Troll
Forest People
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
BjornLikke BehrSpig
Node Manager (Balenos)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Tiny NoseAndreiFairy Nest
Cron Castle AltarMarshaBeedle
GrushaGoblin MuralStone Chamber Excavation Lead
Node Manager (Serendia)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Ancient Naga StatueRubenPapa Fogan
Orc Hunter BrodieMeldorSara
Node Manager (Northern Calpheon)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
BadoruAndre VidalBree Tree Ancient Ruins
ClarksterLittle Khuruto GatiAlca Antoure
Paso AncaShepherd RonJacob
Petrified Troll
Node Manager (Keplan)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.021%.
Henge BatoPetrified LaborersRough Mud Pile
Keplan Scout SamTrina Knights Scout HenleyNaku Davi
Trina Knights Soldier MaxAncient Relic on Beacon TowerBava
Jame FalresNight OwlAnne
Protruding CrystalMatheo OberenLonebaer
Abandoned Quarry Scout TheoGiant Chief StatueHunter Barant
Goolie GianinBatuettaPatrol Anna
Rock Investigator EnrukaNurse PhireaInvestigator Olgert
Stranded Soldier JohnGatherer Fabris
Node Manager (Southwestern Calpheon)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0228%.
Questionable Giant MushroomEagle of CalpheonTreant Spirit
PatreoKamasylve Priestess NellamorinResting Rhutum
Elinke VisaminKamasylve Priestess LuniaBavao
Bob AndersonManciniKaku
Agria JensDoctor BrogiaHexe's Curse
Villa Owner PhonielBojankaHuman Remains
Keplan Vet RosanirDragon EggSirio
Eastern Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0171%.
VeliaAgris SteppeCoastal Cliff
Western Guard CampForest of SeclusionFleme Hills
Balenos ForestForest of PlunderEhwaz Hill
Cron Castle SiteFinto FarmBartali Farm
Velia OssuaryLoggia FarmImp Cave
Altar of AgrisCoastal CaveToscani Farm
Ancient Stone ChamberMarino FarmMarino Farm Warehouse
DelLucci FarmGoblin CaveFiazza Farm Ruins
Cron CastleHeidel PassBalenos Bay
Balenos RiverBalenos MountainsIliya Island
Western GatewayHidden Coastal Cliff Cave
Western Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
OlviaFlorin GatewayElder's Bridge
Wale FarmCasta FarmWolf Hills
Balenos River MouthTerrmian CliffFoot of Terrmian Mountain
Olvia CoastEpheria RidgeMask Owl's Forest
Northern Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Mountain Sheep SummitKing's ForestHeidel Northern Highlands
Northern Plain of SerendiaHeidel, SerendiaHeidel Castle
Northern Heidel QuarryNorthern Guard CampAlejandro Farm
Lynch FarmWizard's AltarLynch Ranch
Demi RiverDemi RiverbankLynch Farm Ruins
Serendia Swamp
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Extraction MillNorthern Naga MarshSouthern Fogan Marsh
Northern Fogan MarshElda FarmCosta Farm
Moretti PlantationCentral Naga MarshNorthwestern Gateway
GlishSouthern Naga MarshDernyl Farm
Glish RuinsSouthern CienagaSouthern Guard Camp
Central Guard CampNorthern CienagaGlish Swamp
Peripheral Mountains of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0248%.
Southern Plain of SerendiaGrain BeltSouthern Mountain Range
Northern Neutral ZoneCentral Neutral ZoneSouthern Neutral Zone
Eastern GatewayCastle RuinsSerendia Shrine
Bloody MonasteryBiraghi DenWestern Cliff
WatchtowerVeiled LabyrinthSanctuary Valley Path
Bradie FortressSouthwestern GatewayMonastery Riverhead
Death's PilgrimageEastern BorderOrc Camp
Bandit's Den Byway
Northern Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0182%.
Abandoned LandQuint HillAnti-Troll Fortification
Delphe OutpostKaranda RidgeNorthern Wheat Plantation
Contaminated FarmCaphras CaveIsolated Sentry Post
Dias FarmEpheria Sentry PostEpheria Valley
Cohen FarmElder's Bridge PostBernianto Farm
Calpheon PlainKhuruto CaveWaragon Cave
Bree Tree RuinsOld DandelionDelphe Knights Castle
Port EpheriaCalpheonFlorin
Calpheon SlumCalpheon MarketCalpheon Castle Site
Kalis PlazaMarni Cave PathLake Kaia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0202%.
Oze PassMarni Farm RuinsKeplan Hill
Saunil CampPrimal Giant PostSaunil Battlefield
Trina FortTrina Beacon TowersMarni's Lab
Falres Dirt FarmHexe Stone WallBain Farmland
North Abandoned QuarryOberen FarmBeacon Entrance Post
Abandoned QuarryGehaku PlainKeplan Vicinity
Gianin FarmSerendia Western GatewayGlutoni Cave
Quarry BywayKeplan QuarryOze's House
Dane CanyonTarte Rock ForkKeplan
Southwestern Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0188%.
TrentBehrCalpheon Castle
Treant ForestNorth Kaia PierBehr Riverhead
Rhutum OutstationRhutum Sentry PostAbandoned Monastery
CriovilleRhua Tree StubSouth Kaia Pier
Gabino FarmCatfishman CampCalpheon Castle Western Forest
Mansha ForestMarie CaveTobare's Cabin
Lumberjack's Rest AreaLongleaf Tree Sentry PostLongleaf Tree Forest
Witch's ChapelPhoniel's CabinBehr Downstream
Hexe SanctuaryPhoniel's Cabin EntranceNorth Kaia Mountaintop
Northern Lake KaiaSouthern Lake Kaia
Beasts (Balenos)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Parasitic BeeGrass BeetleWeasel
Balenos BearStoneback CrabSmall Tree Spirit
Immature Tree SpiritMature Tree SpiritPlain Stoneback Crab
Gray FoxGray WolfGray Boar
Baby Boar
Imps (Balenos)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
Imp SoldierImp RaiderImp Wizard
Steel ImpSteel Imp WarriorSteel Imp Wizard
Imp Defense TowerImp AmuletImp Altar
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
GoblinGoblin FighterGoblin Thrower
Goblin ShamanGoblin Elite SoldierGoblin Watchtower
Goblin CauldronGoblin Giant TowerGoblin Giant Sculpture
Giath's Secret
Exiles of Mediah
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
Rookie SoldierScoutOperation Chief
Senior SoldierCron Castle WatchtowerCron Castle Flag
Cron Castle BarracksCron Castle SupplyCron Castle Barricade
Beasts (Serendia)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
Kuku BirdMoss Stoneback CrabTriangle Head Lizard
Fan FlamingoSmall SalamanderScary Salamander
Swamp Hermit CrabFan Flamingo NestMountain Sheep
LambRainbow LizardSheep
Kuku Bird NestGrassback CrabBig Horn Triangle Head Salamander
Serendia BearSerendia WolfSerendia Elk
Serendia Mountain Sheep
Plants (Serendia)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Pumpkin GhostScarecrow GhostWheat Field Lookout
Poisonous Swamp PlantThorn TentacleRed Thorn Tentacle
Black Thorn TentacleToxic Thorn TentacleMudster Swamp
Thorn Tentacle NestMudster
Insects (Serendia)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
SpiderBeetleTiny Bee
Barrel-Parasitic BeePouch-Parasitic BeeAcid Spider Den
Acid SpiderBush SpiderBig Bush Spider
Conch-Parasitic BeeBeehiveCobweb
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Bandit WatchtowerBandit AmuletBandit Hut
Bandit Round HutBandit WarriorBandit Archer
Giant BanditBandit Raid CaptainBandit Defense Captain
Demibeast Bandit WarriorTrained WolfLog Lightning Trap
Briar Lightning TrapTrapBandit Treasure Wagon
Bandit Treasure ChestPrisonBandit Large Watchtower
Imps (Serendia)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Altar ImpAltar Imp WarriorAltar Imp Scout
Altar Imp TrainerAltar Imp FighterStrong Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Food WagonImp FlagAltar Imp Barracks
Mine ImpMine Imp TowerMine Imp Wagon
Imp PigpenAltar Imp Prison
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Swamp FoganSwamp Fogan GuardSwamp Fogan Lookout
Swamp Fogan FortunetellerSwamp Fogan EggFogan Hatchling
Big Swamp FoganSmall Swamp FoganFogan Archer Dugout
Fogan AmuletFogan Defense TowerFogan Food Depot
Swamp Fogan Giant TowerSwamp Fogan Warrior
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Swamp NagaSwamp Naga Apprentice SpearmanSwamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
Swamp Naga AxemanSwamp Naga CommanderNaga Guard Tower
Naga HutAmbushed Naga
Red Orcs
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Red OrcRed Orc WarriorRed Orc Wizard
Red Orc Elite SoldierRed Orc FighterRed Orc Berserker
Long Red OrcRed Orc HutFirebreathing Orc Cannon
Red Orc Giant AltarFirewood OrcSmall Red Orc
Small Red Orc WarriorOrc Large CauldronOrc Mushroom Brazier
Red Orc Shamanic CauldronRed Orc Prison
Al Rhundi Rebels
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Mobility UnitChargerPatrol
WizardPersonal GuardPersonal Escort
Rebel WatchtowerRebel FlagRebel Barracks
Rebel SupplyRebel Barricade
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
CultistCultist WarriorCultist Shaman
Cultist AssassinCultist Stone StatueCultist Flag
Cultist Giant WarriorWicked Cultist
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0781%.
Serendia Shrine WarriorSerendia Shrine WizardSerendia Shrine Priest
Kzarka, the Lord of CorruptionSerendia Shrine PriestessSerendia Shrine Victim
Altar of Blood
Beasts (Calpheon)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.014%.
Kuku HatchlingRed Boar's DenRainbow Fox
Big House-Parasitic BeeStone CrabIguana
Red BoarStone RatSpotted Hyena
Stonescale DevourerYoung Red BoarCalpheon Beetle
Rhino LizardCalpheon WormMountain Lamb
Young Stone RatBatBlue Lizard
Brown RaccoonElkYoung Elk
Female ElkPlantation Small MolePlantation Big Mole
Locusts SwarmFarm BoarWaragon
Baby WaragonSpotted DeerExplosive Waragon
Waragon EggFerocious WeaselLong-haired Water Buffalo
Red BearSharp Rock SpiderBrown Bear
Mutant GargoyleAmbushing Stone SpiderMature Stone Rat
Plants (Calpheon)
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Old Tree TreantRoot TreantOwl Treant
Twin-Headed TreantTreant StubScream Treant
Rooted Old Wood TreantTreant SpiritSmall Treant
Tough Tree SpiritLazy Tree SpiritToxic Cave Plant
Treant Crystal Tree
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Khuruto Elite SoldierKhuruto SoldierSmall Khuruto
Khuruto FighterKhuruto ShamanKhuruto Prison
Khuruto SacrificeKhuruto Resting AreaKhuruto Amulet
Khuruto Wooden TotemKhuruto Ration DepotKhuruto Tent
Khuruto Pot
Quint Hill
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0228%.
TrollTroll WarriorTroll Thrower
Troll ShamanTroll PorterAncient Troll
Ancient Troll WarriorAncient Troll ThrowerAncient Troll Shaman
Troll Elite WarriorTroll CowAncient Troll Elite Warrior
Troll HutTroll Protection TowerTroll Ration Depot
Troll CatapultTroll Buff TowerTroll Siege Soldier
Troll BarricadeDragon Protection TowerYoung Troll Ox
Surrendered Khuruto Elite SoldierSurrendered Khuruto SoldierTroll Wagon
Marni's House
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Orc Test SubjectChimeraMad Screaming Orc Wizard
Mad Scientist CannonMad Scientist BombMad Screaming Orc Warrior
Mad Screaming HarpyMad Screaming SaunilUnidentified Cauldron
Horn Chimera
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Saunil CommanderSaunil FighterSaunil Armored Warrior
Saunil ElderSaunil FighterSaunil Immobile Catapult
Saunil Mobile CatapultSaunil Siege TowerSaunil Guard
Saunil WarriorSaunil ArcherSaunil Elite Soldier
Saunil Charger
Mansha Forest
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Mansha WarriorMansha Javelin ThrowerOgre
Mansha Lightning TrapMansha Trap
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Rhutum SoldierRhutum FighterRhutum Elite Warrior
Rhutum WizardRhutum ArcherRhutum Cannon
Rhutum TowerRhutum FlagRhutum Ration
Rhutum SculptureRhutum HutCaptive Prison
Rhutum Elite BrawlerRhutum Elite Archer
Lake Kaia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
CatfishmanCatfishman FisherOtter Fisher
Fat CatfishmanJellyfishWater Strider
Catfishman WitmirthCatfishman Rotten FishCatfishman Meat
Catfishman Light-armored WarriorCatfishman Elite Fisher
Hexe Sanctuary
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
SkeletonSkeleton ArcherSkeleton Warrior
Skeleton WolfGreen Orc Skeleton WarriorSkeleton Lizard
Skeleton WitmirthWitch TowerHexe Sanctuary Shamanic Tree
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Roaming Black SpiritAdventurer Possessed by a Black SpiritGiant Possessed by a Black Spirit
Wizard Possessed by a Black SpiritRuins SpiderAncient Ruins Guard
Ancient Ruins DefenderSpotted Deer Possessed by a Black SpiritRuins Golem
Small Cylinder Ruins TreeLarge Cylinder Ruins TreeArch Ruins Tree
Ancient Ruins Stone GateFace Ruins TreeTiny Ruins Spider
Triangle Ruins TreeCircle Ruins Tree
Secret Societies
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
Calpheon ProtesterCalpheon Protester WarriorCalpheon Protester Priestess
Calpheon Protester BerserkerCalpheon Angry ProtesterCalpheon Shadow Knight
Calpheon Shadow WizardCalpheon Shadow GuardCalpheon Shrine Warrior
Calpheon Shrine PriestessCalpheon Shrine Elite WarriorCalpheon Shrine Elite Wizard
Calpheon Elite Shadow KnightCalpheon Elite Shadow PriestessAura of Failed Kzarka
Remnants of KzarkaCave StalactiteCalpheon Shrine Pillar
Hand of Kzarka
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0781%.
HarpySmall HarpyHarpy Warrior
Harpy MageHarpy AbductorBlack Harpy Elite
Harpy Nest
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
GiantGiant WarriorCyclops
Disguised GiantGiant BrawlerGiant Combatant
Giant FighterGiant SculptureTreasure Chamber of One-Eyed Giant
Cyclops Food Drying Stand
Creatures of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Small GlutoniBig GlutoniCave Flytrap Worm
CrowBaby GargoyleGrass Root Nymph
Fire Root NymphEarth Root NymphFaust Forest Tough Stoneback Crab
Faust Forest Tiny Stoneback CrabFaust Forest Scrub Stoneback CrabFaust Forest Herb Stoneback Crab
Rough Stoneback CrabStoneback Crab EggMedium-sized Glutoni
Mutant GlutoniRuins MonsterRoot Nymph Rest Area
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Golem SpiderPetrifying WorkerRock Spider
Petrifying MinerKeplan SawKeplan Catapult
Junk GolemPetrifying BomberPetrifying Dwarf
Petrifying ForemanPetrifying Berserk MinerJunk Pile
Petrified MinerHalf-petrified MinerPetrified Laborer Sculpture
Refugee Camp
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Contaminated ManContaminated WomanContaminated Dwarf
Contaminated GiantContaminated DogContaminated Butcher
Contaminated WizardContaminated WitchRefugee Camp Amulet
Refugee Camp JarRefugee Camp BarracksRefugee Camp Round Barracks
Contaminated Black DogPile of Mountain Sheep Skulls
Velia Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
A Skull Covered in a Faded ShroudInfectedCrio and Seagulls
Goblin WorkerWagon Explosion IncidentMariano's Cat
Truth About the Charnel HouseClorince's KindnessAncient Treasure Hunter
Velia DockRuins Management DistrictRitual for a Large Haul
Dressed FishGoblin IntelligenceGoblin and the Black Stone
Sad Imp Kid, Red NoseAncient Stone Chamber and Edan
Ancient Stone Chamber Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Murals of the AncientAncient Defense WeaponsInitiating Ancient Defense Weapons
Ancient Stone Chamber, Mural of Prophecy IAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Prophecy IIAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Prophecy III
Ancient Stone Chamber, Mural of Prophecy IVAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Prophecy VAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Experience I
Ancient Stone Chamber, Mural of Experience IIAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Experience IIIAncient Stone Chamber, Mural of Experience IV
Ancient Stone Chamber, Mural of Experience VDefense Weapons of the AncientsGiant Defense Weapons of the Ancients
The Awakened
Iliya Island Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1821%.
Iliya Island's Ritual for Large HaulNeutt and MeuttMeutt and Neutt
Balenos Adventure Journal I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Santo Manzi's LetterCaptured OgreGoblin Fence
Monster for a MonsterDavid Finto's Healthy FoodSpicy Smelling Reagent
Sour Smelling ReagentMoldy Smelling ReagentTurg's Corpse
Fierce-Looking Wooden FlagEnormous Goblin StoneDenum Protty's Sea Voyage Journal
Denum Protty's Journal IDenum Protty's Journal II
Balenos Adventure Journal II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
The Power of Caphras StonesCaphras StoneBeautifully Bloomed Grudge
Daughters of a Great AlchemistAt the End of the PowerRecords about the Forbidden Alchemy
Clorince's AnswerEileen's AnswerGrudging Soul of Cron Cave
Harsh Situations at Western Guard CampDelegation of Full PowerGrand Chamberlain Takes the Real Control
Loyal Subject Pushed Outward
Serendia Adventure Log II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Lost LambAl Rhundi's JournalLazy Soldiers
Cruhorn's ErrandHeidel Church BelfryKite Flying
Cannonball MasterLaborers of the QuarryMine Imps Gone Berserk
Bloodstained LetterMelissa's HeartSecret Mission at the Abandoned Fort Site
Risk Factors EverywhereBroken CannonOrnella's taste
Orcs and SpiritsBroken WagonDemibeast and Shai
Serendia Adventure Log III
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.026%.
The Only Thing That MattersAl Rhundi, the MortalGlish Commemorative Coin
Donatt and MudstersDonatt's WillFreharau and Enlightenment
Delicious WaterCultist's Burned DocumentFogan Language
Fogan Test SubjectNaga SculptureExtraction Mill Laborer
Water Purifying FacilityDisappearing MaidenBlack Crystal Pouch
Ceasar's Secret MethodCalpheon Apprentice PriestFreharau's Scar
Secret PlaceCave That Nobody KnowsParts Delivery to the Extraction Mill
Serendia Adventure Log Ⅳ
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Heidel Street DanceLuxurious Treasure ChamberGood Deeds of Serendians
Neither Friend Nor FoeSerendia and Goblin WorkersDesign of the Extraction Mill
Black Crystal Extraction MillPumpkins at Alejandro FarmLord's Table
The Pope and the PauperPortrait of the PrincessJordine's Ring
Jordine's NecklaceWhat It Takes to Make It a Hot SpotSpoiled Jarette
Lynch Family Gone MissingVagabonds of Serendia
Serendia Adventure Log Ⅴ
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
The Origins of the Shadow KnightsThe Coming of Belmorn and the Knights of DawnThe Fall of the Knights of Dawn I
The Fall of the Knights of Dawn IISerendian Soldier and Rabbit's FootTooth Custom
Torn Alchemy JournalLost ChestShadow Knight Master's Grave
Object of Envy and JealousyMarine Technology of HeidelWho is the Successor of Cliff?
Calpheon WineStories of FogansArtifacts in the Extraction Mill
Origin of Clear WaterThe Secret Guards Departed For MediahPanic-striken Orphanage
Song of the Valotier Troupe
Serendia Adventure Log I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
An Ill OmenOrwen and a Mysterious ManAmbitions of Jordine
A Guest from GlishGlish Underground StorageFreharau's Advice
Sword of the Shadow KnightJordine Goes to the WatchtowerOrder Delivered to Margaret
Northern Calpheon Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0202%.
Mysterious CreatureAncient Ruins SpiderMysterious Chest
A Spineless StrategyThe Glorious DayFlorin and Growing Herbs
Herb CookiesRomance in FlorinCaphras' Journal
Death of Plantation CowsFarmland in PanicAmy's Whereabout
Where's Doc and Dopey?Andro's ChestHarpy Language
Delphe Knights Operation OrdersPunitive Force and the Rescue PartyKhuruto and Sunrise Herbs
Khuruto Defense GearAncient Architecture FragmentCaves and Treasures of the Ancient Ruins
Scent of Sunrise HerbLarge Khuruto CauldronBree Tree Forest Cave
Why Did Xaviel Fail?Xaviel's AppearanceBree Tree Ruins Underground Artifacts
Keplan Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Oze's WillThe Mad LordDecline of Stone Production
Keplan's Source of IncomeReality in the QuarryRumors from the Quarry
Missing WorkersHappy Batuetta
Southwestern Calpheon Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Dead ElkCalpheon and Kamasylvia ICalpheon and Kamasylvia II
Calpheon and Kamasylvia IIINightmare in CriovilleKing of the Otters?
Bloody Ogre TearHexe Marie's HutWitches and the Skeleton Servants
Hexe Marie's WitchTrina Knights and the Baby DragonMansha Hut
Forgotten Bullets
Calpheon City Adventure Journal I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
The Shaia IncidentMadame LavientiaDominic's Son
The Taming of the TomboyRefining a Steel SwordCalpheon Workshop Refining Method
Renee the CatCalpheon Workshop Apprentice RecruitmentEffects of the Wonderful Bree Drug
Holy College of Calpheon
Calpheon City Adventure Journal II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Memories of the Calpheon Imperial Auction House #1Memories of the Calpheon Imperial Auction House #2Situation of Casualties in the Slum
Letter from the OrientA Single-line RecordCalpheon's Memoir #1
Calpheon's Memoir #2Calpheon's Memoir #3Encarotia Family
Psychological Warfare IThe Tales of the KarlsteinKarlstein's appearance in Calpheon
Vetor, KarlsteinKarlstein's Symbolism
Calpheon and Valkyries
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0127%.
Origins of the ValkyrieFundamentals of the ValkyrieFundamentals of the Valkyrie: Manners
The Great Valkyrie and CalpheonA Stance on WarValkyrie Techniques: Basic
Valkyrie Techniques: IntermediateValkyrie Techniques: AdvancedA Valkyrie's Role in War
Fundamentals of the Valkyrie: IntegrityFundamentals of the Valkyrie: ServiceFundamentals of the Valkyrie: Sacrifice
Valkyrie's Art of WarWeapons of WarTaking Care of Your Equipment
Fundamentals of the Valkyrie - Meditation101 Essential Stories about the ValkyrieWhat is a Hero?
How to Win a WarSwordsmanship: BasicSwordsmanship: Intermediate
Swordsmanship: AdvancedEnemies of Calpheon IEnemies of Calpheon II
Enemies of Calpheon IIIIntroduction to ElionismA Talk with Elion.
The Nature of WarTactics Leading to Calpheon's VictoryHow to Deal with a Giant Monster
Do Godly Powers Really Exist?Encyclopedia of Calpheon WeaponsCalpheon Art of War
The Invincible Old TimerFundamentals of an Officer: BasicFundamentals of an Officer: Intermediate
Fundamentals of an Officer: AdvancedAncient Myths and TruthsDoes Black Energy Exist?
Unbeatable TacticsJustifications of WarImpregnable Tactics and Strategies
How to Pep Up Your Soldiers
Monarch of Darkness Adventure Journal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Resurrection of BelmornThe Watchtower ConspiracySecret Guards I
Secret Guards IIAlchemy and GorgathTroop of Darkness I
Troop of Darkness IITroop of Darkness IIIOrigin of the Crimson Flame
Origin of EarthOrigin of Ancient LightCaphras' Seal
Caphras' Secret LabNecklace of BalanceJordine and Orwen
Abandoned Jordine
History I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
History of VehiclesBlack DeathBlack Revolution
Two Faces of CalpheonResistance or Revolution?Legacy of a 30 Year Invasion
Disaster of ForgivenessThe Great Move of the SavagesThe Doubtful Death of a Young King
Orphans of WarNaga HomeFall of Cron Castle
Statue at the OssuaryRamones of BalenosThe Great Library of Calpheon
Watchtower Bridge
Economy I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Slum in the CityFirst Step to Becoming a MerchantRespectable Business Ethics
Economy of the Working ClassesGod of Gold: Merchant's TrickCurrency for Whom?
Age of TradingComplacency is a Sin.Can Monsters Be Safely Controlled??
Stepping Stone to a Higher ClassBank of HopeCalpheon Xian Merchant Guild
Alchemist of Calpheon Castle
Politics I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Outlaws of the SlumReasons for RebellingXian Alliance
The Grand Chamberlain of HeidelCliff the Old TimerHope of Peasants
Heidel TreatyFrugal LifeKalis Parliament
Crisis in KalisRights and ShadowsComitia of Tantinis
Honor, the Final DecisionWar and MediahLeague of Merchants
Sophistication I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Meister LomerunTravels in MediahSerendia: The Glorious History
Berman's Cooking SecretsVelia SpecialtiesHow to Survive Monster Attacks
Mysterious SculptorLiving a LeaderAn Epic Romance
Olivia: A Travel SketchWall ClimbingFlute
Artemio the Literary LionThe Cook's PresenceWitch at the Farm
The Flute BoyA Velian Epic
Theology I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
An Elionian Definition of HeresyBirth of FaithAfter Death
Evil Gods in DarknessWill of ElionTower of Will
Dragon WatcherBell Ringing from the CityRoad of Repentance
Alchemy I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Great Alchemists: LomerunGreat Alchemists: GorgathGreat Alchemists: Alustin
Purity of Black CrystalDoes Immortality Exist?On Experience and Enlightenment
Cron Castle's AltarGrades of Black Crystal
Ethnicity I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Nagas and FogansDemibeastsShais
KhurutosRed OrcsSea Otters
Mansha GoblinsImps
Sophistication II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Those That Do Not PrayDignity Wrapped In LuxuryYoung Merchant's Evening
City HeraldFlower Picking KidsChimney Sweeping
Elder's PlazaThe Prestigious Leight FamilyFalres Elionian Church
The Best LuxuryMaster Artisans
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.021%.
Celphie's Special AlchemyCarolin's Expert Packaging Skills (Cooking)Carolin's Expert Packaging Skills (Alchemy)
Shaking: BeginnerDrying: BeginnerFiltering: Beginner
Grinding: BeginnerRepairHeating: Beginner
Chopping: BeginnerShaking: SkilledDrying: Skilled
Filtering: SkilledGrinding: SkilledHeating: Skilled
Chopping: SkilledShaking: ProfessionalDrying: Professional
Filtering: ProfessionalGrinding: ProfessionalHeating: Professional
Chopping: ProfessionalHuntingLow-Grade Crystal Fusion
High-Grade Crystal FusionOssa Dilla's Special Heating Method
Introduction to Fishing
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Fishing and FishRotten FishDried Fish
Surprisingly Useful StuffCook with FishFisher's Token
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0171%.
Teff BreadFig PieTeff Sandwich
Grilled ScorpionKing of Jungle HamburgSteak
Soft BreadFruit PieMeat Pie
Honeycomb CookieCheese PieOmelet
Meat SandwichSmoked Fish SteakSeafood Grilled with Butter
Dark PuddingGrilled SausageHam Sandwich
Cheese GratinAloe CookieLizard Kebab
Desert DumplingButter-Roasted LobsterRainbow Button Mushroom Sandwich
Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese MeltRoast MarmotSkewered Llama Cheese Melt
Grilled Bird MeatSavory SteakDelotia Pudding
Frank SandwichDelotia Tart
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
ChowderFreekeh Snake StewGrain Soup
Fruit PuddingMilk TeaMeat Stew
Fish SoupMeat SoupTea With Fine Scent
Boiled Bird EggsSute TeaHard-Boiled Shellfish
Ghormeh SabziFive-Grain Chicken PorridgeDelotia Milk Tea
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Fried FishFried VegetablesFried Bird
Meat CroquetteCoconut Fried FishPan-Fried Oyster
Deep Frying
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Fruit JuiceFruit and Vegetable SaladOatmeal
Seafood Mushroom SaladFish Fillet SaladLean Meat Salad
BorschtHigh-Quality Carrot JuiceSpecial Carrot Juice
Carrot ConfitWhale Meat SaladHunter's Salad
Fresh Hunter's SaladPrawn SaladDelotia Juice
Chicken Breast Salad
Raw Food
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Date Palm WineBeerExotic Herbal Wine
Fruit WinePickled VegetablesAloe Yogurt
Honey WinePickled FishCoconut co*cktail
Khalk's Fermented WineSweet Honey Wine
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Pistachio Fried RiceStir-Fried VegetablesSeafood Pasta
Meat PastaStir-Fried SeafoodStir-Fried Meat
Fish Fillet ChipsCoconut PastaStir-Fried Bracken
Stir-Fried Bracken and MeatStir-Fried Bird
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Valencia MealBalenos MealSerendia Meal
Calpheon MealMediah MealKnight Combat Rations
Assorted Side DishesSpecial Arehaza MealMargoria Seafood Meal
Kamasylvia MealSpecial Drieghanese MealO'dyllita Meal
Assorted Cooking
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
VinegarWhite SauceRed Sauce
DressingEssence of Liquor
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
Byproduct FertilizerOrganic FertilizerWheat Dough
Barley DoughPotato DoughSweet Potato Dough
Corn DoughTeff Flour DoughFreekeh Flour Dough
Prime Quality Material
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Blood RubyOcean SapphireGold Topaz
Forest EmeraldStar DiamondSupreme Soft Hide
Supreme Tough HideSupreme Hard HideSupreme Thin Hide
Supreme Thick FurSupreme Fancy Reptile SkinSupreme Lightweight Plume
Supreme Fancy FeatherTough Flax FabricBud of Time
Indigo Lapis Lazuli
Dried Hide
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Soft HideTough HideHard Hide
Thin HideThick FurFancy Reptile Skin
Fine Soft HideFine Tough HideFine Hard Hide
Fine Thin HideFine Thick FurFine Fancy Reptile Skin
Cooking and Cooking Ingredients
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1366%.
CheeseFragrant JerkyWell-Dried Jerky
Rare Jerky
Dried Seafood I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0152%.
Dried MudskipperDried BeltfishDried Porgy
Dried SwellfishDried RockfishDried Angler
Dried MackerelDried StarfishDried Filefish
Dried Scorpion FishDried LenokDried Arowana
Dried SweetfishDried DaceDried Bleeker
Dried Rosy BitterlingDried Porcupine FishDried Tongue Sole
Dried Atka MackerelDried CuttlefishDried Mackerel Pike
Dried Stumpy BullheadDried Shuttles HoppfishDried Oily Shiner
Dried Korean LoachDried MinnowDried Cherry Icefish
Dried Spined LoachDried Amur IdeDried Stone Moroko
Dried Amur GobyDried SticklebackDried Mori
Dried Grass CarpDried Black ShinerDried Burbot
Dried Seafood II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.026%.
Dried SalmonDried CatfishDried Snakehead
Dried Cherry SalmonDried PiranhaDried Terrapin
Dried BluegillDried Notch JawDried Mudfish
Dried Goby MinnowDried Yellowfin SculpinDried Striped Shiner
Dried Bubble EyeDried Yellow-Head CatfishDried Roundtail Paradisefish
Dried Horn FishDried DollarfishDried Sandeel
Dried MorayDried TilefishDried Common Minnow
Dried Seafood III
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0195%.
Dried JellyfishDried CarpDried Crucian Carp
Dried TroutDried Flying FishDried Ray
Dried SeahorseDried MulletDried Swiri
Dried Mandarin FishDried PerchDried Bitterling
Dried CroakerDried SardineDried Round Herring
Dried Silver Stripe Round HerringDried GunnelDried Siganid
Dried SurfperchDried Blackfin SweeperDried Maomao
Dried John DoryDried RosefishDried Bigeye
Dried Fourfinger ThreadfinDried Tapertail AnchovyDried Kuhlia Marginata
Dried Amur Minnow
Dried Seafood IV
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0248%.
Dried FlounderDried AmberjackDried Saurel
Dried SquidDried OctopusDried Crab
Dried Sea BassDried SwordfishDried Cero
Dried GreenlingDried FlatfishDried Grunt
Dried HerringDried WhitingDried Dolphinfish
Dried Striped CatfishDried Golden-ThreadDried Nibbler
Dried Smokey ChromisDried Rock HindDried Butterflyfish
Dried Diamond Minnow
Dried Seafood Ⅴ
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0176%.
Dried TunaDried ShellfishDried Freshwater Eel
Dried CuvierDried SunfishDried Skipjack
Dried SturgeonDried BassDried Crawfish
Dried Sea EelDried BluefishDried Pintado
Dried GurnardDried SandfishDried Grouper
Dried Leather CarpDried Barbel SteedDried Soho Bitterling
Dried PacuDried SmeltDried Grayling
Dried ClownfishDried Blue TangDried Checkerboard Wrasse
Dried PomfretDried Pearl Oyster FleshDried Lobster
Dried Diamond StarfishDried AbaloneDried Spotted Barbel
Dried Miho Spine Loach
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Purified WaterLightweight PlumeFancy Feather
Fine Lightweight PlumeFine Fancy Feather
Cooking Ingredients
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Wheat FlourBarley FlourPotato Flour
Sweet Potato FlourCorn FlourCooking Honey
High-Quality Cooking HoneyTop-Quality Cooking HoneyTeff Flour
Freekeh FlourGround Bird Meat
Precious Metal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
RubyResplendent RubySapphire
Resplendent SapphireTopazResplendent Topaz
EmeraldResplendent EmeraldDiamond
Resplendent DiamondLapis LazuliResplendent Lapis Lazuli
Silk Culture, Etc.
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Dusk Laden Cotton FabricCotton FabricFlax Fabric
SilkWoolInsectivore Plant Powder
Insectivore Plant SapPolished StoneEnhanced Flax Fabric
Black StoneChicken Feed-
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0248%.
Melted Iron ShardIron IngotMelted Lead Shard
Lead IngotMelted Copper ShardCopper Ingot
Melted Tin ShardTin IngotMelted Zinc Shard
Zinc IngotBrass IngotBronze Ingot
Melted Vanadium ShardVanadium IngotMelted Titanium Shard
Titanium IngotMelted Mythril ShardMythril Ingot
Melted Noc ShardNoc IngotNickel Ingot
Melted Nickel Shard
Precious Metal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Melted Silver ShardSilver IngotMelted Gold Shard
Gold IngotMelted Platinum ShardPlatinum Ingot
Polished OpalTranslucent CrystalMud Crystal
Red CrystalGreen CrystalBlack Crystal
Healing StoneViolet CrystalBlue Crystal
Brilliant OpalMagical Shard
Silk Culture, Etc.
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Graphite Ingot for UpgradeAdhesive for UpgradeSolar Black Stone
Lunar Black StoneResplendent Weapon Reform StoneResplendent Armor Reform Stone
Distilled WaterSaltSun-Dried Salt
Cotton YarnFlax ThreadSilk Thread
Knitting YarnLump of Raw SugarProcessed Coal
GlueConcentrated Magical Black Stone-
Prime Quality Material
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0152%.
Iridescent CoralPure Iron CrystalPure Lead Crystal
Pure Copper CrystalPure Tin CrystalPure Zinc Crystal
Pure Silver CrystalPure Gold CrystalPure Platinum Crystal
Sturdy Ash PlywoodSturdy Maple PlywoodSturdy Pine Plywood
Sturdy Birch PlywoodSturdy Fir PlywoodSturdy Cedar Plywood
Sturdy White Cedar PlywoodSturdy Acacia PlywoodSturdy Palm Plywood
Sturdy Elder Tree PlywoodPure Vanadium CrystalPure Titanium Crystal
Pure Mythril CrystalMoonlight OpalBlack Gold Ingot
Margoria Dark IronHard PillarJade Coral Ingot
Pine Coated PlywoodSturdy Thuja PlywoodUltimate Weapon Reform Stone
Ultimate Armor Reform StonePure Noc CrystalSturdy Moss Tree Plywood
Sturdy Loopy Tree PlywoodSturdy Thornwood PlywoodPure Nickel Crystal
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0156%.
Timber for UpgradeWhite Cedar TimberAcacia Timber
White Cedar PlankWhite Cedar PlywoodAcacia Plank
Acacia PlywoodAsh PlankAsh Plywood
Maple PlankMaple PlywoodPine Plank
Pine PlywoodBirch PlankBirch Plywood
Fir PlankFir PlywoodCedar Plank
Cedar PlywoodUsable ScantlingElder Tree Plank
Elder Tree PlywoodPalm PlankPalm Plywood
Ship Repair MaterialThuja PlankThuja Plywood
Standardized Timber SquareSturdy Timber SquareMoss Tree Plank
Moss Tree PlywoodLoopy Tree PlankLoopy Tree Plywood
Thornwood PlankThornwood Plywood
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Insectivore PlantNolinaPenestraria
Dalvenia AlreaToxic WatermelonDesert Herb
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.042%.
Bouquet MushroomLeccinumPurple Mushroom
Pie MushroomEyelash CupStar Anise Mushroom
Rainbow Button MushroomBlue Umbrella MushroomVolcanic Umbrella Mushroom
Pink Trumpet MushroomWhite Umbrella MushroomGreen Pendulous Mushroom
White Flower Mushroom
Crop Seed
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Pepper SeedGarlic SeedOnion Seed
Strawberry SeedHot Pepper SeedPumpkin Seed
Grape SeedSunflower SeedOlive Seed
Fig SeedStar Anise SeedNutmeg Seed
Freekeh SeedTeff SeedDelotia Seed
Wild Seed
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
Sunrise Herb SeedSilver Azalea SeedFire Flake Flower Seed
Dry Mane Grass SeedSilk Honey Grass SeedWild Ginseng Seed
Nolina SeedPenestraria SeedDalvenia Alrea Seed
Mushroom Stalk
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Fortune Teller Mushroom HyphaArrow Mushroom HyphaDwarf Mushroom Hypha
Cloud Mushroom HyphaSky Mushroom HyphaTiger Mushroom Hypha
Emperor Mushroom HyphaGhost Mushroom HyphaFog Mushroom Hypha
Hump Mushroom HyphaBluffer Mushroom HyphaAncient Mushroom Hypha
Amanita Mushroom HyphaTruffle Mushroom HyphaBouquet Mushroom Hypha
Leccinum HyphaPurple Mushroom HyphaPie Mushroom Hypha
Premium Elixir
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0101%.
Elixir of AmityElixir of ThornResurrection Elixir
Elixir of Human HuntElixir of FrenzyGolden Hand Elixir
Elixir of DrainingElixir of Demihuman HuntElixir of Perforation
Elixir of EnergyElixir of WingsElixir of Death
Elixir of WindElixir of SwiftnessElixir of Spells
Elixir of SealElixir of AssassinationElixir of Detection
Elixir of ConcentrationElixir of WillElixir of Fury
Elixir of ResistanceElixir of LifeElixir of Mentality
Grim Reaper's ElixirEXP ElixirDefense Elixir
Elixir of CarnageElixir of SkyElixir of Endurance
Worker's ElixirFisher's ElixirElixir of Burn Removal
Antidote ElixirElixir of HemostasisWhale Tendon Elixir
Perfume of CouragePerfume of SwiftnessKhalk's Elixir
Elixir of TimeElixir of TrainingMarking Reagent
Elixir of ShockElixir of Deep SeaWeenie Elixir
Looney ElixirSpirit Perfume ElixirHelix Elixir
Elixir of Fond MemoriesPerfume of CharmElixir of Skill
Elixir of MasteryElixir of LaborElixir of Armor
Leather and Timbering Processing Material
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.2732%.
Leather GlazePlywood Hardener
Liquid and Solid Processing Material
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0304%.
Legendary Beast's BloodTyrant's BloodClown's Blood
Sinner's BloodWise Man's BloodOil of Regeneration
Oil of StormsOil of FortitudeOil of Corruption
Oil of TranquilityHerbal PoisonHerbal Gunpowder
Clear Liquid ReagentPure Powder ReagentOil of the Abyss
Refined Delotia ReagentOil of EnchantmentCorrupt Oil of Immortality
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Veid LongswordJordine's LongswordYuria Longsword
Veid AxeJordine's AxeYuria Axe
Veid LongbowJordine's LongbowYuria Longbow
Veid AmuletJordine's AmuletYuria Amulet
Defense Gear
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Agerian HelmetAgerian ArmorAgerian Gloves
Agerian ShoesZereth HelmetZereth Armor
Zereth GlovesZereth Shoes
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1366%.
Steel DaggerAxion ShieldOros Ornamental Knot
Jubre Talisman
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Necklace of FortitudeNecklace of AwakeningNecklace of Veteran
Ruby EarringsAqua Ring
Mid-level Gathering Tools
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Thick Fishing RodFluteCane
Sharp Lumbering AxeSteel Lumbering AxeBronze Hoe
Steel HoeSharp Butcher KnifeSteel Butcher Knife
Sharp Tanning KnifeSteel Tanning KnifeSharp Pickaxe
Steel PickaxeBronze TweezersSteel Tweezers
Sharp Fluid CollectorSturdy Fluid Collector
Premium Gathering Tools
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0781%.
Shining Steel Lumbering AxeShining Steel HoeShining Steel Butcher Knife
Shining Steel Tanning KnifeShining Steel PickaxeShining Steel Tweezers
Shining Fluid Collector
Trading Specialties
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0781%.
Petrified LeafElion RosaryElion Branch Decoration
Azalea Petal WinePillaf Fleece FabricStatue of a Dragon Slayer
Ancient Coin Set
Usage Change Tool
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Adult BedLarge Straw BasketIntermediate Blacksmith Tool
Intermediate Carpentry ToolIntermediate Polishing ToolHigh-Quality Bed
High-Quality DrawersAdvanced Blacksmith ToolAdvanced Carpentry Tool
Advanced Polishing Tool
Siege Weapons
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Cannon Assembly KitCannonballSiege Command Post
Practice MatchlockBarricade
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0248%.
High-Quality Wagon FrameHigh-Quality Wagon AxleHigh-Quality Wagon Wheel
Wagon Registration: High-Quality WagonHigh-Quality Wagon Driver's BoxHigh-Quality Wagon Tent
High-Quality Wagon FlagHigh-Quality Wagon BadgeHigh-Quality Wagon Lamp
Large Wagon FrameMedium-Large Wagon FrameMedium-Small Wagon Frame
Large Wagon AxleMedium-Large Wagon AxleMedium-Small Wagon Axle
Large Wagon WheelMedium-Large Wagon WheelMedium-Small Wagon Wheel
Wagon Registration: Medium-Small WagonWagon Registration: Medium-Large WagonWagon Registration: Large Wagon
Ship License: Rowboat
Installment Tools I
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Heidelian Handcrafted High-Quality DrawersVelian Handcrafted High-Quality DrawersCalpheon Handcrafted Drawer
Heidelian Handcrafted WardrobeVelian Handcrafted WardrobeCalpheon Handcrafted Wardrobe
Heidelian Handcrafted TableVelian Handcrafted TableCalpheon Handcrafted Table
Calpheon Handcrafted High-Quality TableCalpheon Handcrafted Antique TableHeidelian Handcrafted Chair
Velian Handcrafted ChairCalpheon Handcrafted ChairHeidelian Bookshelf
Velian BookshelfCron Castle Gold Coin
Installments Tools II
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0342%.
Calpheon BookshelfHeidelian Handcrafted BedVelian Handcrafted Bed
Calpheon Handcrafted BedHandcrafted People of Serendia BookshelfHandcrafted People of Velia Bookshelf
Handcrafted People of Calpheon BookshelfHandcrafted Eastern Balenos Ecology BookcaseHandcrafted Serendia Ecology Bookshelf
Handcrafted Calpheon Ecology BookshelfHandcrafted Eastern Balenos Adventure BookshelfHandcrafted Serendia Adventure Bookshelf
Handcrafted Calpheon Adventure BookshelfHandcrafted Humor BookshelfHandcrafted Cooking Recipes Bookshelf
Handcrafted Alchemy Recipes Bookshelf
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.014%.
OpalWhite TinClear Quartz
Muddy QuartzRed QuartzGreen Quartz
Black QuartzRainbow StoneCoal
BloodstoneVolcanic RockVanadium Ore
Titanium OreMythril OreSoft Sandstone
Hard SandstoneNoc OreNickel Ore
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.026%.
Needle TreeBroadleaf TreePine Tree
BirchAsh TreeMaple
Cedar TreeFirOlive Tree
Apple TreeWhite CedarDried Old Tree
Palm TreeAcacia TreeElder Tree
Elder Tree TimberCactusThuja
Moss TreeLoopy TreeThornwood
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0321%.
Fruit TreeThicketDry Thicket
ShrubBushRed Shrub
Gray ShrubBig ShrubEverlasting Herb
Sunrise HerbSilver AzaleaFire Flake Flower
Dry Mane GrassSilk Honey GrassWild Herb
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Fortune Teller MushroomArrow MushroomDwarf Mushroom
Cloud MushroomSky MushroomTiger Mushroom
Emperor MushroomGhost MushroomFog Mushroom
Hump MushroomBluffer MushroomAncient Mushroom
Amanita MushroomTruffle Mushroom
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0124%.
StrawberryHot PepperPumpkin
CarrotCarrot SeedPotato
CornSweet PotatoWheat
Everlasting Herb SeedEggMilk
CabbageRoseBlue Rose
Date PalmPistachioFig
Star AniseNutmegFreekeh
TeffVedelonaPurple Pink Flower
Yellow FlowerSky Blue FlowerViolet Flower
Blue FlowerAudriaSaffron
Hazel Tree FruitMimosa Stalk
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0166%.
Black Wolf AlphaBlack WolfWhite-Tailed Deer
Young White-Tailed DeerGray Mane Mountain SheepGray Mane Mountain Lamb
CottonWhite Cedar SapAcacia Sap
Paste BaitTrace of NatureCactus Rind
Cactus ThornCactus SapGlossy Bone Piece
Thuja SapDead Tree EssenceThornwood Sap
Thornwood PricklePoisonous Thornwood PrickleDelotia Essence
Common Trade Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.5464%.
Treant Root
Balenos General Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Bartali's Odd AdventureImp Totem FragmentTree Spirit Seed
Tree Spirit SproutRovant's Self-Protection AmuletHome Medicine Brewer
Luxuries of Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Velian Crystal GlassVelian Black OpalLucky Fish Statue
Iliya CoralLove Potion No. 6
Food of Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Velian Smoked ChickenVelian WineSpecial Balenos Herb
Loggia Potato StarchToscani Corn OilVelian Fresh Egg
Red Parasitic Bee HoneyBalenos Smoked PorkIliya Salt Pot
Olvia Mountain CheeseOlvia Grape Jam
Medicine of Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Alchemist's Red ReagentAlchemist's Blue ReagentOgre Excrement
Bunch of Silver Azalea RootsSpecial Fragrant Rat PoisonEmergency Medicine Set
Attire of Balenos
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1366%.
Fox FurWeasel ScarfBear Hide Cape
Shaia Traditional Hat
Serendia General Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0546%.
Cutting-Edge Dwarf Tool PackWishing KitePumpkin Lamp
Costa Chemical-Free FertilizerMoretti Straw PileMagic Binding Oak Branch
Freharau's Dry MudWad of Bush Spider CobwebRebel Supply Package
Black Marsh Peat
Food of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
275 Year-Old Porodonio WineFan Flamingo EggGolden Parasitic Bee Honey
Costa Potato StarchMoretti Flour SackFogan Skin Oil
Dried Fogan Hind LegFresh Fogan Egg
Munitions of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Heidel Knights Martial Arts ManualLynch Family's Secret CannonballFogan Crescent Spear
Poisoned ArrowheadConfiscated Naga Weapon
Attire of Serendia
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.1093%.
Madame Pillaf's Ribbon SetLebyos' Leather ShoesSerendia Lynch Fleece
Moretti Flax FabricSpider Web Vest
Calpheon General Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
Pallet Moving SetCalpheon Slum AntiqueEpheria Fish Harpoon
Silver Fish SkinCaphras SteamerCohen Fish Trap
Pack of Old BooksAnti-Petrifying AmuletFalres' Fertilizer Sack
Oberen's Mushroom SeedlingCorn Leaf MatMarni's Oak Barrel
Living Rock ChunkConfiscated Smuggled GoodsReptile Repellent
Trent Carpentry ToolSpirit of Earth SculptureTrained Pigeon
Reed Basket
Luxuries of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Stimi ChandelierTeviral Scented CandleEmperor's Portrait
Pearl NecklaceFlorin Scented CandleHarpy Feather Fan
Mossy Ancient StatueBunch of Fresh TulipsDias' Eagle Statue
Bunch of High-Quality ParchmentBlack Leopard SculpturePerson Thinking of Oze
Gianin Purple DyeAmber AccessoryBehr Bugle
Food of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0288%.
Packaged Pig BarbecueFish SausageDried Cornelian Cherry
Cohen Dried ShrimpWorker's LunchLeight Ale
Big Harpy EggKeplan Ginger TeaGrilled Kuku Bird Egg
Bain Corn NoodlesGianin Flower TeaBehr Sausage
Sunflower Seed OilPreserved FishBunch of Kebina Roots
Sack of Seulbi BudsRed Raw LiverTough Plant Root
Root Nymph Pickled Fish
Medicine of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Calpheon Slum AidEpheria Fish OilValentine Salve
Cure-All OintmentContaminated Herb BundleValkyrie Painkiller
Ominous Black MercuryChimera's Black FragmentStone Rat's Tail
Beacon Towers Burn MedicationWyvern's Gastric JuiceWaterproofing Elixir
Spell Powder PotLiving Tree BranchWhite Salve
Munitions of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0455%.
Cannon MoldEpheria Floating BombDented Steel Armor
Retrieved Troop ShieldTroll Hunting PoisonSaunil Steel Weapon
Lizard HelmetHarpy MegaphoneGray Stone Rat Powder
Catfishman HarpoonRhutum CannonballTrident Arrowhead
Attire of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0497%.
Aurobyl FabricNymph Costume SetBunch of Soft Harpy Feather
Water Buffalo Hide BackpackHarpy Feather CapeMiner's Work Uniform
Falres' Leather BootsForest CamouflageBehr Leather Fabric
Mega Crocodile HideMansha Forest Camouflage
Material of Calpheon
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.039%.
Calpheon Workshop Steel IngotTroll ClubBundle of Manehair
Northern Wheat Plantation HaystackKhuturo Cave Tin NuggetOminous Black Ore
Glutoni MucusDark Red Ore ChunkSerendia Western Gateway Raw Material
Steel Tree BarkTrent Specialty WoodTreant Sprout
Kaia Herb BundleSack of Shells
Marine General Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Truffle Mushroom SeedlingMysterious MedicineSwellfish Skin Wallet
Bunch of Blue RosesDim Lotus LampGolden Dragon Ink Slab
Marine Luxury
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0607%.
Whole King CrabCaviarCoarse Sun-Dried Salt
Clam BoxLouruvian OysterDried Herb Leaf
Seagull EggGentian WineOriental Spice
Marine Materials
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Opal NuggetBunch of Fire Flake FlowersOrange Crab Shell
Pile of Duch Sunrise HerbsSack of Fine SandBig Beryl
Balenos Imperial Trade Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Balenos Top Quality SilkBalenos Top Quality Bear HideBalenos Bay Pearl Necklace
Balenos Top-Quality Tea LeafAncient Slate CeramicsMysteriously Shining Stone
Top-Quality Wheat SeedUnderfoe's Improved MatchlockSorcery Skeleton Candle Holder
Blue Ford DyeTop-Quality Tulip PerfumeNutmeg
Red Ford DyeVelia Premium TelescopeUnderfoe's Decorative Sword
Serendia Imperial Trade Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Serendia Top-Quality CarpetLuxurious Aristocratic BadgeHeidel Golden Statue
Heidelian Top-Quality Leather BundleTop-Quality Crystal ChandelierBundle of 100 Stones for Wall Repairs
Master's Glass Tea CupTop-Quality Ivory OrnamentGolden Kuku Bird Egg Decoration
Praying Woman Glass FigurineHeidel Paper Manufacturing MethodMaster's Glassware
Heidel Silver CandlestandHeidel Knights Silver Shield DecorationBundle of 100 Wagon Wheels
Calpheon Imperial Trade Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0364%.
Loah PerfumeShiny CannonballBundle of 100 Wood for Barricades
Red Gemstone Lip GlossSilver Magnifying GlassesHerb Diamond Ring
Trent Top-Quality WhiskySpellbound Glass ShoesBundle of 100 Swords for Knights
Calpheon Silverware SetSpellbound Silver DaggerResplendent Sapphire Earring
Silver Star-Shaped EarringSnail Slime CreamBundle of 100 Hides for Horse Saddles
Balenos Smuggled Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Angelic PowderForbidden NovelSlate of Ancient Stone Chamber
Pumpkin Ghost SeedUndiluted Poisonous Herb SolutionEschatological Prophecy
Serendia Smuggled Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0911%.
Honorable Right FootGlishnomiconForged Aristocracy Certificate
Heathen's Torture DeviceXian Merchant Guild Bribe AccountsHeathen Amulet
Calpheon Smuggled Goods
The probabilty of obtaining any Knowledge of the related categories is 0.0683%.
Emperor's ArtifactTreant HeartBig Black Stone Nugget
Unauthorized WhiskyImproved GunpowderProtester Supplies
Tree of LuckRed Birthstone
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.